Fatigue Mental

Mental fatigue in humans.

Mental fatigue is one of the types of fatigue that occurs when performing any work associated with increased mental activity. At the same time, a person experiences various unpleasant sensations, both moral and physical. The person may feel that they cannot think as quickly or as well as usual and that their thoughts have become less clear. In addition, he may experience fatigue, muscle fatigue, headaches and dizziness, as well as other unpleasant physical sensations.

Causes of mental fatigue:

- a large amount of work; - complex and monotonous work;

- difficulties of motivation;

- weak control over activities (emotional, volitional); - influence of climate and ergonomic working conditions;

Mental fatigue (synonyms asthenia, asthenic symptom complex) is a rapidly occurring accelerated physiological decline in mental activity to the initial stages of mental impairment in conditions usual for the normal performance of the relevant activity, for example, as a result of depletion of needs and motives, under the influence of monotony and prolonged stress, and also when exposed to information means that cause attention impairment. In the latter case, fatigue is combined with certain mental state phenomena such as insomnia, unproductive mental readaptation (a companion to resource shortages).

Fatigue occurs either with repeated