Rules for choosing an arm simulator

For those who play sports not just for themselves, but really want to achieve a lot and surprise others with their records, daily training is a must in their daily routine. During such classes, athletes work with various equipment and exercise equipment. These are dumbbells, barbells, various blocks and wrist expanders.

Not all beginners know, but if you don’t buy a wrist expander in time, then you will train at half strength, since the day will definitely come when your fingers simply cannot hold a heavy projectile. Before you dream about how you'll tone every muscle group in your upper body, first develop your grip. Not everyone understands the connection between the grip and, for example, the back muscles. In fact, everything is very simple. If you don’t start working out with an expander, then the day will come when you simply won’t be able to stay on the horizontal bar or fix the barbell during the exercise. Don't try to save money on a wrist trainer. Without it, your path to big sport is barred.

Some tips for beginners

Beginners very often overestimate their strength. They think that because they have pumped up biceps and triceps, that means they also have an iron grip. In fact, this is not true at all. A person who has never worked with a wrist expander simply cannot have a strong grip. Yes, he may have fairly powerful shoulders and forearms, but his grip will still be weak.

If you see that you cannot squeeze the exercise machine even with both hands, you definitely shouldn’t take it. The first resistance band should be something that you can actually work with. If after a while you buy a target expander that will be difficult for you to close, and you warm up before working with it on other machines, this is normal. For your first workouts, you need to purchase an expander with which you can warm up and work at full strength. Therefore, beginners are often advised to buy an adjustable model.

The adjustable model allows you to exercise anytime, anywhere. Such expanders are light in weight, small in size, and fit perfectly even in a trouser pocket. There are no or minimal notches on them, so with this exercise machine you can exercise without sports gloves that protect the skin from damage.

In addition to adjustable ones, there are also non-adjustable expanders with the lowest level of rigidity. Such a machine can give more load than an adjustable one. With it you can train directly in the training room.

A very interesting type of adjustable exercise equipment is the Korean model with a rotating handle. If you buy such a model, you will be able to work with different loads. The level of rigidity of the expander varies and depends on whether you place the rotating handle towards the palm or fingers.

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