
A physiological state of the body that occurs as a result of excessive activity and manifests itself in decreased performance. The term “fatigue” is often used as a synonym for fatigue, although these are not equivalent concepts: fatigue is a subjective experience, a feeling that is usually a reflection of fatigue.

In certain cases, a feeling of fatigue can occur without a previous load, that is, without real fatigue. U. can occur during any type of activity - both mental and physical work. Mental stress is characterized by a decrease in the productivity of intellectual work, impaired attention (chiefly difficulty concentrating), slowed thinking, etc. Physical. manifested by impaired muscle function: decreased strength, speed, accuracy, consistency and rhythm of movements.

Performance can be reduced not only as a result of this or that work done, but also due to illness or unusual working conditions (intense noise, reduced partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air).

In these cases, decreased performance is a consequence of a violation of the functional state of the body. The speed of stress depends on the specifics of the work: it occurs much more quickly when performing work accompanied by a monotonous posture and muscle tension; Rhythmic movements are less tiring.

An important role in the emergence of skill also plays a person’s attitude towards the work performed. It is well known that many people during periods of emotional stress do not experience symptoms of stress and a feeling of fatigue for a long time. Usually, when it is necessary to continue intensive work during the onset of depression, a person expends additional strength and energy - the indicators of individual body functions change (for example, during physical labor, breathing and heartbeat become more frequent, facial hyperemia, increased sweating, etc. appear).

At the same time, work productivity decreases, and signs of disability intensify. A tired person works less accurately, making first small and then serious mistakes. If before U. a person performed a working operation with the movement of only the fingers, then with U. the whole arm is included in the work, and then the muscles of the torso.

Insufficient rest time or excessive workload for a long time often lead to chronic. fatigue or overwork. A distinction is made between mental and mental (spiritual) fatigue. In young people and people with a certain type of nervous system, intense mental work can lead to the development of neuroses, which occur more often when mental fatigue is combined with constant mental stress. tension, a great sense of responsibility, physical. exhaustion, etc.

Psychic overwork is observed in people overly burdened with “mental” worries and various kinds of responsibilities. After rest, performance increases, reaching an even higher level than in the period preceding work. Active rest leads to faster recovery of performance, which has been convincingly proven by Russian. physiologist I.M. Sechenov.

Active rest, based on switching from one type of activity to another, provides the opportunity for long, but varied activities without the onset of U. It occurs more quickly in people who have suffered serious illnesses. A relatively insignificant and short-term load causes headaches, shortness of breath, palpitations, sweating, a feeling of weakness, performance quickly drops, and its recovery is slow.

Such persons need a gentle work schedule and longer rest. In children, due to anatomical and physiological reasons. Due to the characteristics of the body, U. develops faster, often even without particularly active activity (for example, during forced wakefulness in infants, while sitting at a desk at school).

An incorrect daily routine, monotonous activities, and excessive entertainment also quickly lead to stress. With increased workload (classes in two schools, several clubs, etc.), children easily become overworked.

Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes and Coping

Fatigue (synonym: tiredness) is a common condition that almost every person experiences at some point in their lives. It is a feeling of physical or mental exhaustion that is accompanied by decreased energy and motivation. Fatigue can be temporary and caused by lack of sleep or work overload, or long-term and a sign of a more serious health problem or mental condition.

Symptoms of fatigue can vary and include physical weakness, drowsiness, irritability, decreased concentration, difficulty making decisions, apathy, and memory loss. In some cases, fatigue can lead to decreased productivity at work or school, as well as problems in your personal life.

The causes of fatigue can be varied. One of the main reasons is lack of sleep. Not getting enough quality sleep can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle, leading to feelings of fatigue and listlessness. Also, work overload, physical or emotional stress, and poor lifestyle habits, including poor diet and lack of physical activity, can contribute to the development of fatigue.

However, fatigue can also be associated with more serious problems such as chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety disorders or other medical conditions. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

There are several ways to overcome fatigue. An important aspect is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Getting regular sleep of 7-9 hours a night, eating a nutrient-rich diet and regular physical activity can help combat fatigue. It is also helpful to learn how to manage stress effectively and make time for rest and relaxation.

If fatigue becomes chronic and significantly affects the quality of life, you need to seek help from a specialist. Your doctor can conduct additional tests to determine the cause of your fatigue and suggest the best treatment options, including medications or psychotherapy.

In conclusion, fatigue is a common condition that can be caused by various factors. It is important to pay attention to your physical and emotional gratitude to reduce the risk of fatigue. Regular sleep, healthy eating, physical activity and effective stress management can all help maintain energy and vitality. If fatigue becomes chronic or is accompanied by other health problems, seek advice from a healthcare professional.

And remember, looking after yourself and your well-being is key to overcoming fatigue and living a full and active life.