Proper nutrition for cleansing facial skin

A woman’s nutrition affects the health of the entire body, including the skin. The use of creams, scrubs and other cosmetics helps eliminate minor imperfections or disguise them. However, getting rid of acne and blackheads is only possible if you adjust your usual diet.

The diet for cleansing facial skin does not impose strict restrictions on nutrition. It involves eating food rich in vitamins and microelements. What does this diet consist of?

Dietary recommendations

A diet for problem skin is a combination of two types of foods:

  1. 1 group. Helps cleanse and rid the body of toxins and other substances obtained with junk food (chips, crackers, soda). They also help eliminate the causes of pimples and blackheads.
  2. 2nd group. Rich in vitamins and minerals, nourish and saturate the skin, give energy.

1. Products that promote cleansing.

The first group includes:

  1. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  2. Whole grain cereals: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet.
  3. Bran, spelt, sprouted wheat.
  4. Flaxseed (flax oil is also used to improve the figure, more about that here).

Since the health of the stomach and intestines directly affects complexion and the condition of the epidermis, nutritionists recommend consuming foods containing ballast substances. Thanks to this diet, skin cells will be renewed, pimples and blackheads will become a thing of the past.

2. Nourishes the skin.

The maximum vitamins, omega acids and antioxidants are found in the second group. These include:

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Wheat sprouts.
  3. Low-fat milk and dairy products.
  4. Fish and seafood.

A diet for clear facial skin implies that you should not eat:

  1. Sweet dishes (ice cream, cakes and pastries, carbonated drinks, milk and white chocolate).
  2. Fast food (pies, samsa, baursaks, hamburgers and fries).
  3. Fatty dairy products (cream and sour cream, cheeses, butter).
  4. Alcohol.

Alcohol should not be consumed if the skin is prone to redness. In other cases, you can drink wine (no more than 1 glass per day).

Diet for acne and blackheads

Nutritionists highlight several products that help fight inflammatory processes on the face and promote deep cleansing of the skin. These include:

  1. Olive oil. Contains beneficial unsaturated acids, vitamin E. They prolong youth, making the skin smooth.
  2. Citrus. Source of vitamin C. Gives vigor and energy.
  3. Sea fish, chicken breast or turkey. Seafood and meat contain large amounts of protein. It serves as the main building material for body cells. Thanks to protein, skin renewal and cleansing processes go faster.
  4. Walnuts, cashews, almonds, etc. - vitamins E and PP.
  5. Fresh, raw vegetables, especially carrots and leafy greens. They affect the functioning of skin cells, renewing them.
  6. Beef liver. Contains a complex of vitamins that affect the nervous system, metabolism and skin condition.
  7. Dairy products and eggs. An excellent source of protein for building skin cells.
  8. Fruits and berries, especially blueberries, sea buckthorn. Rich in vitamins and minerals: C, B, E.

Drinking to fight acne and pimples

What to drink during a diet to clear your skin from acne?

  1. Green tea. Removes free radicals, rejuvenates. You can use it not only in nutrition, but also to cleanse the skin, as a tonic. To do this, freeze the tea and wipe your face with ice.
  2. Clean water. The benefits of sufficient fluid intake are obvious. Cells often suffer from dehydration. By drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, a person helps the body work more efficiently, and clearing clogged pores during a diet occurs faster.
  3. Vegetable and fruit juices. Citrus, carrot and apple fresh juices refresh and provide the necessary nutrition to the skin.
  4. Rosehip infusion. A multivitamin drink that boosts immunity and helps the kidneys and bladder cope with the elimination of toxins.

Seven-day diet for facial skin

A special menu for the week will help cleanse skin pores and get rid of acne. Approximate diet:

