Massage with honey at home on the stomach

Today, more and more people are interested in the healing properties of natural products - the fashion for everything natural is spreading quickly, and this is wonderful. One of these products is honey, and there is hardly any need to talk about its medicinal properties - they are well known to everyone, but massage with honey in our clinics, health centers and beauty salons began to be offered not so long ago. Judging by the reviews, honey massage is very effective in the fight against cellulite, for weight loss, and simply for the beauty and health of the skin. Today we will touch on a topic that concerns everyone who wants to have a slim and toned stomach, we will talk about technique and how to do a honey belly massage at home.


What are the benefits for the skin?

Honey abdominal massage differs from other types of massage, primarily in its technique, which we will briefly discuss below. In the meantime, it’s still worth recalling some of the healing properties of honey, its usefulness and rich composition. Many vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances contained in honey are much easier for our body to absorb than substances contained in other healthy products - after all, bees have already processed the gifts of nature, creating their own, unique and universal product.


Honey is suitable for massage because it is quickly absorbed into the skin, and all its active components enter directly into the blood and are carried with it to all cells of the body. Due to its pronounced antimicrobial properties, honey, when absorbed into the skin, protects it and destroys pathogens, so minor injuries, if any, heal faster.

Honey massage opens pores, cleanses and nourishes the skin, improves blood circulation and saturates cells with oxygen; Honey rids the skin of toxins and impurities more effectively than many other massage mixtures, since it quickly absorbs them and removes them out - this is very clearly visible during the procedure. At first, the honey is transparent and light, but then it turns into a dirty yellow and gray mass, many cloudy flakes appear in it, so the massage therapist must wash all this dirt off his hands several times throughout the entire procedure.

Massage with honey improves the condition of all body systems, relieves fatigue and the effects of stress, strengthens the immune system and helps in the treatment of many diseases, and also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, so it is often used to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin and muscles - in particular, The thighs, buttocks and stomach are massaged with honey.

Why do they lose weight?


Abdominal firmness is the most difficult thing to maintain, especially after childbirth, and even after a sharp weight loss, and honey abdominal massage is an effective and safe remedy, and many women speak very highly of it. Experts believe that honey massage should be performed for the whole body, and during the procedure, pay special attention to the stomach and other problem areas. If you massage only certain areas, the metabolism will accelerate not throughout the body, but locally, and there will be much less benefit.

Honey massage of the abdomen allows you to destroy and remove subcutaneous fat in this area, improves the functioning of all internal organs and has a beneficial effect on the body. Honey contains many components that are very similar to the components of our blood, so this massage does not cause any unwanted reactions, unless, of course, you are allergic to honey.

Experts prescribe honey massage for the treatment of colds and viral diseases, for digestive disorders and stressful conditions, for body shaping, weight loss and reduction of fat deposits.

Massage technique for weight loss

Of course, for massage to be most effective for weight loss, it must be performed according to special rules. Therefore, it is time to talk about the honey belly massage technique so that you can easily do it yourself at home. So.

Before a honey belly massage for weight loss, be sure to take a shower and additionally cleanse the skin with a scrub or tonic. Honey is applied to the surface of the skin of the abdomen in a thin layer and left there for a few minutes until it begins to be absorbed.

Mixtures with honey that are beneficial for weight loss

For more effective weight loss, you can add your favorite essential oils to honey - about 5 drops per 1 tsp. Suitable oils include petitgrain, lavender, eucalyptus, juniper, grapefruit, tangerine, orange, and lemon. For example, you can make the following mixture: honey – 2 tsp, juniper oil – 3 drops, lavender, orange and lemon – 2 drops each; First you need to mix the oils with each other, and only then mix them with honey. The massage mixture is slightly heated in a water bath.

When the honey is slightly absorbed, the massage therapist kneads the stomach in a certain way: circular, straight or zigzag movements. Thanks to these movements, honey is absorbed into the skin more intensely, metabolic processes in cells are significantly accelerated, subcutaneous fats are broken down, and along with toxins begin to be released through the skin.

