Melanoblastosis Congenital Neurocutaneous

Melanoblastosis is a special type of malignant tumor. They are nodular formations that are localized in the area of ​​nerve trunks or nodes. These tumors are the result of uncontrolled division and development of one or more chromosome structures. The condition is characterized by constant growth and proliferation of nodules, which is why

Melanoblastic neurocutaneous syndrome is a rare hereditary disease of the skin and nervous system associated with a mutation in the NF1 gene. The gene mutation is caused by an absence or defect in the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene, which is responsible for the synthesis of a protein that affects the development of the nervous system.

In some patients, a melanoblastic neurocutaneous lesion is the only symptom of a mutation in NF1, while in others the disease may be associated with other neoplastic diseases such as leiomyoma and lipoma.

A melanoblactic lesion is a flat skin lesion that begins as a dark patch with irregular edges, later appearing as small grayish-brown