How to quit smoking for sure?

Smoking has long ceased to be a fashionable and acceptable way of life. Many people understand that smoking is harmful to health, however, simply quitting this habit is not so easy. In this article, we will look at several important factors why you should quit smoking, and what methods will help you get rid of this bad habit.

Incentives for quitting smoking

Smoking negatively affects human health, causing various diseases and premature aging of the body. In addition, toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke have a harmful effect on the environment, which can lead to various diseases in loved ones. Moreover, many men believe that non-smoking women are more attractive and likable.

Methods to combat smoking

Quitting smoking on your own can be extremely difficult, and many people succeed only after 7-8 attempts. One of the most effective methods of combating smoking is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). NRT medications help people focus on overcoming mental addiction by maintaining a certain level of nicotine in the blood.

One of the first nicotine replacement therapy drugs, Nicorette®, was created in 1969 to help Swedish submariners. There are different types of NRT available today, including gummies and 16-hour patches. When using a transdermal patch, the body receives the minimum required dose of therapeutic nicotine, which allows you to relieve nicotine withdrawal.

Using NRT can help a person who has decided to quit smoking to cope with nicotine addiction more easily. To do this, simply apply the patch to an intact area of ​​skin in the morning and remove it before bed. Its 16-hour duration provides sustenance to smokers throughout the day, helping them cope with withdrawal symptoms.


Quitting smoking is difficult, but possible. Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the most effective methods of combating smoking, which helps cope with nicotine addiction and increases the chances of quitting smoking forever. If you decide to quit smoking, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice and support.