The massage therapist “helps” the skin to cleanse itself when all the honey is absorbed: he presses his palm or fingertips tightly to the stomach, and then removes his hand - sharply or smoothly; honey comes out from under the skin, removing toxins and other dirt with it. When the cells of the body are heavily contaminated, the grayish mass into which honey turns becomes so thick and viscous that it is difficult to wash it off the skin with warm water and a special sponge.

Honey abdominal massage for weight loss is not as pleasant as other types of massage: the patient may experience pain, and bruises may even appear on the skin, so the first procedure usually lasts no longer than 5 minutes. Then, when the skin “gets used to it,” patients tolerate the massage much more calmly and the duration of the procedure can be increased.

How to do a honey massage yourself

It’s difficult to do a honey massage for weight loss on yourself, and it’s better to turn to professionals, but if you want, anything is possible, and if you really want it, a homemade honey massage of the abdomen for yourself can turn out to be very useful and effective. Honey should be applied in a thin layer, and all movements should be made along the massage lines; Each problem area is massaged for 5-7 minutes. Try to more actively massage the area below the navel - fat folds usually form there. After finishing the massage, you must immediately wash off the dirty honey so that the skin does not absorb toxins back; then you can do an anti-cellulite wrap or apply an anti-cellulite cream to the skin.

Result after honey belly massage

After a course of honey massage procedures, your health improves, the functioning of many organs and systems of the body is restored: toxins are removed, the immune system is strengthened, metabolism is stimulated; the intestines begin to work normally; the skin of the abdomen is tightened, sagging and swelling disappear, and the signs of cellulite go away; the contours of the figure become clear and attractive.


Experts usually prescribe 10-15 procedures of honey abdominal massage for weight loss every other day, so that the skin has time to recover, and soon it noticeably smoothes out and becomes silky. To prevent the accumulation of new fat deposits, it is enough to massage once a month.

It is good to combine a honey abdominal massage with other procedures for body shaping and weight loss: anti-cellulite wraps, showers or baths - then the effect will be consolidated and last longer. This massage is very effective immediately after a sauna or regular bath.

What kind of honey is suitable?


Now let’s learn more about what kind of honey is needed for abdominal massage. It is best to buy it buckwheat, linden or flower, and from a person who is engaged in beekeeping himself, or in places where the likelihood of counterfeiting is excluded.

Honey can be either liquid or crystallized - there is no difference, since all its beneficial properties are preserved, and even longer. But low-quality honey, overheated, diluted or counterfeit, may not crystallize at all, because the substances contained in it are destroyed, and crystals simply cannot form.

A honey massage is not as cheap as we would like: the price of a massage of several problem areas ranges from 1,300 to 2,000 rubles and more - this depends on the duration of the procedure - 30-60 minutes or longer, and experts, as already noted, recommend doing a general honey massage first massage. However, many salons offer a separate honey abdominal massage - for example, for 20 minutes you will pay 500 rubles - this is a very reasonable price; In addition, it is possible to memorize the honey massage technique for weight loss and then carry out the procedure at home.

There are contraindications

Honey abdominal massage is contraindicated in case of allergies to honey, skin diseases, thyroid dysfunction, tumors of various origins, varicose veins, asthma, blood diseases and a tendency to bleed. Pregnancy and menstruation are also contraindications for this procedure.

If there are no contraindications, carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week, visiting a specialist, or learn how to do a honey abdominal massage yourself. If the weight loss technique is followed, then there will be no negative consequences: the stomach will become elastic again, cellulite will recede, and the volume will decrease - usually about 2 cm “disappears” after each correct session.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of honey. It is used in cooking, official and folk medicine. Another way to use this bee product is massage with honey. The procedure is aimed at normalizing a number of processes in the body. Women often resort to it to get rid of cellulite and to lose weight.


No one knows exactly when this method was first used. In Ancient Rus', one of the main methods of treatment was the bath. After steaming with birch or oak brooms, rubbing with decoctions of medicinal herbs was used. This is how they got rid of colds, joint pain, and various ailments. Trips to the bathhouse were not complete without honey.

