Fibroma Chondromyxoid

Fibromatosis, synonymous with “fibroma disease” (in ICD-11 - “dermohypodermosis fibrosus”, “dermo-hyperdermosic fibromatosis”) is a hereditary degenerative-dystrophic disease of muscles and skin. Only females are affected (mainly between the ages of 15 and 25 years) . The metabolic disorder is characterized by chronic infiltration of the myometrium with connective tissue elements, reminiscent of the hyaline structure of typical soft tissue tumors. In adults, the disease manifests itself as nodes, small nodular or large muscular fibromas. Neoplasms develop mainly from the dermis in the groin areas and external genitalia, and are found in children. Subjectively, all patients note : figure deformations, pain in various parts of the body, weakness, limited range of motion of the limbs. The diagnosis is established on the basis of a clinical examination, morphometry and molecular genetic analysis of the DNA of neoplasm cells. Treatment can be carried out by surgical removal of nodes and using local agents to eliminate hypergranulations . The pathological process is based on a decrease in the secretion of elasto- and chondroitin sulfates due to damage to the fibrous structures of the glycosaminoglycan matrix of the skin. The presence of trophic ulcers located in areas of connective tissue changes (