Care for oily and combination skin

Features of oily and combination skin

It is believed that teenagers are most prone to oily combination skin. There is some truth in this, since almost 80% of teenagers suffer from skin problems due to hormonal imbalances, this is expressed in regular skin inflammation, peeling, pimples and acne. Oily combination skin is not a gift, but it can be dealt with. But women even at a fairly mature age face the problem of oily combination skin. This requires proper and careful care, and most importantly, regular care.

Oily combination skin is distinguished by the fact that oily areas are observed mainly in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin the skin on the cheeks, cheekbones and temples can be either normal or dry. The main problem in caring for such skin is that the products must be selected in such a way that they bring benefits and do not harm areas with other skin types.

Care for oily combination skin

  1. The most important thing in caring for oily combination skin is regular cleansing and degreasing. But for these purposes it is necessary to use alcohol-free products. Despite the drying effect, the skin can understand this process as a lack of sebum on the skin and begin to produce even more of it than it would otherwise and instead of solving the problem, you acquire even more of it. But this does not mean that cosmetics should not contain alcohol at all. The T-zone, which is mostly oily, needs to be regularly wiped with an alcohol-containing tonic or lotion.
  2. It is best to change cosmetics for oily combination skin once every 1-2 months to avoid skin addiction.
  3. Oily combination skin suffers from an excess of alkali, so to reduce it you need to use acidic products, which also reduce skin irritation. Plus, natural acids (lemon juice, cranberry, grapefruit and sauerkraut) help tighten enlarged pores.
  4. The fact that oily combination skin does not need hydration and nutrition is a deep misconception. Such skin needs to be nourished and moisturized just like any other, but not as intensely as dry skin.
  5. Oily combination skin tolerates washing well with salted water and rubbing with calendula tincture, the latter is excellent for getting rid of acne.
  6. Oily combination skin needs masks. Masks based on clay, egg white and lemon are perfect for this.
  7. Nutritionists unanimously say that skin problems often arise due to problems with the intestines, so it is best to first check its condition with a doctor.

Oily combination skin, of course, causes problems, but giving up is unacceptable. Proper care is necessary for any skin, only then the beauty of the skin can manifest itself in all its glory. There are few external manifestations of concern for oily combination skin pay attention to your diet. Try to give up fatty foods and eat more vegetables and fruits. Take vitamins and spend more time outdoors. Skin is a mirror of the condition of your body. Remember this and take proper care of her.

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The basic principles of caring for these skin types at home are regular cleansing, adequate moisturizing and photoprotection. It is necessary to thoroughly but gently cleanse the skin of the face and neck using cosmetic milk, gel, foams and alcohol-free solutions suitable for oily or mixed skin types. Such solutions, as a rule, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and they are also prescribed for additional cleansing and additional moisturizing of the skin. At home, it is recommended to use infusions of medicinal herbs and thermal waters (preferably in the form of a spray). Cleansers must meet certain requirements: remove scales and sebum without increasing its secretion or drying out the skin, have an anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect and not cause a vascular reaction. The question of prescribing various antibacterial soaps and foams should be decided individually. As a rule, patients with mixed skin types do not tolerate washing with these products. In some patients with oily skin, especially complicated by acne, when using antibacterial soap, erythematosquamous rashes may appear or acne may worsen. Such hyperhygienic measures lead to delipidation, a decrease in the barrier properties of the skin and a worsening of the course of acne. For the care of oily and combination skin, medicinal cosmetics should be recommended.

Cosmetic and therapeutic products for oily and combination skin should not be greasy and sticky the most preferable form is a water-in-oil emulsion or gel. As a rule, patients with oily and combination skin complicated by acne require appropriate pharmacological correction. All external therapy products are applied to the entire face (except for the skin of the eyelids) and only after preliminary cleansing of the skin. Most products dry out the skin, so it is necessary to additionally use moisturizers. Skinoren (in the form of a 15% gel), widely used today for the treatment of acne, in addition to its antibacterial effect, has a moisturizing effect, so its use, as a rule, does not require additional moisturizing of the skin

It should be noted that makeup should be used with caution due to the potential comedogenic effects of decorative cosmetics. Patients can be recommended only high-quality skin care products and decorative cosmetics that do not have a comedogenic effect.

You can prepare face masks at home yourself or use professional masks suggested by a cosmetologist, the use of which is allowed at home (the so-called “homework”). To prepare the mask at home, only high-quality and fresh products are used. The mask is prepared immediately before use. Storing leftover masks in the refrigerator is not allowed. A freshly prepared mask is applied to cleansed skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with cool water. The face is treated with a tonic for oily or combination skin or herbal infusions and a moisturizer is applied. It is recommended to use masks no more than 1-2 times a week. It should be remembered that plant extracts and some food products (honey, egg yolk and white, citrus juices, strawberries, tomato pulp, etc.), often used to prepare masks and tonic liquids for oily and combination skin at home, are allergens.

Who to contact?