Currently, this technique is considered one of the best reflexology procedures. It combines the beneficial effects of physical action and the healing properties of a bee product. During the session, you can notice how the transparent liquid honey thickens and turns white. This fact indicates the removal of toxic substances from the body, as well as deep cleansing of the skin.

The composition of honey is enriched with enzymes, vitamins and microelements. Thanks to the warming movements of the hands, blood flow to the skin increases, which promotes the active absorption of substances. Cosmetology uses honey massage for such purposes as:

  1. improving skin elasticity,
  2. normalization of blood circulation,
  3. reduction in the proportion of subcutaneous fat,
  4. cleansing and exfoliation of the surface layer of the epidermis,
  5. fight against stretch marks,
  6. removal of blackheads,
  7. elimination of inflammatory skin processes,
  8. healing of damaged areas.

The beneficial properties are also used for general therapeutic purposes. It is prescribed for the following conditions:

  1. nervous exhaustion, depression,
  2. physical fatigue,
  3. arterial hypertension or hypotension,
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  5. weak immunity, the need to activate the immune system during respiratory diseases,
  6. headache,
  7. joint pathologies (arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis of any part of the spine),
  8. chronic bronchitis outside the exacerbation phase.

Rules for massage

How to do a honey massage is taught in specialized courses. However, with proper preparation and following a number of the rules below, you will not have any problems being able to repeat the technique of this massage at home.

Honey selection

The type of product does not matter - you can take any (for example, acacia would be the optimal choice). If the honey is candied, it must first be melted. For this, a water bath is most often used, since when the sweet mass is heated over an open fire or in the microwave, there is a high probability of losing valuable qualities.

If there is no honey in stock, you should purchase it responsibly. You must choose a natural product, without impurities or additives.

Preparing for a massage

You should take a shower before the procedure. This is necessary not only from a hygienic point of view. Warm water helps soften the skin, open pores, and increase blood circulation. It is advisable to use a scrub to exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis. After a shower, dry yourself well with a towel. Moisture prevents honey from sticking to the surface of the skin.

To warm up the body a little, you should massage the areas where the massage will take place without using honey.

You can use special devices in the form of vibrating massagers. It is allowed to turn on the infrared mode for accompanying warming. When performing a preparatory massage, you should not use oils or moisturizers. They impair the adhesion of honey to the skin.

Use of additives

You can add a few drops of your choice of essential oil to the container with the honey mixture. It can be apricot, rose, lavender or lemon oil. Thanks to this, additional effects are achieved (improving the appearance of the skin and its deep nutrition). In addition, the smell that the essential oil emits promotes relaxation and calm.

The proportions depend on the type of essential oil:

  1. geranium and juniper oils (drop by drop) mixed 1:1 with 2 drops of lemon, orange and grapefruit oils;
  2. in equal proportions (2 drops each) combine the oils of the fruits of orange, lavender and eucalyptus tree;
  3. 1 drop each of orange, lavender, lemon and juniper oils;
  4. 3 drops each of lemon and orange concentrate;
  5. 2 drops each of lemon, mint and lavender oils.

The above mixtures are added to two tablespoons of liquid honey and stirred thoroughly. For one procedure you will need about 3 tablespoons.


Methodology of massage

A massage session with honey is the same for all parts of the body and consists of several stages:

  1. Prepared honey (or a honey mixture with the additives described above) is applied to the massage area and hands.
  2. Using circular movements, the sticky mass will be evenly distributed throughout the entire area. After some time, the honey should thicken and sliding movements will become impossible.
  3. The main time of the procedure is occupied by the alternation of sticking and unsticking of the massage therapist’s hands from the surface of the working area. The palms are lowered onto the skin and connected tightly with it. With a quick movement, the arms rise up and fall again. You cannot massage the same place for a long time. This can be quite painful. The brushes should randomly select a new area.
  4. You can diversify the massage technique using only the fingertips, the edge of the hands or one hand. Alternating movements with the palms is allowed.
  5. One of the most popular techniques is to peel off the lower part of the palm first, then the fingers. The movements of the brush resemble a wave.

A massage of one area of ​​the body lasts 15-20 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the working surface and the sensations that a person experiences during the session.