  1. Breakfast: green tea, whole grain bun, soft-boiled egg, lean ham.
  2. Lunch: lean borscht with beets, chicken breast and potatoes, steamed or stewed, carrot salad with orange.
  3. Dinner: fish baked in foil, steamed rice and tomato juice.
  1. Breakfast: orange juice, tomato salad with mozzarella or cottage cheese, biscuits.
  2. Lunch: chicken broth, boiled eggs with buckwheat, pomegranate.
  3. Dinner: steamed chicken cutlet, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote without sugar.
  1. Breakfast: fried eggs with tomatoes, green tea with apple, a slice of lemon.
  2. Lunch: fresh cabbage soup, fish or seafood with brown rice or spelled, tomato.
  3. Dinner: fruit salad, cottage cheese, a slice of lean ham.
  1. Breakfast: muesli with pieces of fruit and nuts, 1 cup of coffee, a spoonful of honey and biscuits with cheese.
  2. Lunch: pumpkin puree soup, boiled asparagus or other vegetables, veal baked in the oven.
  3. Dinner: salmon or cod, vegetable salad of carrots, cucumbers and radishes, grapefruit juice.
  1. Breakfast: porridge with milk (any except semolina), orange juice, whole grain bun with ham and cheese.
  2. Lunch: boiled potatoes, steamed chicken cutlets, cabbage soup made from beet tops and sorrel with eggs, tangerines.
  3. Dinner: vegetable stew, green tea with lemon.

6. Saturday and Sunday: on these days you can eat the same as on weekdays.

According to cosmetologists, this diet helps cleanse and nourish the skin, prevents the early appearance of wrinkles, and gives it elasticity.

Vitamins and their effect on the skin

  1. Vitamin A. Forms the integrity of epidermal cells and ensures its health. It is not destroyed during cooking and is absorbed only with fats. The largest amounts are found in carrots and citrus fruits; in eggs, fish oil and liver.
  2. Vitamin C. Increases the strength of blood vessels, accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin, and promotes the rapid removal of poisons from the body. Destroys when heated, preserves well in an acidic environment. The vitamin content is greatest in fresh vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, as well as pickled apples and sauerkraut.
  3. Vitamin E. Rejuvenates and slows down aging, frees the body from carcinogens. Destroyed by heat and iron. You can find it in seeds and nuts, green leafy vegetables and cabbage, olive and sunflower oil, liver and eggs.
  4. Vitamins of group D. Regulate blood clotting function. Contributes to normal heart function. The largest amount is in milk, sea fish, cod liver.
  5. B vitamins. Participate in metabolism. The maximum content is in yeast, sprouted wheat, walnuts, soybeans and peas, melon, pepper, green leafy vegetables. And also in products of animal origin: meat, milk, cheese.
  6. Vitamin RR. Helps cleanse the skin as it participates in protein-carbohydrate metabolism. Destroyed when heated and taken simultaneously with alcohol. You can find it in lean meat and dried mushrooms, dates and potatoes, and sesame seeds.

Recently, there have been many people who are adherents of a diet specifically designed to prevent the development of acne. At the same time, there is the position of opponents who are convinced of the complete uselessness of this type of dietary nutrition.

Doctors' opinions on this situation also do not always coincide. How to figure out who is right? Is there a specific diet to clear your face from acne? Is it necessary to follow proper nutrition techniques if you have inflammatory skin diseases?

Let's take a closer look.

Types of acne, the main reasons for their appearance

The development of acne is provoked by blockage of hair follicles on the skin, this is due to secretions in the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. Most often, acne occurs in adolescence and is located on the face, back, chest and forearms. After puberty, the rashes disappear in most cases.

Acne, which is a facial skin disease, has a different structure and appearance:

  1. open comedones - look like blackheads, with enlarged and clogged pores;
  2. whiteheads - pores filled with oily secretions, with very small holes;
  3. yellow acne (pustules) - have the appearance of tubercles that appear when bacteria multiply in the middle of the comedon, which leads to the formation of pus and an inflammatory process;
  4. cysts are painful, deep cavities filled with pus. After the inflammation stops, scars and irregularities on the skin remain in place of the acne.

If you turn to a cosmetologist or dermatologist with this problem, you will immediately hear the question: how and what do you eat?

The thing is that proper nutrition for beautiful facial skin is of great importance. The appearance of our skin directly depends on what we eat.

Of course, the tendency to develop acne can be hereditary, however, an incorrect diet or junk food will only provoke further development of the disease.

Diet for clearing facial skin from acne: products

Nutritionists have identified five basic foods that affect the condition of the skin, its healing and prevent the development of acne.

