First aid for frostbite

1. First provide assistance as needed.
kah hypothermia (see later in this chapter).
2. Treat the affected part of both

Carefully, never rub it because this will cause even more damage.
3. Avoid sudden warming of a frostbitten person.
body parts.
4. Warm the frostbitten part of the body with your hands
or other parts of the body.
5. When the frostbitten part of the body is not
is of normal color, immerse it in
melt water at 38-42°C. If the water feels like you
causes a feeling of discomfort, which means
na too hot.
6. Keep the injured body part warm.
pour water until frostbitten
Lenka will not turn red and will not become warm
7. Bandage the damaged area with a dry
sterile bandage. With frostbite
place cotton wool between your fingers and toes
or gauze. Do not pop blisters that form.
Transport the victim as soon as possible
to the doctor.