During the procedure, the honey gradually thickens. This is accompanied by increased skin sensitivity. If a person begins to experience significant discomfort, it is recommended to end the session.

Ending a session

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to remove any remaining honey from the body. The honey becomes quite thick, and therefore it will not be possible to remove it with napkins or a towel. It is best to take a warm shower and dry yourself with a terry towel. Next, to soften the skin, you should use a nourishing cream. It is advisable to choose a high quality product with natural ingredients. A cream with the addition of bee products (royal jelly or propolis) is recommended.

During the massage, the body loses a significant amount of fluid. Honey has the property of water adsorption. Therefore, immediately after completing the session, you should drink at least a glass of clean water at room temperature, then sit, wrapped in a terry robe, and drink a cup of green herbal tea.


Duration and frequency of procedures

It is best to carry out a comprehensive honey massage with treatment of all zones. Impacting only certain areas may worsen the condition of others. This is explained by the peculiarities of blood circulation: with increased nutrition of one part of the body, a compensatory depletion of the rest occurs. The full body massage lasts about 1 hour. The session time, depending on the situation, can increase to 2 hours.

To ensure that the body has the opportunity to adapt to new conditions, sessions are alternated with periods of rest. The best option is to perform a massage every other day. The full course can reach 19 procedures, but not less than 10. Cosmetic wraps go well with massage.

If a repeat course is necessary, it is performed after 2-3 months. For the purpose of prevention and consolidation of the obtained effect, procedures can be continued to be performed once a week.

General massage

A comprehensive restorative massage with honey is performed while lying on your stomach. It is better to start the procedure from the back, as this will ensure proper blood flow and prevent an increase in blood pressure. It will take about 15 minutes to work through each zone. The neck, back, arms, buttocks, and legs are massaged alternately.

It is important to remember that particularly sensitive areas cannot be affected. These include the armpits, popliteal area, chest, and groin.

After 30 minutes, the person should be asked to turn over and work on the backs of the limbs and the stomach. You should be gentle in your movements and not slap your palms too hard on your body. This may cause bruising.

Anticellulite massage

Honey massage for cellulite at home is quite possible. It is not fundamentally different from the general strengthening effect. The only difference is that special attention is paid to problem areas:

It is these parts of the body that are prone to excessive fat deposition and the appearance of “orange peel”. When performing anti-cellulite massage, the following mixtures can be used:

  1. Honey and salt in a 1:1 ratio;
  2. 8 tablespoons of melted honey with 4 tablespoons of ground coffee. It is better to leave this mixture for 1 week, then add a couple of drops of juniper or lemon essential oil;
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 5 drops of lemon oil and 2 drops of lavender eucalyptus essential oil.

It is better to follow the recipes with salt and coffee. These components penetrate deeply into the skin, maximizing blood flow and lymph circulation.

After preliminary preparation of the skin surface, the honey mixture is applied in a thin layer to the work surface. A classic honey massage is performed, the technique of which was described above. The pops should get louder as the mixture thickens. It takes 5 minutes to treat one area, after which they move on to another area.

The effectiveness of the procedures is noted after 15 sessions. This is the minimum amount required to achieve a visible result. Repeated courses are often required.

Fighting excess weight

A thin waist and elastic skin are every girl’s dream. Along with physical activity, proper nutrition and a contrast shower, honey abdominal massage is used for weight loss. The procedure requires 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 5 drops of essential oil of your choice.

A sticky mass is applied to the prepared skin of the abdomen and sides. Since the skin of this area is quite thin and sensitive, at first only movements with the fingertips are used. After 1-2 minutes, when the body has become accustomed to the new sensations, they move on to a full weight loss massage.

The palms move in two directions: a circle and a zigzag. This way you can cover the entire problem area. It is necessary to perform gluing and tearing of brushes from the skin.

The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes in order to adapt and prevent the appearance of bruises. The following days the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Don't worry if your first belly slimming honey massage was unpleasant. By the third session, the skin will get used to it and the sensations will change. A minimum of 15 procedures will be required to reduce waist size. How many centimeters will be lost depends on the intensity of movement, individual characteristics of the body, physical activity and diet. To maintain the result, you can repeat sessions 1-2 times a month.