  1. Pure water - to keep your skin beautiful and clean, you need to drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day. This will help renew skin cells and will be an excellent solution in the fight against acne.
  2. Green tea is a supplier of catechin, relieves skin from rashes and removes free radicals, which cause great harm to the skin. In the summer, you can brew tea, cool it and freeze it in ice cube trays. The resulting cubes should be lubricated on the face to relieve inflammatory processes.
  3. Fish products and meat supply the body with protein, which prevents various diseases and keeps the skin toned.
  4. Wheat grains and nuts – The selenium contained in these foods plays an important role in the nutrition and development of healthy skin cells.
  5. Olive oil contains vitamin E, which prolongs youth, and vitamin A, which makes the skin elastic and moisturizes it well.

From this set of products you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes that will provide complete and proper nutrition for your facial skin.

Unfortunately, only with the help of a proper diet you cannot make your skin clear and healthy, so you should additionally take vitamin supplements. The basic rule is that their composition should be as natural as possible and not contain artificial colors.

Diet for beautiful facial skin

Based on long-term research, nutritionists have drawn up a specific nutrition program to get rid of acne.

A diet for beautiful facial skin contains basic rules:

  1. varied menu - you should alternate meat and fish products, prepare salads, use various side dishes;
  2. include soups in your diet every day to maintain good digestive tract function,
  3. Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your food every day,
  4. completely give up bad habits (do not drink alcohol, do not smoke),
  5. limit intake of sweets and starchy foods,
  6. don't eat at night.

Each person is individual, therefore proper nutrition should be tailored to the characteristics of the body, the stage of development of acne, and concomitant pathologies should be taken into account.

A diet for clear facial skin involves avoiding harmful foods:

  1. bread (except whole grain),
  2. chips, crackers, crackers,
  3. various sweets, sugar,
  4. rich pastries,
  5. carbonated drinks,
  6. chocolate (except bitter),
  7. foods high in fat,
  8. smoked products.

How to get rid of acne forever? To reduce acne, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates; it is recommended to replace all simple carbohydrates with complex ones. Dietary methodology should become the basis of a healthy diet. It is easily tolerated and helps saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.

A diet for facial skin will help get rid of acne, ulcers, etc. After all, the healthier the body, the fewer rashes and inflammations on the skin.

Pros and cons of dietary nutrition for clearing facial skin from acne

The main benefits of a diet for acne include:

  1. reducing rashes and preventing the appearance of new ones,
  2. improvement of general well-being,
  3. slight weight loss,
  4. Simultaneous protection against heart disease and diabetes.

A diet for clearing facial skin from acne also has a major drawback - reducing the consumption of dairy products can lead to the development of potassium deficiency in the body. However, including low-fat milk or kefir in your diet can easily solve this problem.

Dietitians completely agree that constant intake of unhealthy food has a bad effect on the condition of the skin, so recommendations and reviews about dietary nutrition for acne are the most positive.

A diet for clear facial skin, if you constantly follow it, follow all the rules of cooking and facial care, will certainly delight you with fresh and beautiful skin.

Memo. Natural vitamins


Christina, 20 years old:

- Help, please, I don’t know what to do anymore. I constantly get acne on my face, could it be related to my diet?

Expert's answer:

- Hello, Christina! Proper nutrition for beautiful facial skin is of great importance. The appearance of our skin directly depends on what we eat. Therefore, if you have a problem, it is best not to eat fried, fatty foods, and give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Galina, 25 years old:

— Tell me, please, if I don’t like fruits and eat few vegetables, can this lead to acne?

Expert's answer:

— The state of the gastrointestinal tract fully depends on the quality and composition of the food we eat, and disruption of the work leads to problems on the face. Therefore, you need to eat properly and nutritiously; if you do not like fruits and vegetables, you can take vitamin supplements.

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Diet for beautiful facial skin: diet menu for problem skin, reviews

A diet for facial skin is as integral a part of skin care as the use of cosmetics.

By consuming healthy foods, you can successfully get rid of many deficiencies and prevent their occurrence.

Healthy food can affect the beauty of the skin in the most positive way: remove pimples and blackheads, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, smooth out existing wrinkles and slow down the aging process from the inside.

