Myths About Childbirth

Myths about childbirth

Many expectant mothers are afraid of the upcoming birth. However, reality often differs from common myths about pregnancy and childbirth. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Myth 1. Pregnancy is immediately noticeable.

In fact, the first weeks of pregnancy usually pass unnoticed. There may be no obvious symptoms, so a pregnancy test will help accurately determine the condition.

Myth 2. A pregnant woman experiences unusual taste preferences.

Although this happens, most often tastes do not change. The main thing is a balanced diet and vitamins. Then there will be no desire to eat something exotic.

Myth 3. Pregnant women should not do anything.

No! You can lead an active lifestyle, work, travel. Of course, you should avoid excessive stress, but staying at home for 9 months is not at all necessary.

Myth 4. After giving birth, your figure will no longer be the same.

Is not a fact. With proper nutrition, moderate exercise and taking care of your skin, you can maintain good shape and quickly return to it after childbirth.

Myth 5. It is better for a man not to be present during childbirth.

On the contrary, the support of a loved one is very important for a woman at this moment. If partners trust each other, giving birth together will only strengthen their relationship.

The main thing to remember: every woman is unique. Rely on how your body feels and don't be afraid to experiment to find what works for you. Happy and easy birth!