Tiger Heart

Tiger heart is an unusual and mysterious disease that affects people at a young age. It is characterized by the presence of pathologies of the heart muscle caused by genetic mutations. This leads to the development of life-threatening conditions such as heart failure and arrhythmia.

Tiger heart was first described in 2014. However, research shows that the disease has been around for about 50 years, although its diagnosis and treatment have long remained problematic.

The description of this disease is even more confusing. There is an opinion that tiger heart is a hoax or a joke of doctors. Doctors believe that this is a coincidence of certain symptoms and signs with real ones. But it should be remembered that all physical manifestations are reliable. The main symptom of tiger heart is pulsation on the left side of the chest, which manifests itself in children under 6-12 years of age. The pathology has no specific manifestations. It can be confused with simple heart diseases.

The clinical picture of the presence of cardiopathy may include clinical manifestations of angina, hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, and heart failure. In some cases, abnormalities on ECG and echocardiography may be observed. The appearance of this pathology is based on mutations in the TTN gene. They are expressed in changes in the structure of connective tissue, which can serve as a barrier between different cardiac chambers. This tissue acts as a gel to push blood through the heart. All mutations of this gene negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Most patients with this disease suffer from pulmonary hypertension. It develops due to impaired development of muscles and lung tissue.