Stretch marks on the back in men

Stretch marks or stretch marks are a specific pathology of skin tissue in the form of characteristic scars. Typically, such scar-like changes occur due to microtrauma of the epidermis due to a lack of collagen protein, which gives the skin elasticity. Sometimes the causes of stretch marks can be due to hereditary factors and certain endocrine diseases.

Many people believe that stretch marks are an exclusively female ailment that has nothing to do with the stronger sex. Let us immediately note that this opinion is erroneous and formed, most likely, because the resulting stretch marks cause women more cosmetic concerns than men.

Indeed, due to a number of factors related, first of all, to the function of childbirth, stretch marks in women form much more often than stretch marks in men. It is noteworthy that similar dynamics are also observed in childhood and adolescence: the results of statistical studies show that stretch marks occur more often in girls compared to the appearance of stretch marks in boys. However, men who take care of themselves are no less concerned about the problem of getting rid of stretch marks than women: every stretch mark is a cause for concern for them.

Causes of stretch marks in men

Striae in men can occur in various parts of the body.

  1. stretch marks on the stomach;
  2. stretch marks on legs;
  3. stretch marks on the thighs;
  4. stretch marks on the buttocks;
  5. stretch marks in the groin area;
  6. stretch marks on the back and other places where the skin and muscles are subject to particularly strong stress.

Below are the main causes of stretch marks in men.

  1. Physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Most often, stretch marks occur in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, whose diet is replete with excessive amounts of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates. Which, in turn, leads to obesity and stretching of the skin under the pressure of fatty deposits.
  2. Rapid increase in muscle volume due to intense physical activity. As a rule, stretch marks form in men involved in bodybuilding and other activities associated with the constant movement of heavy objects. Anabolic steroids, which are popular among bodybuilders, also contribute to intense muscle growth. The growth of muscle mass should be controlled, otherwise stretching of the skin, its micro-tears and, as a result, the appearance of stretch marks cannot be avoided.
  3. Long-term treatment with hormonal drugs based on glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.). Under their influence, specific obesity develops, accompanied by the appearance of stretch marks, not only in men, but also in the fair sex.
  4. Age-related changes in hormonal levels, which can lead to the appearance of stretch marks in teenage, mature and elderly men.
  5. Hereditary genetic predisposition. It has been scientifically established and confirmed by practice that children and grandchildren of people suffering from stretch marks are most susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks.
  6. A number of diseases of endocrine origin that can cause obesity with the concomitant development of stretch marks.

Treatment of stretch marks in men using COLLOST® gel

It is impossible to eliminate old stretch marks at home. Until recently, effective removal of these stretch marks in men was practiced only with the use of such serious cosmetic procedures as laser/chemical peeling or abdominal plastic surgery (excision). Such treatment of stretch marks is accompanied by pain and carries a certain degree of risk to the health of patients.

It was possible to radically improve the situation with getting rid of old stretch marks in men only after the introduction into cosmetology practice of such an innovative biomaterial as COLLOST® collagen gel based on natural collagen.

Collostotherapy is a currently widely used method that allows you to remove stretch marks in men without any problems. It consists in the fact that COLLOST® gel is administered intradermally by injection into the stretch area. Under the influence of COLLOST® gel on stretch marks, healthy tissue is restored.

Collagen gel COLLOST ® has the following main advantages.

  1. Safety. COLLOST ® gel is non-toxic. When using it to eliminate stretch marks in men, you don’t have to worry about undesirable consequences, and a preliminary test will help you avoid allergic manifestations.
  2. Comfort of use. Relieving men of stretch marks using COLLOST ® gel is a virtually painless cosmetic procedure.
  3. High performance. Injecting COLLOST® gel directly into stretch marks is the surest way to quickly achieve the expected result.

Judging by numerous reviews from patients and data from official tests, the removal of stretch marks in men using COLLOST® gel is superior in effectiveness to all other methods of cosmetic treatment of stretch marks.

Stretch marks on the skin, or stretch marks, that appear during pregnancy and after childbirth, as a result of weight gain, etc. - a problem familiar to most women. However, oddly enough, many men also know firsthand about stretch marks.


Stretch marks on the body of men are less common than in women, but, nevertheless, this is not such an exotic problem for the stronger sex. And if women almost always know why they might get stretch marks, how to prevent them or how to deal with existing ones, then men are usually not so competent in such matters.

What causes stretch marks in men?

Firstly, just like in women, stretch marks appear with significant weight gain. When this process occurs in a short time, the skin simply does not have enough elasticity to “encompass” the increased volumes.

Secondly, oddly enough, playing sports can also trigger the appearance of stretch marks. This is especially true for those who are actively building muscle mass. As with weight gain, the skin becomes less elastic. Such stretch marks appear especially often on the arms and shoulders, closer to the armpits.

