Body massage oil: types and methods of use

Massage and self-massage allow us to have a blooming appearance and good health. And so that the procedure proceeds without a hitch, and the result exceeds all expectations, massage oil is an integral part of the session.

Essential oils are very beneficial for our body and have many beneficial properties. They help our skin gain a soft, silky appearance, are good for our hair, and some can stop inflammatory processes. That is why natural oils are often used to create massage oils.

It is important to use natural essential and vegetable oils for massage so that the effect of the procedure shows maximum therapeutic and cosmetic results.

But to use essential oils, you first need to become familiar with the dosage and proper use. To avoid unforeseen situations, do an allergy test. And in order to correctly compose the required composition, you need to take into account the properties of each component and their compatibility.

You've probably heard that essential oils cannot be applied to the skin in their pure form. This is why essential oils are used as an additive to the main base oil in the correct ratio. From this we can conclude that the choice of base oil plays an important role. As a rule, base oils should be well absorbed, not leave a greasy film and spread well.

Massage oil

The oil has a beneficial effect on the body and skin condition

Base oils

To choose a good and effective base oil, you need to focus on its basic properties. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of oils that are most often used as a base.

Almond oil

As a rule, almond oil is very suitable for facial massage, and in particular for the area around the eyes. Almond-based massage oil has also shown excellent results when massaging the head. This procedure is very beneficial for hair. Fragility and split ends are eliminated after a series of treatments.

Almond-based body massage oil helps fight cellulite very well. Anti-cellulite massage using this oil will exceed all your expectations. In addition, this elixir is very good to add to mixtures for sprains.

Apricot kernel oil

This oil contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, which undoubtedly have a positive effect on the condition of our body. It can be used in combination with almost any massage mixtures.

This oil has a very pleasant, light aroma that has an invigorating effect on the body. Very well suited for composing massage mixtures for cellulite. It also has a positive effect on aging and sagging skin of the face and body.

Jojoba oil

This oil is different from all types of body massage oils. It has no odor as such. It can be used for all skin types. It absorbs very well without leaving behind any greasy shine.

Gives a very good positive effect when making mixtures for hair strengthening and growth. In general, it improves the condition of the scalp.

Coconut oil

Coconut-based massage oil should be chosen with special care. Preference should be given to refined oil. Of course, in some cases unrefined is used, but it has a specific unpleasant odor, and it can also lead to clogging of pores.

It is used for body and head massage, helps to cope with the problem of split ends, creating a protective barrier against the influence of aggressive external factors: natural conditions, detergents, styling products, etc. This oil has a moisturizing and nourishing effect, and is good for flaky skin and cracks.

Grape seed oil

Most often, grape seed oil is used to create a mixture in anti-cellulite massage. It is not recommended for use by those who have oily and problematic skin. It perfectly helps eliminate the first signs of aging: smoothes out fine wrinkles, gives elasticity to the skin, thoroughly moisturizing it.

It is especially good to use this oil in the summer, when our skin is most susceptible to the negative effects of sunlight.

Shea Butter

This oil is an excellent basis for composing a massage mixture for cellulite, and also helps eliminate the first signs of aging and give the skin elasticity. Shea butter also helps to cope with hair problems, strengthening and protecting against negative factors.

Quite often it is used for medicinal purposes, adding to mixtures for rheumatism and back pain. This oil is very good to use in summer, as it has a slight sunscreen effect.

Massage oil

The oil can be used for medicinal purposes

Properties of essential oils

Truly, essential oils have healing properties. But, it is important to know which oils can be combined and which cannot, in what proportions they should be used and what results can be achieved. If you decide to prepare your own massage mixture, you should know what properties a certain oil has. Depending on the end result you want to achieve, different oils are used. When preparing the mixture, skin type is also taken into account.

For headaches

Lemon, lavender, basil, mint and clove oils are used to prepare a massage mixture against headaches. All you need to do is add 5 drops of any of the listed oils to 10 ml. rosehip oil, wheat germ oil, jojoba or avocado.

The prepared mixture will not only help relieve headaches, but also soften the scalp and relieve tension.

For nervous tension

In addition to massage, oils are very good to add to the bath. A warm bath with essential oils will perfectly relieve stress after a hard day at work. Take a warm bath with an approximate temperature of 36 degrees, add a few drops of wheat germ oil, you can add some citrus fruits: tangerine oil, grapefruit oil, etc., relax and enjoy.

If you take such a bath before bed, your sleep will be sound and sweet. The next day you will be full of strength and energy. After taking a bath, you can apply massage cream with light stroking movements.

For problem skin

Orange, chamomile, and sandalwood oils will help relieve flaking and excessive dryness of the skin. Clove and chamomile oil will help relieve inflammation.

Having studied in detail the properties of essential oils, you yourself will be able to create massage mixtures that will have the properties necessary for your case, positively affecting the entire body as a whole.