Yoga for weight loss: how to find motivation

Yoga for weight loss is becoming an increasingly popular fitness trend. Girls want to combine internal development, self-knowledge and body training. And yoga is the best way to combine these three goals. How to find motivation when doing yoga for weight loss, read in our material.

Yoga for weight loss: how to do it correctly

Yoga is not the fastest way to lose excess weight. So, this is rather a change in your entire life, and not just work on reducing the number of kilograms. For yoga for weight loss to produce results, you need perseverance, regular exercise and very clearly defined motivation. After all, when you really want the result to happen as quickly as possible, but you need to wait for it, it is very easy to lose faith in success and quit classes. To stay motivated, follow these simple rules.


Visualization is a very powerful and effective tool on the path to achieving goals. And including on the way to the desired weight. In order for the body to begin to understand what they want to achieve from it, a picture of the desired result must be embedded in the brain. This is a very strong psychological factor, without which it will be difficult to achieve what you want. Visualization is best done in the morning, immediately after waking up, and also in the evening before going to bed.

To start classes, you need to turn on relaxing music, which will allow you to let go of all thoughts. There should be a picture in your head in which you will look the way you want. Each time, come up with the details of the image, improve what you want and enjoy the process. Over time, the brain will definitely direct all efforts to help the body achieve the desired form.


Yoga is not only about training the body, but also training the soul. Experts advise regularly reading literature on self-knowledge along with practice. This helps you gain interesting experiences, makes you grow internally and understand the reasons for what is happening in your life. In addition, it helps to understand yourself. And if we talk about losing weight, then reading such books can teach you to love yourself, live with pleasure and stop depending on food. When a person is seriously engaged in self-knowledge, food becomes only a necessity for life, and not its meaning.


To stay motivated, you need to see other people's achievements. Yoga can show dozens of destinies that have been radically changed for the better thanks to regular yoga classes. And in practice there are many examples of successful weight loss. At the same time, the weight does not return after several months.

Communicate on specialized forums, meet new people in public pages, read interesting and inspiring stories. Especially during periods when it seems like nothing is working out.


You need to write down your achievements. Even the smallest ones. It is best to keep a sports diary in which you write your impressions of the training and note what achievements you achieved during the lesson. It could be just a couple of millimeters of stretching or the absence of pain while performing certain asanas - it doesn’t matter, all these small steps indicate progress.

Even if just some pose caused discomfort a week ago and you wanted to quickly move out of it into child’s pose, but today you managed to stay in it for 15 seconds longer - great. Don't forget to praise your body for it in your diary.