Fitness for varicose veins: pros and cons

According to statistics, varicose veins occur in 30% of people over 25 years of age. And the age group is getting younger and younger. Doctors suggest preventing and even treating varicose veins through fitness. But just recently it was believed that in this case it is categorically contraindicated. So how to “fix” your legs?

A little history. Although it is believed that varicose veins are a child of civilization, here is a fact: during excavations in Egypt, a mummy was found with signs of varicose veins. This was confirmed by references in Egyptian papyri and the Byzantine code of laws on medicine. This disease was called "the disease that knocks you down."

Stages of development of varicose veins

Skin pigmentation, it becomes dry, brown spots appear, pain and swelling of the legs bothers us, more so in the evenings and in the afternoon. Veins increase in size, change in shape, and their elasticity decreases. Trophic disorders appear in the form of poorly healing wounds, similar to eczema and even ulcers.

A phlebologist will help you determine at what stage your disease is. It is also important to understand the cause of the disease. In most cases, this is a sedentary lifestyle, heredity, static loads, weakness of connective tissue, problems with blood circulation, pregnancy. The mechanisms that trigger it are not yet fully understood. But not the least role is played by heredity, the impact of hormonal levels on the venous system (pregnancy, childbirth, menopause) and lifestyle (and this is a very broad concept). Doctors believe that it is impossible to insure yourself 100% against varicose veins.

Fitness: ban or not?

Usually, if a person is diagnosed with varicose veins, he believes that now his way to the gym is closed. But this is not entirely true. You'll just have to reconsider some loads and sports that will not cause harm, and even heal. But everything should happen under the supervision of a doctor and fitness instructor. Varicose veins are divided into three main stages. Do not forget that at different stages of the disease a certain physical activity is necessary. And one more thing: you can play sports only in compression garments. It supports the venous walls under severe stress.

The first stage, or "nodules"

The legs do not swell or hurt yet, but wreaths appear under the skin on the legs, and individual nodules appear in a standing position. Ultrasound shows a different picture, from individual dilated ducts to various valve insufficiency, i.e. there are already circulatory disorders.

What you can do: exercise on weight machines. But you will have to choose those that will create the least load on the veins. More emphasis on stretching and warming up before training. Warming up will warm up the muscles, and minimal exercise will help avoid thrombophlebitis.

You should not get carried away with aerobic training on a treadmill.

Second stage - severity

In addition to the protruding veins and nodules, there was a constant feeling of heaviness in the legs. Towards evening, slight swelling appears in the ankle area.

You can do swimming and water aerobics. Don't forget also about yoga and Pilates - many exercises are performed in a lying position and even with your legs raised up, and this is useful for varicose veins. There is no shock load on the legs during swimming and water aerobics. Water pressure prevents blood from stagnating. As for yoga, most of the exercises here are given to work the internal muscles and are performed slowly, which allows you to monitor your condition.

You cannot exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike, or power aerobics. It is better to completely exclude step and power loads on the legs, like running and jumping.

Third stage. To the first two symptoms, one more is added: if you stand or sit for a long time, swelling appears in the legs and the skin darkens.

You can swim, but only in warm water. You will have to eliminate additional stress on your legs. But you need to walk, but at the same time carefully monitor your well-being and don’t