The whole truth about vitamins: what they hide from us

Without regular use of vitamins, a person becomes more vulnerable and open to many different diseases.

Over the past two to three decades, constant developments have been carried out in the field of pharmaceuticals, the goal of which is to provide humanity with synthetic vitamins designed to replace natural ones.

An increasing number of people, frightened by the prospect of getting sick, rush to pharmacies and buy colorful pills in a sweet coating and attractive packaging, spending a lot of money on it. Do these people get sick less?

Are vitamins harmful?

Not at all. American scientists conducted studies, the results of which stunned both doctors and their patients. It is known that most people die from cardiovascular diseases. So: no doses of synthetic vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, taken by a large group for 6 years, did not in any way reduce the mortality rate from heart and vascular diseases.

Moreover, exceeding the required dose of vitamins can negatively affect your health and even cause the accelerated development of certain diseases.

For example, excessive intake of vitamin A is a direct path to liver disease. An overdose of vitamin D contributes to the development of osteoporosis. Taking a pharmaceutical complex of vitamins C and E necessary for the body, but without parting with a cigarette, it is very easy to get cancer or tuberculosis. It turns out that vitamins C and E are incompatible with nicotine, and this combination is very dangerous. The list can go on and on - excessive consumption of any synthetic vitamin preparations not only does not have any positive effect on health, but is also fraught with the development of diseases.

Which ones are useful?

If we talk about vitamins obtained from natural products, the situation is different. It is impossible to “overeat” natural vitamins!

By the way, vitamins alone, without microelements, are unable to improve the health of the body: this is why pharmaceutical preparations are not effective. Vitamins and minerals are an indivisible whole. For example, without vitamin D, calcium cannot be absorbed, and copper helps vitamin C to appear. From vegetables, fruits, herbs and other foods, we get the optimal dose of vitamins “associated” with a certain set of microelements. For example, in a fresh orange, vitamins PP, E, as well as other microelements and biologically active substances are grouped around vitamin C. And industrial vitamin C - ascorbic acid, known to everyone - enters the body without such a “bundle”, which means it has absolutely no effect.

But this is not so: there is an effect - negative and even dangerous. Scientists have proven that if we take industrial vitamins, the body supplements them with its own minerals, which are already ingested along with food. Thus, our own reserves of minerals are gradually depleted.

What are they made of?

If you are still convinced that pharmaceutical vitamin preparations are made from natural ingredients of plant and animal origin, we will disappoint you. Pretty pictures, commercials and brochures that trick our brains into associating pills with fruits and vegetables are nothing more than a deceitful trick to convince us to spend money. Oil, tar, fungi, bacteria, animal corpses - these are the main set of raw materials from which colorful tablets are produced.

Are you shocked? But it's true. Vitamin B12 is made from rotten sludge, vitamin B2 is made from genetically modified hay bacillus, folic acid, which all doctors recommend pregnant women take, is made from boiled frog skin.

Who needs it and why?

Let's be realistic: second only to the oil barons, the richest in the entire world are the pharmaceutical barons. That is, the production of synthetic vitamins is an extremely profitable business in which huge amounts of money are spent. Monopoly corporations