Back treatment

The main indication for performing a honey back massage is osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in bone tissue, which is accompanied by pinching of nerves and blood vessels, and spasm of surrounding muscles. Of course, a massage with honey for osteochondrosis will not completely eliminate the pathology, but it will relieve pain and restore blood circulation.

This way you can work on any part of your back. The treatment of lumbar and cervical osteochondrosis is especially relevant. In the absence of contraindications, after consultation with a specialist, a course of treatment for osteochondrosis with honey is started.

If the problem area is the cervical spine, find the seventh vertebra from the base of the skull. Usually its spinous process protrudes somewhat in relation to the others. First, the skin and muscles are prepared. You can stroke, rub and pinch the surface. Then they move on to the main part of the procedure.


The disease is accompanied by severe pain and severe muscle spasms, and therefore the first session is best shortened to 5-7 minutes. Subsequent ones should last 15 minutes. The classic course includes 10-15 sessions, conducted every other day.

When it is difficult for the patient to lie on his stomach, it is suggested to perform the session while sitting.

It is important to remember that treatment of osteochondrosis cannot be limited to physiotherapy. A complex consisting of medication and physical therapy is required.

Face massage

You can save money on a cosmetologist by performing a rejuvenating honey facial massage at home. The main effects are:

  1. elimination of facial wrinkles,
  2. improving skin elasticity,
  3. peeling,
  4. cleansing,
  5. highlighting facial contours,
  6. enrichment of tissues with oxygen.

Before starting the session, you should wash your face with warm water, tie your hair in a bun or use a headband. If your facial skin is dry, you can use supplements in the form of olive oil or cream (in a 1:1 ratio).

Apply the honey mixture with a brush to the entire surface of the face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes. For the first 5 minutes, honey is used as a mask to saturate the epidermis. Anti-wrinkle massage starts from the chin, moving to the cheeks, nose, and forehead. The movements are performed with the pads of three fingers: index, middle and ring.

When the fingers stick to the face, a vacuum is formed, which, when the pads come off, helps remove sebaceous plugs and areas of dirt.

The procedure is performed within 5 minutes. During this period, you need to use all areas of the face. The sticky amber is washed off with warm water. The final step is to apply moisturizer.


Before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to check whether there is an allergy to bee products. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist and observe the reaction. If after 15-20 minutes the skin does not turn red, there is no allergy.

People should avoid honey massage if they have the following diseases:

  1. chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system (especially varicose veins),
  2. mental disorders,
  3. oncology,
  4. tuberculosis,
  5. poor blood clotting,
  6. thrombosis,
  7. pregnancy and lactation,
  8. fever,
  9. exacerbation of any chronic process,
  10. hypertonic disease,
  11. diabetes,
  12. violation of the integrity of the skin,
  13. eczema,
  14. bronchial asthma,
  15. epilepsy,
  16. dermatitis,
  17. fungal skin infections,
  18. psoriasis.

If the work surface is covered with hair, it should be removed or the massage should be abandoned, as in the process the hair will stick to the hands, which will cause severe pain.

Honey massage for losing weight in the abdomen is great for healing the body and removing extra pounds. Honey has a rich composition in terms of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to an intense massage, the body happily accepts beneficial substances, absorbs them into the skin, and removes waste and toxins out.

Honey massage has a very ancient history. Residents of ancient Tibet used honey procedures to treat colds, joint and muscle pain. Our ancestors in Rus' also knew about the healing properties of honey, they used it while steaming in the bathhouse, spreading it on the body and rubbing it thoroughly. Many practical recipes for strengthening the body using honey are still used today.


This massage is practiced in health centers, sanatoriums, clinics and beauty salons; you can perform the procedure yourself at home so that losing weight does not hit your wallet so hard.

Rubbing with honey relieves pain and heals the whole body. Honey procedures open and cleanse pores, restore velvety and elasticity to the skin, stimulate blood circulation, saturate cells with oxygen, eliminate fatigue and stress, and strengthen the immune system.

