Mediastinotomy Transsternal

Transsternal mediastinotomy

Transsternal mediastinotomy is a surgical operation in which access to the mediastinum is achieved by cutting the sternum.

The operation is indicated for tumors, cysts and other pathological formations in the mediastinum. Transsternal access provides a good overview and makes it possible to perform radical removal of tumors.

Operation technique:

  1. A skin incision is made along the sternum, from the jugular notch to the xiphoid process.

  2. The sternum is incised with a cross-cut saw or chisel.

  3. The edges of the incised sternum are spread apart with special raspatory tools.

  4. The mediastinum is exposed.

  5. The pathological focus is removed.

  6. Hemostasis is performed.

  7. Drainage is installed.

  8. The sternum is secured with metal sutures or staples.

  9. The wound is sutured layer by layer.

Transsternal mediastinotomy allows direct access to the structures of the mediastinum and safe radical intervention. However, the operation is traumatic and is accompanied by a high risk of postoperative complications.

Mediastinostomy transsternalis

Transsternal mediastinostomy is a surgical method of accessing the organs and tissues of the mediastinum of the chest through an incision in the sternum (mediastinital space) and the upper part of the chest (episternum). This type of access is widely used in cardiology and thoracic surgery to perform various operations on organs located in the mediastinum of the chest, such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, large vessels and nerve trunks.

The purpose of the procedure is to provide access to the necessary organs and tissues of the mediastinum of the chest through the open intercostal spaces. In addition, this procedure can be used for diagnosis, treatment, and other studies of organs and tissues in the chest.

Manipulation techniques

Typically, during mediastinal transternal surgery, the surgeon makes three main incisions:

1. Left sternal incision: This is a long incision that begins to the left of the middle hypochondrium.