Examples of masks for oily and combination skin

Yeast mask - half a packet of fresh yeast is stirred in warm milk until a creamy mass is obtained, which is applied to the facial skin for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Curd mask: a tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese and a teaspoon of honey are thoroughly ground, the resulting mass is applied to the facial skin for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Protein mask: a freshly prepared mixture of egg white and one teaspoon of lemon juice is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Fruit masks are shown (strawberry, cucumber, carrot, etc.).

As for peeling creams, their use at home should be individualized. The main contraindications for the use of peeling creams are the presence of inflammatory elements (papular, papulopustular), as well as viral, bacterial and fungal skin diseases, multiple malformations, melanoma-dangerous nevi and other malignant neoplasms of the facial skin, as well as severe telangiectasias. These procedures should not be prescribed in severe frosts, or during active insolation. In the absence of contraindications and good tolerance, peeling creams can be recommended as care products for both oily and combination skin, no more than once a week. Classic mechanical peelings include the freshwater bodyaga sponge, the use of which causes an exfoliating effect and also helps resolve deep infiltrates. Masks with bodyaga can be recommended to patients to use at home (under medical supervision). Bodyaga powder is mixed with boiled water or a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to a paste-like mass with foam. The resulting mass is applied with a swab or fingers wearing rubber gloves to the skin of the face with light rubbing movements and left for 15-20 minutes. The mask is removed with warm water, then the facial skin is wiped with tonic. It should be noted that any rubbing movements on the skin provoke the appearance of fresh rashes. Systematic use of medicinal creams containing keratolytics at home allows one to avoid the use of mechanical peelings.

For patients with combination and oily skin, lotions, hydroalcoholic mash and powders containing salicylic, boric acid, resorcinol, sulfur, ichthyol, with the addition of antibiotics, if necessary, can be recommended. For mixed skin types (with severe dry skin in the cheek area), these products are applied only to areas with increased sebum secretion (forehead, nose, chin - “T-zone”).

Basic physiotherapeutic procedures used to care for oily and combination skin

To implement a program of comprehensive intensive care for oily and combination skin of the face and neck, the following physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in a cosmetology office.

  1. Disincrustation. The method is based on the principle of galvanization, using solutions of bicarbonate or sodium chloride (2-5%) or a special disinfectant solution on the negative electrode. Due to therapeutic electrolysis, an alkali is formed at the negative pole, changing the pH of the skin, which helps dissolve and remove the secretion of the sebaceous glands from the excretory ducts. Weekly disincrustation can significantly reduce the number of open comedones and prevent the formation of new ones.
  2. Vacuum spray. Using vacuum action, the skin is cleaned and massaged. The disadvantage of vacuum cleaning is low efficiency and severe trauma to surrounding tissues. Working in atomization mode (spray) using lotions appropriate for oily and mixed skin types has a tonic and moisturizing effect, improves microcirculation and skin nutrition, and enhances lymphatic drainage.
  3. Darsonvalization for oily and combination skin is carried out using talcum powder, a dry antiseptic mask and a finishing cream using a contact labile and stable technique. The use of remote darsonvalization is limited due to the cauterizing effect. For sagging skin, contact labile darsonvalization is used with a finishing cream, which has a slight lifting effect. The duration of the procedure for oily skin is on average 10 minutes, and for mixed skin - 5-7 minutes, for a course of 10-15 sessions, every other day.
  4. Ultrasound and iontophoresis can enhance the effects of used cosmetics and medications. The peeling procedure is carried out using ultrasound.
  5. Myostimulation is included in a set of cosmetic procedures for the care of oily and combination skin, usually before applying a mask, both to prevent age-related changes and to combat existing signs of skin aging. For sagging skin, it is advisable to use myostimulation in combination with plastic massage and paraffin masks. It should be noted that patients aged 35-40 years are not recommended to prescribe myostimulation.
  6. Paraffin masks also help resolve infiltrates and have a lifting effect Previously, they were used before mechanical cleaning. Paraffin masks are contraindicated for rosacea, infectious skin diseases (pustular, fungal, viral), skin tumors (including benign), hypertrichosis, severe cardiovascular and neurological pathology, as well as glaucoma. Paraffin is heated in a water bath to 60°, then applied with a brush layer by layer to the skin of the face (except for the skin of the eyelids) for 20-25 minutes. After cooling, a correctly applied mask is removed entirely, resembling a cast of the face. The procedure is carried out every other day, for a course of 10-20 sessions,
  7. Microcurrent therapy (the procedure is performed every other day, for a course of 10-15 sessions), as well as electrostatic massage therapeutic laser and aromatherapy with essential oils are widely used to care for oily and combination skin of the face and neck.
  8. Indications for cryomassage with liquid nitrogen are deep inductive elements and sagging skin. Using a cotton swab on a wooden rod, apply light stroking movements for 1-2 minutes along each massage line, without pressure or stopping, periodically immersing it in a thermos with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is performed on dry facial skin, 2 times a week, for a course of 10-15 sessions. The use of carbonic acid snow for cryomassage is not recommended due to the high risk of burns. Cryomassage is not prescribed during active insolation.

