Static Qigong - Hands on head

Many of you probably have difficulty holding your arms above your head for long periods of time.

Typically, such problems occur in people with weakened shoulder girdles, the elderly, and those who suffer from arthritis or simply avoid physical activity. Not being able to hold your arms above your head for even a minute can be a serious problem. I will teach you to overcome difficulties.

When I started studying static exercises, I became convinced that soon after starting the exercise, pain appeared in my shoulders and arms. Sometimes the pain was so unbearable that I had to give up. At the same time, I experienced an involuntary feeling of my own helplessness. To overcome the problem, I began experimenting with different poses and exercises.

A pose that has helped me overcome the painful effects of gravity is called hands-on-head. By taking it, you will also learn to relax your upper body.

Static Qigong - Hands on head

1. Take a basic static pose with your arms at your sides.
2. Raise your hands until they meet at the back of your head.
3. Close the fingers of your left and right hands into a “lock” at the back of your head.
4. Elbows look to the sides and are pulled back slightly so that when you turn your head, you can see the inner area of ​​​​the elbow bend.
5. Imagine that a small load (30-50 g) is suspended from your elbows. Completely relax your arms and imagine them weightless.
6. Maintain this pose for three to five minutes. The exercise can be performed in combination with the “internal” exercises you already know.