Cosmetic massage to eliminate the first signs of aging

Cosmetic massage is mostly used to improve the exposed parts of the body (face, neck, torso). It is used to prevent premature skin aging, eliminate the first signs of aging and treat many other cosmetic imperfections.

It should be noted that when performing certain massage techniques on the above parts of the body, the entire body receives a positive effect, since the skin has many nerve endings that send impulses to the cerebral cortex.

A correctly performed procedure activates metabolism, improves blood circulation, cleanses the skin, promotes the removal of waste products from tissues, maintaining muscle tone. As a result of the massage procedure, the patient begins to feel much better. Systematic application will lead to:

  1. restoration of good face shape;
  2. slowing down skin aging;
  3. strengthening the muscles of the face and neck;
  4. slowing down the appearance of wrinkles;
  5. improvement of the general condition of the skin (skin becomes more elastic, smooth, velvety);
  6. eliminating facial swelling;
  7. reduction of fat deposits.

The basic technique consists of four classic techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration.

Remember: the massage should begin and end with soft and easy techniques.

When performing techniques, you should take into account the directions of the skin lines. Movements should be smooth, soft, rhythmic. The effectiveness of the procedure also depends on how often the techniques are used.

Cosmetic massage

The massage is very pleasant

Types of cosmetic massage

The main types of cosmetic massage are:

  1. Hygienic
  2. Prophylactic
  3. Medicinal
  4. Plastic

Hygienic massage Designed to keep the skin of the face and neck in good condition. The face will gain a fresh and healthy appearance, the skin will become firmer, more elastic and toned. This type of massage fights the premature appearance of wrinkles.

The following techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Movements are performed in a straight, circular and zigzag direction, each 3-5 times. If there is swelling of the face, in this case only stroking is performed.

Preventive massage implies cryomassage (translated from Greek as “cold ice”). Carbonic acid snow is used for this massage.

Cryomassage perfectly reduces the production of sebum. That is why oily skin is primarily exposed to it. For aging, flabby, porous skin, it also helps cope well with problems.

Therapeutic type of massage performed with greater intensity than hygienic. The main purpose of the effect is to eliminate skin imperfections: inflammation, acne, increased sebum secretion, etc.

Therapeutic massage is performed using several techniques, one of which is the Jacquet technique. A massage is performed on it to stabilize the blood circulation process. Mainly used to treat oily and problematic skin. The execution method is difficult. It consists of rhythmic pinching involving the surface layer of the skin.

The following technique according to A.I. Pospelov. To a greater extent, it is used to treat oily skin, as well as to cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The main techniques are stroking and pinching, which are performed with the pads of the thumb and index fingers. Massage is not possible if there are pustules on the body and other skin diseases.

Plastic massage performed on aging skin of the face and neck, as well as in areas of numerous wrinkles and folds. It is recommended for people who have a large load on their facial muscles, since massage has a beneficial effect on facial muscles. After the first sessions, the skin acquires a healthier complexion.

It is recommended for people over 30 years of age. The duration of one session is 10-20 minutes, with a frequency of 1-2 to 3-4 times a week, depending on age characteristics.


  1. skin diseases;
  2. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. thyroid diseases.

Technique for performing cosmetic facial massage

Before you begin the massage, you need to prepare your facial skin. It should be clean, thoroughly free of cosmetics. As a rule, the skin is steamed before starting the procedure. This is done using a hot towel - the waffle towel is held over the steam and then placed on the face for ten minutes.

For massage, moisturizing creams or massage oils are used. The use of oils prevents the skin from stretching and wrinkles from forming.

Cosmetic facial massage begins with the forehead area. The first step is stroking with both hands using three fingers. Stroking is performed from bottom to top to the hair growth line.

Forehead massage

Forehead massage

  1. Then longitudinal stroking is performed, starting from the center of the forehead and moving to the temples.
  2. This is followed by vibration. It is performed as follows: the palm is applied to the forehead and several tappings are performed in a vertical and horizontal position.
  3. The following technique is used to smooth out wrinkles above the bridge of the nose: the inside of the wrist is lubricated with cream and applied to the bridge of the nose for 5 seconds.
  4. The final technique of facial massage is stroking.
  1. You need to apply nourishing cream or oil to the skin of your cheeks. When applying the cream, you should start the first step - stroking. The movements are performed with the pads of the fingers: with smooth movements we stroke the upper part first, then move to the middle, and then proceed to the lower part of the cheeks and chin.
  2. Then we move on to tapping movements - using the fingertips of both hands, we perform light tapping movements in the direction of the skin lines. As soon as the patient feels a feeling of warmth, it is necessary to stop taking it. Directions of movement - from the cheeks to the ears, from the chin to the lower eyelid.
  3. The final technique is stroking. It must be performed strictly in the direction of the skin lines.

Massage this area is performed in a circular motion. In other words, a loop-shaped rubbing is performed.

Massage of the peri-lip area

Rubbing the periolabial area

Once you have completed the rubbing, we move on to massaging the chin. To do this, you need to make light pats with the back of your fingers.

light pats

Light pats

To avoid the appearance of a double chin, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Vigorous whipping with the back of your hand on the lower part of the chin
  2. Soft stroking from the collarbone to the axillary cavity

soft stroking

Soft strokes

So, this procedure is one of the most pleasant cosmetic procedures. I would like to pay special attention to the regularity of the sessions. Only systematic and regular procedures will achieve the desired result. And of course, don’t forget about proper facial skin care – cleansing, moisturizing and toning.