How to psychologically survive the events of Euromaidan

Euromaidan is an event that will forever go down in the history of Ukraine. Bloody events on Grushevsky Street, endless streams of information in the media and social networks, unrest and uncertainty about the future - all this can cause stress and panic in people. However, there are several ways that will help you psychologically survive the events of Euromaidan.

  1. Don't suppress your emotions. It's normal to feel ashamed or afraid of your emotions, but not acceptable in a stressful situation. Give yourself permission to feel what you feel. If you want to cry, cry. If you need to scream, scream. This will help you cope with your emotions and relieve tension.

  2. Filter information. Don't read every news that comes to you. Choose reliable and verified sources of information that will not fuel your anxiety.

  3. Communicate with loved ones. Talk about your emotions with friends and family. The support of loved ones and the feeling that you are not alone can help you cope with stress.

  4. Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle. Try to get enough sleep, eat right and exercise. This will help you relieve tension and maintain energy.

  5. Don't make decisions out of passion. If you want to do something, think about it carefully. Ask yourself a few questions: why are you doing this, what options are there, what will your actions lead to, how can you influence the situation. If you cannot give yourself clear answers, then it is better not to make decisions in passion.

  6. Don't forget about yourself. Find time for hobbies and relaxation. This will help you take your mind off your problems and recharge your energy.

  7. Help others. If you can help other people, it can be a source of satisfaction and balance for you. Helping others makes you feel useful and important.

  8. Seek support. If you cannot cope with stress on your own, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Psychologists and counselors can help you cope with stress and find solutions to problems.

  9. Keep your mind in your hands. Don't let your emotions take over. Don't make any hasty conclusions or decisions. Remember that even the most difficult situations can be overcome.

  10. Look for the positive. There is a place for positivity in any situation, and Euromaidan is no exception. Try to find positive aspects in what is happening, for example, strengthening the spirit of the people, mutual assistance and solidarity, as well as opportunities for personal growth and development.

Finally, remember that everyone experiences stress differently, and there is no one right way to deal with it. The main thing is not to be afraid to ask for help and support if you feel that you cannot cope on your own.