Vaporization and brossage are used to a limited extent. Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated.

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With the help of skincare cosmetics, you can achieve significant results in improving the condition and appearance of oily, porous skin that is prone to acne and inflammation. This kind of skin is usually called problematic

What not to use:

Alkaline soap, which strongly degreases and shifts the pH of the skin to the alkaline side, is harmful to such skin. The reaction of normal skin is not neutral, but slightly shifted towards the acidic side, this prevents the proliferation of acne bacteria. Using alkaline cleansers lowers the barrier properties of the skin, making it more vulnerable.

Alcohol and cosmetics with high alcohol content are not suitable for daily use. Alcohol and alkaline soap greatly degrease the skin, while also dehydrating it. Pronounced degreasing of the skin is a signal for the body to produce a new portion of sebum. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

What tasks should good cosmetics for problem skin perform?

1. normalization of the process of skin keratinization (timely removal of dead horny scales so that they do not clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands - exfoliation)

2. softening sebaceous plugs, cleansing pores

3. suppression of the growth of bacteria that cause acne

4. reduction of sebum production in problem areas

5. increasing local immunity, protective properties of the skin

6. smoothing, reducing pore size.

Unfortunately, cosmetics sold in supermarkets “to combat blackheads” do not contain sufficient active ingredients that actually perform these tasks. In case of serious problems with the face, the use of this cosmetics does not always lead to the desired result.

Cosmetics sold in pharmacies usually contain special active ingredients inOgreater concentration and better helps in the fight against acne and blackheads. I like professional cosmetics even more.

What are these components? First of all, these are alpha hydroxy acids (AHA, fruit acids) - glycolic, citric, lactic, malic, azelaic, mandelic, etc. and beta hydroxy acids (BHA) - salicylic. And also: vitamin A, its derivatives and analogues (retinoids), B vitamins, zinc, copper, sulfur (cysteine), immunomodulators (1,3-beta-glucan), essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus), plant extracts ( ginko biloba, nettle, birch buds, celandine, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow and others).

For complete, effective care for problem skin, you need a whole range of products:

  1. cleanser,
  2. antibacterial sebum-regulating, hair-tightening lotion (tonic, emulsion)
  3. cream and/or mask with hydroxy acids,
  4. applicator for spot use,
  5. if desired and necessary - mattifying cream, moisturizer, foundation and sunscreen.

The procedure for using this cosmetics is as follows:

In the morning and evening, wash with gel or foam, dry the skin with a towel, wipe with a cotton pad with lotion, tonic or emulsion (do not rinse)
in the evening, apply a therapeutic active cream,
in the morning - moisturizing, soothing, restoring, and on top, if necessary, sunscreen.
Tnal remedy for problem skin - the very top layer (if you absolutely cannot do without it, but in general, I don’t recommend doing this)
Use the applicator several times a day directly on areas of inflammation.
Use scrub and cleansing mask 1-2 times a week
Use homemade peelings and masks with fruit acids 1-2 times a week.
If your skin is very shiny, you can wipe it several times a day with special wet wipes for problem skin.

How should you approach purchasing a new product? Never buy the entire series at once. First, buy only one product (cream or mask), use it for a week or two, and only then, after making sure that it suits you, gradually purchase other products. I personally cannot give you recommendations on choosing a specific line everything is very individual. What is perfect and helps one person may not be suitable for another. Need to try. You can ask for samples at a pharmacy or cosmetologist.
Keep in mind that all products with acids initially cause a tingling sensation, then the skin gets used to it products with retinoids can initially cause irritation, especially if applied in large quantities. In general, don’t try to be too zealous - all active gel-cream-masks should be applied in a minimal amount.
Whatever suits you can be used for a long time and regularly.

I like it better professional products , so I’ll give links to them first, and the pharmacy ones below (all pictures in the article are links).

Professional cleansers:

  1. Airy foam for problem skin Sentio - very gentle, wonderful smell and composition
  2. Arcadia cleansing gel oil for all skin types - forms a soft emulsion, especially good for washing off foundation makeup
  3. Mousse for cleansing problematic and oily skin with CORA prebiotics
  4. Cleansing gel with AHA Kosmoteros acid wash is good for oily, porous, non-sensitive skin. The large volume allows it to be used on areas with acne on the back or shoulders.


Professional tonics:

Tonics for irritated, sensitive skin:

Hydrolates from AromaStyle

Professional acid tonics:





Professional creams and serums with acids:



Professional acid masks:





Peels for home use:




p gt lt p


To combat acne scars:

Enzyme peelings


Professional moisturizers:






Pharmacy care products

Pharmacy cleansers:

Pharmacy tonics:

Pharmacy creams and serums with acids:



Pharmacy moisturizers:

Internal preparations:
