Drinking water during sports

During active sports, dehydration may occur. To avoid such trouble, you need to drink water. It is the main tool for activating biochemical processes. What properties does water have? How to properly organize your drinking regime during sports training?

Basic qualities of drinking water.

Water has a huge number of positive properties. The main ones are as follows:

Removing toxic substances from the body - a person’s well-being and health directly depend on the state of the immune system. For the latter to work properly, continuous removal of decay products is necessary. The best way to cope with this task is clean drinking water.

Normalization of body temperature - in hot weather and during active activities, the body overheats. Temperature stabilization occurs through sweating. This leads to fluid loss. Drinking helps restore the deficiency.

Improved skin condition. Water is responsible for metabolic processes. By consuming the proper amount of liquid, a person starts the process of cell regeneration. As a result, the color and elasticity of the skin improves.

Optimization of the digestive system. Water promotes proper absorption of food, vitamins and minerals contained in food.

Decreased appetite. Water helps you lose weight because after drinking it you feel full.

To satisfy the need for high-quality liquid, it is worth installing a water cooler in your home, the price of which is quite affordable for any average person.

Recommendations for organizing the drinking regime during sports.

Loss of fluid in the body during fitness and other sports is higher. To normalize your water balance, you need to drink water. But this should be done by adhering to certain recommendations. They are as follows:

  1. a few hours before the start of training, you need to drink about one glass of liquid;
  2. if the classes are very intense, then every half hour you can drink about 100 ml of liquid;
  3. To get rid of discomfort in the muscle area, you should add a small amount of honey to the water. Glucose helps restore energy and relieves stress;
  4. You need to drink in small sips. If the stomach feels full, the amount of drinking should be limited or replaced by rinsing the mouth;
  5. It is impossible to exceed the norms of fluid intake, as this will put additional stress on the heart and kidneys.
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