Object of the Civil Defense Medical Service

The facility of the Medical Service of Civil Defense (CHD CS) is a treatment-and-prophylactic, sanitary-preventive, pharmacy, research medical facility or medical educational institution that performs civil defense tasks.

As part of civil defense, the Compulsory Medical Inspectorate carries out measures to ensure the stability of the facility, protect personnel and patients from weapons of mass destruction and prepare for the deployment of civil defense units, liquidation of the consequences of attacks, natural disasters or industrial accidents.

As a rule, compulsory medical insurance is part of the healthcare system and has its own structure and functions. It may include various units, such as a medical building, an emergency department, a pharmacy, a research laboratory, etc.

However, compulsory health insurance is not a medical institution in the traditional sense. Its main task is to ensure the safety and stability of the facility in civil defense conditions. In this regard, it has certain features and requirements that distinguish it from other medical institutions.

For example, compulsory medical insurance may have special premises and equipment for carrying out measures to protect personnel and patients from weapons of mass destruction. In addition, it may be equipped with communications and warning equipment, as well as emergency plans and instructions.

Thus, compulsory medical insurance plays an important role in ensuring the safety of the facility and the population in conditions of civil defense and is an important element of the healthcare system.

The civil defense medical service facility is a unique place in the world where scientific research and medical practice are conducted in the field of protecting the population in emergency situations. The facility includes various medical institutions that can provide medical assistance in the event of various disasters, both for patients in medical institutions and for professional workers of other economic facilities in the event of a medical evacuation. It also includes an educational institution.

The purpose of educational programs is to train students, residents and graduate students in medical theory and practice, as well as prepare them for work in extreme conditions. The structure of the educational process consists of theoretical, practice-oriented, managerial and scientific modules. The development of social activity of students and the motivation of teaching staff leads to an increase in the effectiveness of training, and the practical orientation of classes contributes to the formation and development of a doctor’s competence. The use of simulation training allows for the formation and development of clinical thinking skills, differential diagnosis, selection of rational treatment tactics, and development of methods of preventive measures for patients with the most common pathologies. In addition, educational programs are characterized by the ability to adapt to the system of continuing medical education, implemented by the European Association for Continuing Medical Education (EACME) and focused on the consistent development of the educational program with monitoring of achievements and assessment of students’ competencies at each stage of mastering competencies . The study of educational practices aimed at the implementation of continuing medical education (CME) programs contributes to the development and optimization of educational technologies, the information environment and the motivation system for teaching staff, makes it possible to organize a system for monitoring and improving the quality of training of clinical residents, as well as to effectively develop medical competencies in based on international criteria under the auspices of the World Health Organization and the Council of Europe.

The activities of the educational institution are concentrated on the development and implementation of educational program materials, grouped into modules and special work programs that allow learning to be methodically consistent with the predicted development of educational situations. Specific recommendations for technology for optimizing training sessions are formed on the basis of traditional and innovative teaching methods using modern pedagogical approaches, including: conducting practical classes in a simulation class, integrating multimedia technologies into the educational process, developing and implementing active and interactive forms of conducting classes,