Achlorhydria Chemical

Chemical achlorhydria, salt poisoning is a lesion of the cardiovascular system that occurs when ingesting sour meat or fish soup in small doses, which occurs in the form of syphilitic gastritis.

The condition occurs relatively rarely and usually occurs in people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and nervous system (encephalitis, Parkinson's disease).

It is always completely reversible, since each case of achlorhydia, repeating again and again, only leads to a weakening of the symptoms. And the longer the period between these poisonings, the greater the chronic and sclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels and the vessels of internal organs. That is why the prognosis is relatively favorable. Achlorhydria should never be confused with vitamin deficiency PP, which is caused by an insufficient content of vitamin PP in the soup and is manifested by clear signs of hemorrhages under the retina and damage to the motor cortex of the brain, which never happens in an achlorhydric state.