Thirdly, stretch marks can appear in men taking corticosteroids or glucocorticoids, which worsen skin tone and often lead to weight gain.

Also factors influencing the occurrence of stretch marks are diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, hormonal changes in adolescence, and hereditary predisposition.

The areas of the body where stretch marks most often appear in men are the stomach and arms; stretch marks can also be located on the legs, back, and groin.

Naturally, unlike women, for whom stretch marks sometimes turn into a real drama, most men take these little troubles much more calmly, because stretch marks do not pose any threat to health, but are a purely cosmetic defect. However, this does not mean that the issue of combating stretch marks for men is irrelevant. And for professional bodybuilders, for example, smooth and even skin generally becomes a requirement of the profession.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach in men? How to get rid of stretch marks on the back in men?

Fresh, recently appeared stretch marks usually have a reddish or purple tint. Over time, they lighten, becoming white or translucent. The older the stretch marks, the more difficult it is to get rid of them.

If getting rid of stretch marks is a matter of principle, then it is better to resort to professional salon procedures.

Chemical peels - the skin is treated with acid, as a result of which the upper layers are completely renewed. Immediately after the procedure, there is usually severe redness and irritation, which goes away after a few days and the results become noticeable. This method is suitable for combating stretch marks on the abdomen.

Mesotherapy: injections of special medicinal preparations are made at the locations of stretch marks, which improve the structure of the skin and gradually make stretch marks less and less noticeable.

Laser resurfacing, like peeling, eliminates stretch marks by renewing the upper layers of the skin, but this procedure is less traumatic. In this way, you can remove stretch marks on the stomach, back, legs, etc.


How to remove stretch marks on men's arms? Stretch marks on men's legs, treatment

In addition to salon procedures, there are also folk remedies for eliminating stretch marks. However, here it is better to tune in to long-term and consistent use and not expect brilliant results, especially when it comes to stretch marks with a long shelf life.

For example, in order to make stretch marks on the arms or legs less visible, you need to apply a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and badyagi powder (the ratio of the components is approximately 1:1) to the problem areas. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off. The procedure must be repeated every day or every other day at least 10 times in a row.

Honey wrap is also effective. Honey is heated in a water bath and applied to those places on the arms or legs where there are stretch marks. Wrap the top of your arms or legs with cling film and put on something warm. After 40 minutes, the honey can be washed off.

Wrapping with kelp (purchased at a pharmacy) gives good results. The contents of the package are filled with warm water, and when the algae swells, they are applied to areas with pronounced stretch marks, wrapped in cling film and left for 20 minutes.

As an auxiliary home remedy to combat stretch marks in men, it is useful to use body scrubs. This can be any ready-made scrub, which is applied to the “target” areas with massage movements and washed off in the shower. You can also prepare the scrub yourself - for example, from ground coffee or grape seeds crushed in a blender. Both are added to the shower gel.

There are also ready-made cosmetic products for stretch marks that can be used by both men and women. Such compositions are available in the lines of the brands Vichy, Collistar, Clarins, Biotherm and others.

Prevention of stretch marks

Dealing with stretch marks that have already appeared is not easy, so it is advisable to take measures to prevent their occurrence. How can you prevent stretch marks? Of course, try to avoid the main risk factors as much as possible - avoid large weight gains in a short period, increase muscle mass gradually when playing sports, and monitor the state of the endocrine system. In addition, you can:

  1. drink enough liquid - at least 2 liters of clean water per day (tea, coffee, juices and other drinks are not taken into account);
  2. be sure to eat protein foods;
  3. include in your diet more foods containing vitamins C, A and E, as well as zinc.

To protect yourself from the appearance of stretch marks on specific areas of the body, it is very useful to use wheat germ oil (regularly rubbed into the skin with massage movements).

Greetings, dear readers. Today we will discuss stretch marks in men and methods of dealing with them. So, gentlemen, read carefully, remember and act! And we will help you take a step towards perfection.

Stretch marks on the skin are not only a problem for women. This problem also applies to men. Striae are visible red or purple scars that become paler over time. They appear due to a rupture of the inner layer of the epidermis.

Causes of stretch marks in men

The appearance of stretch marks is due to a number of reasons, which we will now consider.



Some men have a genetic predisposition to developing stretch marks. If your parents have a problem with stretch marks, then most likely you will have them too.

Although stretch marks are uncommon in men, they can occur at any stage of life.

Pancreatic diseases

One of the most unfavorable causes is disruption of the pancreas. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Marfan syndrome (a disorder of connective tissue development) provoke the appearance of stretch marks. In the presence of these syndromes, disruptions occur in the body, which increase the production of the hormone cortisol. It makes the skin too soft and less elastic.

