Diet Recipes

At home, it is very important to strictly observe food storage standards and take into account the technological features of preparing dishes. Of course, at home it is easier to take into account the patient’s individual habits and tastes when creating a menu. But this should not contradict the requirements for therapeutic nutrition for a particular disease. Otherwise, you can cause harm instead of benefit.

This section presents recipes for various medicinal dishes. You should choose those that meet the dietary requirements for your specific bowel disease. The quantity of each product is indicated in the recipes in terms of one serving.

Snacks can be cold or hot. They are taken at the beginning of a meal. Their main purpose is to increase appetite and thereby prepare the stomach for digesting the main part of the food.

Carrot and apple salad (diets No. 2, 3)
Carrots 94 g, peeled apples without core 68 g, sour cream 20 g, sugar 5 g. Dish weight 150 g.
Remove the core from the apples, cut them into circles or chop them into strips. Grate raw carrots on a fine grater and mix with apples. Season with sugar and pour over sour cream.

Boiled beet salad (diets No. 2, 3)
Beetroot 1 13 g, vegetable oil 5 g. Dish weight 100 g.
Boil the beets in their skins, cool, peel and cut into strips, season with vegetable oil.

Jellied dishes are prepared with gelatin. It is soaked in cold water for 30 minutes, diluted with hot water, broth or vegetable broth, boiled, cooled slightly and poured into a mold. Place the product in the cooled solution and cool it.

Jellied fish (diets No. 1, 2, 3, 4b)
Cod fillet 97 g, gelatin 5 g. Weight of boiled fish 63 g, dishes 200 g. Jellied meat and jellied tongue are prepared in the same way.

Herring pate (diets No. 1, 2, 3, 4b)
Herring fillet 73 g, white bread and milk 10 g each, butter 4 g, egg 1/4 pc. Dish weight 65 g.
Soak the herring fillet in running water, pass through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk and squeezed out, finely chopped boiled eggs, butter and mix thoroughly.

Meat cheese (diets No. 1, 2, 4b)
Meat 77 g, butter 20, rice 6 g. Dish weight 80 g.
Boil the meat and mince three times. Cook a viscous porridge from rice and rub it together with the chopped meat through a sieve. Mix the pureed mass with softened butter, beat, shape and cool.

Jellied meatballs (diets No. 1, 2, 3)
Meat 112 g, wheat bread 18 g, milk 22 g, vegetable oil 15 g, eggs 1/3 pcs., parsley 5.5 g, salt 2 g. Dish weight 100 g.

For jelly: broth or vegetable decoction 140 g, gelatin 4 g.
Pass the cleaned and washed meat through a meat grinder with a fine grid, add bread soaked in milk and pass through the meat grinder again. Add vegetable oil, salt, eggs to the resulting mass and beat with a whisk. Form meatballs and steam them. Prepare the jelly: simmer the broth or vegetable broth (depending on your diet), strain, add gelatin soaked for 30-40 minutes, bring to a boil and strain. Pour a little cooled (up to 30°C) broth or broth into a shallow dish or portioned pan, add meatballs, add broth or broth. When the meatballs have set in jelly, completely fill them with broth or broth and cool.

Soups are one of the must-have lunch dishes. In some regions of our country, soups are consumed several times a day, but this is not advisable. They are prepared in meat, fish, mushroom, chicken broths, in cereal, vegetable, fruit and berry broths, raw juices, milk, etc., in which meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. are placed.