Nose not breathing? We treat a runny nose!

A runny nose is one of the most common diseases that can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly. Therefore, if you have a stuffy nose and cannot see a doctor, you can use folk remedies to treat a runny nose. In this article, we will look at several effective methods that will help you quickly get rid of nasal congestion.

Nasal rinsing

One of the most popular ways to treat a runny nose is rinsing the nose. This method removes mucus from the sinuses and restores normal breathing. To rinse your nose, you can use a solution of sea salt or infusions of herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage or St. John's wort. If you do not have a special device for rinsing your nose, you can rinse with a syringe.

Oil-based drops

Oil-based drops can be used to moisten the nasal passages. They have a gentle effect on the respiratory tract and do not dry out the mucous membranes. They can be easily prepared at home: mix equal amounts of sea buckthorn and vegetable oil, hold for 20 minutes in a water bath. Instill the product warm while lying down (3 drops in each nostril). You can also add 3-5 drops of oil to a bowl of boiling water, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam.

Uses of parsley root

Parsley root has a strong antibacterial effect and can help get rid of a runny nose quickly. Grate the parsley root and pour 0.5 boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain and heat, and then breathe in the fumes for 10-15 minutes.

Warming up the nose

Warming the nose is another effective way to treat a runny nose. To do this, you can take a small bag of coarse salt or use a boiled egg. Place a bag of salt on the bridge of your nose and warm it. If you don’t want to bother with the bag, warm your nose with a boiled egg.

Additional Tips

To avoid getting a runny nose, avoid hypothermia. At the same time, try to be outdoors more often. Visit the sauna at least once every two weeks: the therapeutic effects of steam will strengthen the body's defenses. You can harden not only the body as a whole, but also the nasopharynx: gargle with water, gradually lowering its temperature by 1 degree. It is also useful to steam your feet or take a warm bath with sea salt and sleep in socks with dry mustard poured into them.

In conclusion, a runny nose may seem like a minor ailment, but if not treated on time, it can lead to serious complications. Use folk remedies to treat a runny nose, but do not forget about precautions such as avoiding hypothermia and regularly visiting the sauna. If symptoms of a runny nose continue for more than 7-10 days or are accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, be sure to consult a doctor for professional help.