Anti-cellulite abdominal massage: creating a flat tummy

Cellulite can appear on a wide variety of areas of the body. The abdominal area is no exception. Anti-cellulite abdominal massage is one of the most effective means of eliminating cellulite and excess weight in this area. Manual impact on the subcutaneous fat tissue of the abdomen changes the structure of fat cells. Over time, intracellular blood circulation improves and intestinal functions normalize.

If you suffer from bloating, the anti-cellulite massage technique will help cope with this problem.

A properly performed anti-cellulite massage on the stomach will not only improve the general condition of the body, but also give lightness to your body. The skin will begin to “breathe”, become soft, elastic and tender.

Anti-cellulite abdominal massage

Manual massage against cellulite on the stomach

How to do anti-cellulite abdominal massage

Before you start, be sure to make sure that you have no contraindications to performing.


  1. inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (neoplasms)
  2. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. skin diseases;
  4. period of menstruation.

If you use products such as honey or essential oils during a massage, be sure to make sure there is no allergic reaction.

The massage will be performed in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. All movements are made along the course of the lymph (clockwise). Hand movements should not cause pain in the patient.

The method we want to provide you harmoniously combines the techniques of rubbing and kneading. We can say that they complement each other, showing an effective result - kneading accelerates the process of breakdown of subcutaneous fats, and rubbing soothes the skin.

The massage therapist slowly applies specially prepared oil to the skin, stroking it so that all movements are performed gently.

The “Swing” technique is performed. To do this, the massage therapist places the fingers of one hand under the palm of the other. Then it begins to perform soft rolls along the lymphatic flows.

Massage appointment

Massage technique “Swing”

This is followed by the “Pinching” massage technique. The massage therapist grabs the skin with the thumb and forefinger and moves along the edge of the costal arch. Skin grip is deep.


Massage technique “Pinching”

Then a circular rubbing of the abdomen is performed. Rubbing can be done in different directions or in a spiral.

Belly rub

Planar abdominal rubbing

After plane rubbing, the massage therapist performs comb-shaped rubbing. It is performed with the second phalanges of the fingers. This technique is carried out more intensively, moving in a spiral, or in different directions.

Rubbing with phalanges of fingers

Rubbing with the second phalanges of the fingers

Then the massage therapist begins vertical kneading. It is performed as follows: the pads of the fingers grab the fat fold and knead it towards the center from the lateral surface of the abdomen.

Vertical kneading

Vertical kneading with fingertips

Transverse kneading. At this stage, kneading is carried out similarly to vertical. Only in this case the fat fold is warmed up in the direction from bottom to top.


Transverse abdominal kneading

The kneading is followed by the “Rake” massage technique. It is performed with scraping movements. Stroking is performed from the periphery to the center towards each other.


Massage technique "Rake"

You need to finish the massage by kneading the lymph nodes. The nodes located under the diaphragm are warmed up. The palms should be folded on top of each other, then light kneading from top to bottom is carried out in the area of ​​the process of the sternum.

The duration of the procedure is 40-50 minutes, depending on the scale of the work and the structure of the body. To achieve positive results, experts advise conducting sessions every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.

Honey massage is considered a very effective and popular means of combating cellulite. For this procedure you need to use natural honey in a liquid state. Take a small amount of honey, spread it on your stomach and begin to knead slowly.

Then patting movements are performed with the palms. The palms begin to stick to the stomach, forcing the stored layers of fat to work. This movement will thoroughly warm up the subcutaneous fat layer, increasing blood circulation.

We invite you to watch the video of anti-cellulite abdominal massage, which describes in detail the manual massage technique.