A skin cleansing diet is a properly balanced diet that includes foods rich in vitamins and other nutrients, among which there are several groups worth highlighting:

  1. Citrus fruits: rich in vitamins (especially group C). They remove free radicals, stimulate collagen production, increase elasticity and tighten flabby epidermis;
  2. Seafood is rich in zinc and omega-3 acids. They renew cells, prevent early aging, relieve inflammation, eliminate pimples and acne;
  3. Vegetables (green and orange) are rich in vitamin A, which softens inflammatory processes, prolongs youth and activates tanning;
  4. Nuts contain vitamin A, which prevents aging and protects the dermis from ultraviolet radiation;
  5. Cereals (oatmeal, rice, etc.) saturate the body with vitamin A and vitamin A, which moisturize and cleanse the epidermis, rejuvenate and prevent irritation.

The features of a diet for healthy skin are that, depending on its type, it is necessary to consume specific foods:

  1. Cucumbers, grapefruit, avocados, soybeans, tuna, trout, salmon, nuts, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli and chicken are good for oily dermis;
  2. For dry – wheat, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, milk, yogurt, melon, pepper, cabbage, rolled oats;
  3. For problematic ones - garlic, eggs, almonds, lettuce, cabbage, onions, fermented milk products.

What products are considered harmful to facial skin:

  1. All sweets;
  2. Any alcohol;
  3. Flour;
  4. Black tea and coffee;
  5. Salt and spices.

Absolutely everyone can use diets to cleanse their skin. If the menu contains products that cause individual intolerance, they can be replaced with others.

Diet for facial skin: menu and best recipes for improving skin

Diet for acne skin

When all types of problematic rashes appear - blackheads, pimples, acne, post-acne - it is important to develop your own diet and stick to it until the deficiencies are eliminated, and also exclude all harmful foods from the list above.

Check your body fat %, BMI and other important parameters

Sample diet menu for acne for 7 days

  1. In the morning we eat oatmeal and fruit, drink green tea;
  2. We have lunch with a boiled egg and chicken soup, wash down with carrot juice;
  3. We have dinner with a piece of steamed lean fish, boiled vegetables with a slice of bread, and wash it down with rosehip decoction.
  1. In the morning we eat low-fat cheese (100 g), drink a berry cocktail;
  2. For lunch we eat beef soup, drink a cup of green tea;
  3. We have dinner with a vegetable side dish and boiled chicken breast, and drink kefir.
  1. We have breakfast with fruit salad and cranberry juice;
  2. We have lunch with soup, vegetable salad and drink tea (green);
  3. In the evening we eat buckwheat boiled in water and drink kefir.
  1. We have breakfast with millet porridge, green tea and fruit salad;
  2. For lunch we prepare soup from low-fat turkey, drink compote;
  3. We have dinner with 100 g of lean beef, stewed vegetables and skim milk (1 glass).
  1. In the morning we eat fruit salad, low-fat cottage cheese, drink a cup of green tea;
  2. We have lunch with fish soup, a sandwich of cheese and black bread, washed down with rosehip decoction;
  3. For dinner – buckwheat with water and jelly.
  1. We have breakfast with a boiled egg, vegetable salad with lemon and a glass of kefir;
  2. We have lunch with barley porridge, chicken breast and compote;
  3. We have a fruit salad for dinner and drink green tea.
  1. We have breakfast with millet porridge, a couple of fruits and low-fat fermented baked milk;
  2. For lunch - chicken soup and tea;
  3. We have dinner with 100 g of lean fish, cottage cheese and jelly.

Diet for clear skin

In order to get rid of acne and preserve the beauty of your skin for a long time, you need to adhere to this diet, which lasts a week, once every 2-3 months. At the same time, it is recommended to use natural masks and facial scrubs.

Sample menu for each day:

  1. We have breakfast with oatmeal with milk, dried apricots, raisins and dried fruits, drink cocoa or green tea;
  2. After a couple of hours, drink a glass of fruit juice;
  3. We have lunch with pureed vegetable soup, stew and chicken breast;
  4. We have an afternoon snack with nuts (30 g) and a glass of green tea;
  5. We have dinner with buckwheat porridge and vegetable salad with celery root and green peas;
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.

Diet for skin and hair

To improve the condition of the dermis, nails and hair, it is recommended to use this diet once a month. After a couple of weeks, you will notice that your nails have become stronger, your hair has stopped falling out, and your skin looks fresher and younger.

