Five rules for winter equipment if it’s very cold outside

The cold weather is coming. Not everyone in our country is accustomed to them. Few people know what to do and how to behave when the thermometer goes over 20. The warm start of the season made us relax and forget about thick sweaters and massive sheepskin coats. Sometimes forecasts are deceiving. But, even in such a difficult situation, we will try to help you get out of the situation by giving some useful advice.

  1. Before going outside, check the weather report. It is cold not so much from frost as from high humidity and strong wind.

  2. Underwear should be cotton, not synthetic. Socks too.

  3. It is better if the clothes are multi-layered: a T-shirt, vest, sweater, jacket. In cold weather, it is better to add another sweater and leggings than to put a heavy sheepskin coat on a thin blouse.

  4. The thickness of the clothing layer should be as uniform as possible throughout. Protect your neck, ears, feet and hands from the cold - if they are frozen, you will be cold, regardless of the warmest fur coat.

  5. When entering a room or the subway even for a short time, take off your outerwear: if you overheat, you risk quickly freezing and even catching a cold when you return outside.