
Cardamom: a spice with a long history

Cardamom is an interesting and versatile plant that, in addition to being used in cooking, is used medicinally for its medicinal properties.

Botanical description

Cardamom is native to southwestern India, where it is grown in cultivated plantings, as well as in Java, Sri Lanka and other tropical areas. It is a herbaceous perennial that can reach over 4 m in height. The plant has a powerful fleshy rhizome, from which arises a false stem formed by the bases of the leaves with long inflorescences of 3-6 flowers. Linear-lanceolate leaves reach 70 cm in length and 8 cm in width. In the axils of narrow 3-4 cm covering leaves there is 1 flower. The corolla consists of 3 yellow narrow petals. The fruit is a 3-lobed capsule, the size of which varies among different varieties. Successful cultivation requires rich soil and a warm, humid climate.

Collection and preparation

Cardamom harvesting begins 3 years after planting, when the plant reaches maturity. The main flowering occurs in January-March, and fruit harvesting occurs in October-December, respectively. Harvesting cardamom is quite labor-intensive, since the fruits ripen at different times, even in the same inflorescence. Harvesting begins shortly before full ripening so that the seeds do not fall out of the box. From the third to the seventh year, the yield increases, then decreases very quickly. Therefore, after seven years, new plantings are planted.

Use in medicine

Cardamom contains essential oil, fatty oil, sugar, protein, gums and a lot of starch. It has many medicinal properties, such as stimulating digestion, reducing flatulence, and stimulating appetite. Cardamom tea in its pure form is rarely used, but herbal preparations, mainly alcohol extracts, are the main part of various digestive aids.

Use in cooking

Cardamom is widely used in cooking as a flavoring, such as in Christmas baking dough, usually along with anise, cinnamon and cloves. He also flavors fruit dishes and compotes. It is known that the Greeks and Romans did this. Cardamom is also added to various Asian dishes such as curries, briyani, masala, as well as the popular drink masala chai. Cardamom can also be used in combination with other spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and cloves to create unique flavor combinations.


Cardamom is an interesting and multifunctional plant that is used in medicine and cooking. It has many beneficial properties and adds a unique taste to dishes and drinks. If you haven't tried cardamom yet, try adding it to your recipes and enjoy its aroma and taste.