How to do a honey massage

Honey massage is another type of cosmetic massage and is truly a wonderful discovery for people. With its help, you can keep your body in good shape, improving these indicators every day. It is considered one of the popular types of massage, which includes the benefits of physical effects on the body (elimination of sagging skin, cellulite, loss of elasticity), but also a therapeutic effect, which is reflected in the form of the effects of biologically active substances and minerals.

We recommend reading an article in which you will learn how to do a honey massage at home.

Naturally, the main and useful part of the entire procedure is honey. In combination with massage techniques, honey enhances its healing properties several times. By itself, honey is a very healthy product. It contains useful minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, and iron. In addition to all this, the composition includes a large number of vitamins: C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6.

Honey massage

The procedure has a positive effect on the entire body, leaving after use a feeling of lightness and calmness.

The benefits of honey massage

Honey therapy has therapeutic, health-improving and cosmetic effects on the body. Due to specially carried out techniques, honey is very quickly absorbed into the skin, which leads to the active effect of honey components in metabolism. As you know, natural vitamins contained in honey are more actively involved in the life of the body than synthetic ones.

Intensive skin cleansing

With the help of honey, active cleansing of the skin occurs, since in addition to all the positive qualities, an element of slight peeling is included. Due to the fact that during the massage blood flow increases and skin respiration improves, toxins are perfectly absorbed. Penetrating deep into the tissues of the body, honey absorbs all accumulated toxins and waste. Literally, after 20 minutes of massage, not a trace will remain of the transparent honey. In its place will be dirty yellow and gray flakes.

Positive effect on human internal organs

Everyone knows very well that internal organs have a continuous connection with the skin. By influencing the skin, we have a direct effect on the internal organs. During the massage, internal organs are cleansed of toxins, and all metabolic processes in the body are also accelerated.

Normalization of all joints

During the massage with honey, the function of all joints is restored. Honey perfectly nourishes all tissues, which subsequently affects the treatment of many diseases. Osteochondrosis and other joint problems are perfectly cured.

Normalization of the nervous system

Honey also does not bypass the nervous system, having a positive effect. It can be considered an excellent preventive measure for mental and physical fatigue. Honey therapy also works well with stress, sleep disorders, and depressive diseases.

Improved skin condition

This procedure is widely used in cosmetology. In particular, anti-cellulite massage with honey is used to combat excess weight. Facial massage with honey is used to resolve small scars and scars. To verify the effectiveness of this massage, just type “honey massage reviews” in the search bar and you will see for yourself the results that can be achieved.

Unfortunately, not everyone can experience the miraculous properties of honey. So, what contraindications need to be taken into account:

  1. oncological diseases;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. insufficiency of kidney and liver function;

Special contraindication

Allergy to honey. This is a very important point that must be checked before applying the procedure, since the consequences can be disastrous. Just before starting the massage course, apply a small amount of honey to the skin and evaluate the reaction. If nothing is found, you can proceed with the procedure.

Honey massage technique

Linden and flower honey is most often used for massage. The quality of honey also depends on effective results. In this case, it is best to choose honey directly from the beekeeper. There is no risk of running into low-quality honey.

How to do a honey massage

For massage it is best to use linden honey

Honey for massage can be candied or liquid. Many people believe that when honey is candied, it loses all its beneficial properties. It is not true. The fructose crystallization process does not interfere with the biologically active properties of honey. In this case, the candied honey must be brought to a liquid state. A “water bath” is used for this.

As a useful addition, you can use natural essential oils: lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, juniper, tangerine, orange, etc.

So, let's move on to answering the question: how to massage with honey?

  1. The first step is to perform a general warming muscle massage that will completely warm up the body.
  2. Afterwards, apply honey to the warmed body with massaging movements and begin to rub the honey into the skin. Gradually the honey will thicken - this is a sign that it is necessary to move on to the next stage.
  3. The massage therapist begins to perform techniques using the method of sticking and unsticking the massage therapist’s hands from the patient’s body. The nature of adhesion can be different: sharp and soft. You should start with a soft one, gradually increasing the sharpness.
  4. Then comes alternating hands or sticking both hands. In addition, sticking is used not with the entire palm, but only with the fingers. It all depends on the client's pain threshold.
  5. When the client becomes uncomfortable, the massage changes from a more intense one to a softer one.
  6. Afterwards, the massage therapist uses a hot towel to remove all the formed flakes, then a warm compress is applied. After this, the massage therapist moves to the next zone. An important point of a honey massage is the shower. After all procedures, you must take a shower.
  7. A good final part of the massage is to lubricate the body with moisturizer. This is at the discretion of the client.

By using the honey procedure regularly, you will not only completely cleanse your body of toxins and excess weight, but also gain an inexhaustible source of health and excellent mood.