Pevznera Diet

Pevsner diet

The word “diet” means a way of life, a certain diet for recovery and weight loss. But in addition, there are special diets: potato diet, oatmeal diet, pasta diet for weight loss, etc. They help not only lose weight, but also, if necessary, maintain the desired body shape.

***What is the essence of this diet:*** 1. Dividing the daily diet into 5-6 times. With this diet, the stomach works more often, and the load on the digestion and circulatory system is greatly reduced. Accordingly, problems with gas formation and flatulence arise less often. 2. Reducing the amount of fat to 70-75 grams 3. Fermented milk products with low fat content 4. Systematic intake of large amounts of liquid. It ensures accelerated kidney function and enhances intestinal motility. 5. Limiting salt intake. Contrary to popular belief, salt (sodium chloride) does little to help you lose weight, but excessive consumption can even slow down your metabolism. 6. Compliance with the drinking regime helps with weight loss 7. Portions. Their size must necessarily correspond to the norm of human physiological needs. For girls, the portion should be smaller, since their body is prone to overconsumption of nutrients. The male norm will be excessive for a woman. This may lead to poor health in the future.