  1. For breakfast, mix low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey and berries, drink chamomile tea;
  2. We have lunch with grilled chicken breast, celery (2 stalks), two sweet peppers and prunes (5 pieces);
  3. For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of kefir and snack on an apple;
  4. We have dinner with baked potatoes (1 piece), cauliflower fried in an egg, and drink a cup of green tea.

Diet for problem skin

When acne, pimples, or excessive sebum appear, it is important to pay attention to a healthy diet in time: completely eliminate fried foods, and eat only fresh or boiled vegetables, lean meat, fruits and fish for two weeks.

  1. In the morning we eat a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with lettuce leaves, drink a cup of kefir;
  2. Snack on almonds (30 g);
  3. We have lunch with boiled cabbage, carrots and onions, chicken breast, wash down with a glass of juice;
  4. For an afternoon snack - a couple of unsweetened apples;
    We have dinner with vegetable stew and two fresh sweet peppers.

Diet for fungal skin diseases

In the presence of different types of fungal infections, strict adherence to the diet is recommended until complete recovery. The diet includes dairy products, eggs, seaweed, cucumbers, apples, cherries, red peppers, herbs, beets, and food should be flavored with 1 tsp. black cumin oil.

  1. We have breakfast with buckwheat porridge with bran and drink tea;
  2. We snack on a couple of eggs;
  3. For lunch we prepare stewed cabbage, eat it with vegetable salad and boiled potatoes;
  4. We have dinner with seafood salad and a slice of bran bread.

Diet for mycosis of the skin

To treat mycosis, a type of fungal disease, a special diet is used, which must be followed until recovery. You can eat anything you want, with the exception of the following foods: white bread, confectionery yeast, vermicelli, white rice, jam and preserves, fatty and fried foods, pear, banana, figs and raisins.

The main emphasis in the menu should be on milk, boiled chicken, dark rice, eggs, buckwheat, corn, rosehip infusion, legumes, beets and cabbage.

Approximate daily menu:

  1. In the morning we eat buckwheat porridge and drink rose hip decoction;
  2. After a couple of hours, drink a glass of milk;
  3. We have lunch with a piece of boiled chicken fillet, stewed cabbage and two potatoes;
  4. For dinner - boiled beet salad, seasoned with sour cream.

Diet for elastic skin

To restore elasticity and prolong youth, this diet is well suited, which should be followed for two weeks, alternating protein and carbohydrate days.

Protein day menu:

  1. We have breakfast with yogurt mixed with berries, eat whole grain toast, drink tea;
  2. We snack on a baked apple stuffed with raisins and honey;
  3. For lunch we prepare a salad with salmon, herbs, tomatoes and brown rice;
  4. For an afternoon snack we eat a nectarine or an apple;
  5. We have dinner with chicken breast and boiled buckwheat with vegetables.

Carbohydrate day menu:

  1. We have breakfast with omelet with tomatoes, drink coffee;
  2. After 2 hours, eat oatmeal with nuts and cinnamon;
  3. We have lunch with vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and boiled beef;
  4. For an afternoon snack we eat a pear or banana;
  5. We have dinner with a casserole of cottage cheese and berries, and drink a fruit cocktail.

We also recommend that you read the article Diet for beautiful hair.

Many doctors recommend that all women periodically follow one of the presented diets, choosing it in accordance with their skin type and problems that need to be solved. After a couple of such cycles, the remarkable results of the diet for improving facial skin usually become visible:

  1. Problematic rashes disappear;
  2. Tone and elasticity increase, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  3. Fungal diseases are cured faster;
  4. The work of sebaceous secretions is normalized.

Reviews about the diet for beautiful skin from our regular readers are also very positive:

“I am an ardent supporter of a healthy lifestyle, and I believe that the epidermis is primarily affected by what we eat. I myself periodically go on a diet for my skin and hair, fortunately it’s not difficult to tolerate, and the menu is quite rich and healthy.”

“Several times a year I resort to a diet for elastic skin - it helps me preserve the remaining youth, because after it it’s like I’m reborn! At the same time I use natural masks and oils"

“I really don’t like any restrictions, but sometimes I have to go on a diet for problem skin - without it, I would have been covered in acne long ago. The only difficulty is that it’s difficult for me to give up sweets and eat healthy foods that are listed on the menu, but there is no other way out.”

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