Execution method

You can easily master the technique and learn how to do self-massage for weight loss, you just need to practice. Honey massage for weight loss differs from other types of rubbing due to its unique technique. How to do this massage for the abdomen:

  1. Take the honey mixture and lightly rub it in your palms;
  2. Apply honey to the problem area, patting;
  3. When all the honey is on your stomach, press your palms tightly against your body and then sharply remove it;
  4. Continue clapping your palms forcefully;
  5. After some time, a white accumulation will appear on the palms and stomach;
  6. When the bulk acquires a more saturated and dark color, becomes viscous and accumulates in the palms, complete the procedure;
  7. Remove honey with warm water using a soft foam sponge;
  8. Moisturize your skin with cream.

During the massage, the clapping should be sudden and intense. Press your hands closer to your body and lift them off vigorously. Develop an individual rhythm, strength and power of pressing. Intense clapping will make the honey penetrate better into the pores of the skin, and little remains on the surface.

Professional massage therapists tear off first the back of the hand (where the wrist is), then the main part, and finally the fingers.

A white sticky mass gradually appears on the palms and stomach, stretches after them and forms a film on the skin. If your hands become very dirty during the procedure, you can wash them. At the end of the procedure, the honey acquires a darker shade, becomes thick and viscous, which indicates the release of harmful toxins and unwanted toxic components.

Course duration

When carrying out honey rubbing for each part of the body, be it the stomach or sides, you need to spend at least 5-10 minutes. A full massage course should consist of at least 10 sessions. Massage should be done every other day. Then, when the skin gets used to it, the time for pleasant honey procedures can be increased to 15–20 minutes.

How to choose components?

Honey for massage must be of high quality, without impurities. It is preferable to purchase it from beekeepers. Thus, the possibility of counterfeiting is eliminated. Types of honey: buckwheat, linden, flower, etc. There are no restrictions in this regard.

The beneficial properties of honey are absolutely unchanged in any form: liquid or crystallized. Therefore, you can use any. However, keep in mind that if the honey does not crystallize at all over time, it is unnatural, overheated or diluted. This low quality product is not suitable for abdominal massage.

Honey is not the only component of a belly massage. You can add various essential oils to it:

  1. Citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon);
  2. Oils of plants and shrubs (eucalyptus, tea tree, juniper);
  3. Floral oils (lavender, ylang-ylang, rose).

The most preferred oils for getting rid of cellulite: citrus fruits, eucalyptus, juniper. Combination: for one spoon of honey, no more than 3-5 drops of essential oil.

Citrus oils are suitable for relieving tension and stress, while floral oils are suitable for uplifting mood. Also, different types of oils can be mixed with each other and added to honey. Vary aromatic additives solely to suit your mood.

When adding several types of oils, combine them first and then add them to the honey. You need to mix the components shortly before the massage.

For diseases

Honey massage will be a useful prevention for osteochondrosis and radiculitis. For radiculitis, it is useful to massage the entire surface of the back along the spine. And for osteochondrosis, massage is performed in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra. During a cold, rubbing the entire body with honey is effective.

Massage relieves depression and fatigue during intense mental stress. The beneficial components and amazing aroma of honey affect the nerve endings, allow you to immerse yourself in a state of relaxation, and improve your mood.


During the massage, painful sensations may occur, and even bruises may appear afterwards. Therefore, when performing the procedure, it is important not to touch the area of ​​the diseased organs (heart, liver, etc.). After a couple of sessions, the skin gets used to it and the pain is not felt so much.

In what cases should honey massage not be performed at all:

  1. Expecting a baby;
  2. Period;
  3. High body temperature;
  4. Recent injuries and surgeries;
  5. Breast diseases;
  6. Tumors of various types: mastopathy, fibroids, cysts, fibromas, etc.;
  7. Infectious skin diseases;
  8. Heart ailments, tendency to heart attacks;
  9. Varicose veins, problem veins;
  10. Gallstones;
  11. Allergy to honey and bee products.


By following the massage technique at home, taking into account contraindications, you will not feel any negative consequences for the body. Having tried a honey massage on yourself, very soon you will receive the long-awaited weight loss effect, as well as additional positive bonuses for the health of the body.