Perfect buttocks for summer: a simple set of exercises

Summer is already here, and many of us are thinking about how to get into shape. Ideal buttocks have become one of the most popular goals for girls and women. And although many may think that to achieve such a form you need to go to the gym or have special knowledge, in reality everything is much simpler. In this article we will talk about a set of exercises that will help you get your buttocks into ideal shape.

This set of exercises was developed by popular fitness instructors Elizabeth Halfappe and Fred DeVito. These athletes have been successfully working together for many years, and thanks to their methods, about 250 thousand Americans have lost weight and gained excellent body shape.

The set of exercises that we recommend consists of four exercises that can be easily done at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions and perform a set of exercises three times a week for a month. Each lesson should take about half an hour.

Exercise No. 1

Place a chair in front of you, place your hands on the back, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform 20 times each of two exercise options:

Option A (photo A) involves raising the left leg, bent at the knee, to the left. Try to raise it as high as possible. Switch legs.

Option B (photo B) - pull your left leg back. Then draw a semicircle to your left and lift your leg so that your knee forms a right angle. Switch legs.

Exercise No. 2

Place a chair in front of you, kneel down with your hands on the back. The back should be straight, the left leg should be pulled back without straightening the knee. Lift the limb up so that you feel the muscles of the thigh and buttocks tense. Do the exercise 20 times. Switch legs.

Exercise No. 3

Sit on the floor with both legs bent at the knees, with the right leg lying underneath you and the left leg out to the side. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, rest on your fingers, and straighten your back. Slowly lift your left leg to the side. Stay in this position for 20 seconds and slowly lower your leg without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times and change legs.

Exercise #4

Sit on the floor and bend your right leg as shown in the photo. Then gradually straighten your right leg and lean forward with your arms bent at the elbows. Slowly lower your chest toward your right thigh, and you should feel the muscles tense. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Switch legs and do 10 repetitions.

This set of exercises is a great way for those who want to get their buttocks in shape. All exercises can be easily performed at home without additional equipment, and regular exercise will help achieve the desired result. It is important to remember that the exercises must be performed correctly and without interruption, and only then will you see a positive effect.

In addition to performing a set of exercises, to achieve the desired result, you need to monitor your diet and lifestyle. It is recommended to eat more protein foods, including meat, fish, eggs and legumes, and reduce the intake of carbohydrates and fats. It is also important to devote enough time to sleep and not to forget about regular walks in the fresh air.

In conclusion, we would like to note that bringing your buttocks into ideal shape is possible if you regularly perform a set of exercises and monitor your lifestyle. Also remember to eat healthy and get enough rest. Be persistent and patient and you will definitely achieve the desired result.