Rapid weight gain


One of the most common reasons for stretch marks in men is weight gain over a short period of time. This occurs due to rapid stretching of the skin following rapidly growing tissues. During this process, the skin becomes thinner and tears because it cannot cope with such pressure and microtraumas form on it.

This often happens to athletes who suddenly gain muscle mass. Teenagers are also at risk due to hormonal changes that are associated with puberty.

Weight loss

Stretch marks in men during weight loss are a common problem when losing weight. If you lose weight suddenly, the skin begins to lose nutrients, its blood supply deteriorates and the elasticity of the subcutaneous layer of the dermis decreases.

Therefore, the issue of losing weight must be approached consciously and thoughtfully, understanding that with sudden weight loss, the skin simply will not have time to adapt.

Localization of stretch marks on the body of men and the fight against them


Lack of collagen and elastin leads to decreased skin tone. Stretch marks on the back, chest, as well as stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are the most common areas for stretch marks to appear in men. Stretch marks on the lower back and stretch marks on the chest are less common, but it is quite possible to get rid of them or reduce them.

Nowadays, many men have begun to take care of their bodies and improve them. The fight against stretch marks is not easy, but the results are worth it. We will tell you about several effective exercises that will help improve skin tone and thus reduce stretch marks in men.

Stretch marks on the shoulders and forearms can be removed with the help of exercises with a barbell, such as: barbell press up from the chest, barbell press from behind the head, raises with dumbbells while standing.

Simple push-ups from the floor or on parallel bars, bench press and dumbbell flyes while lying down will help reduce stretch marks. on the chest.

Stretch marks on the stomach in men, it can be reduced with the help of exercises “pulling the legs while sitting to the stomach”, “raising the legs while lying on a horizontal bench”.

Reduce stretch marks on foot possible with squats, standing leg raises and barbell squats.

Stretch marks on the buttocks in men they are reduced by running with high knees, walking on the buttocks, and abducting the legs while standing.

Stretch marks on the back and stretch marks on the sides can be “treated” thanks to exercises such as “lying twisting”, “side bending with dumbbells”, as well as the “twist” exercise.

It is worth remembering that stretches on the shoulders and stretches on the buttocks are the most difficult to remove, so it may be worth adding additional impact tools to the exercises. For example: cosmetic procedures, peeling at home, wraps, creams.

Remedies for stretch marks for men

Now we will look at the most effective means to combat stretch marks.



Vitamin A or retinol is a compound that is less stable in its pure form than its retinoid derivatives. As a result, retinol palmetate or acetate is often added to creams that are intended to eliminate stretch marks. One form of vitamin A is tretinoin or retinoic acid.

Retinoid cream can be purchased with or without a prescription. Prescription retinoids are powerful, but if your stretch marks are small, an over-the-counter cream may be fine.

The effect of a cream with retinoids is achieved by accelerating the renewal of skin cells. New collagen and elastin fibers are formed. It is these elements that control the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

These creams are especially good at helping to get rid of stretch marks that have appeared over the past six months. If the stretch marks do not completely disappear, the effect will be visible in any case, since the width and length will decrease. So stretch marks on the lower back, for example, will thank you for using such a cream.

One of the creams with retinoids from the Johnson & Johnson brand is Retin A. Another effective cream made in Italy is Tretinoincream, which must be applied to a clean and dry area of ​​the problem area.

The use of creams with retinoids can help significantly reduce, for example, stretch marks on the sides of men, or completely get rid of this problem.

Before using any retinoid cream, you should read the instructions.



Vegetable and essential oils are one of the most effective means for combating stretch marks, as well as for their prevention. They contain natural nourishing and moisturizing components that help make the skin firmer and more elastic. They also supply it with various nutrients and vitamins.

The most effective oils for combating stretch marks: jojoba, cocoa, coconut, olive, wheat germ oil.

You can purchase a cream or lotion, but you need to look for the presence of any of these oils, as well as glycerin and a vitamin complex in its composition.

If you choose the right product, then stretch marks on men’s legs, for example, can significantly decrease in size.

Essential oils help improve blood circulation, relieve tension and increase muscle tone. They cannot be used in their pure form, so they are added to creams and massage mixtures.

Useful tips

Stretch marks are a real problem for men and getting rid of them is much more difficult than preventing their appearance. This is what men who want to avoid the problem of stretch marks need to remember. And for this you need:

  1. Control your diet: you need to include amino acids, vitamins and beneficial microelements in your diet.
  2. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits as often as possible.
  3. Drink more water, especially in summer.
  4. Be sure to eat protein foods.
  5. Include foods that contain vitamins C, A and E in your diet.
  6. Engage in active sports.

These rules should become your way of life. Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to a happy and healthy life, and, of course, the absence of stretch marks in men!

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Always yours, Anna 😉