How long to keep a tan

Luxurious brown skin color is the dream of almost every second girl. Since it is not easy to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time and not peel off, you need to be patient and use numerous folk and professional remedies.

What not to do

The most important thing in maintaining a tan is getting it right. If the skin is burnt, then it will certainly begin to peel off soon; this cannot be prevented. In essence, tanning is the body’s protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. In the surface layer of the epidermis (also called the spiky layer), active cell division begins, exceeding a certain norm of which can develop into oncology. To slow down this division, the body begins to produce melanin, which colors the body in pleasant shades of brown.

Girl sunbathing

Therefore, the first thing you need to know in order not to peel off and maintain a tan after the sea is to try not to get sunburned. The body peels off when it lacks certain substances or only dead cells remain on the surface. The reasons can be distinguished by the type of layer being removed:

  1. If the epidermis simply peels off or looks dehydrated, then the problem is a lack of nutrients and moisturizing substances;
  2. If it peels off in large pieces, then the body is freed from problematic keratinized cells.

Peeling method

What can you do to maintain a sea tan, but the body begins to peel off:

  1. Use products with deep moisturizing properties. First of all, these are special creams or after-sun creams. They are saturated with natural ingredients and chemical elements that retain moisture in the skin even in the hottest heat. Do not use glycerin - it will “suck” moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis and speed up the process of removing the outer shell;
  2. Use mild soap or shower gel, do not use chemical or cheap detergents. In most cases, good gels contain effective moisturizers: oils, extracts, extracts. They will help nourish and protect the body from tissue keratinization;
  3. Special masks and wraps will help preserve your tan. For example, from seaweed or honey.

But, at the same time, if peeling begins on the face, then the process is irreversible, you need to get rid of the cause and moisturize. At home, a scrub made from sugar or coffee will effectively remove scales. Under no circumstances use chemical or acid peels in the summer - they can affect natural pigmentation. Wash your face several times a day with chamomile infusion or rose water and be sure to apply a cream with a good UV filter (from 25). This will help maintain a dark complexion at first. In the future it will simply light up again. As an analogue of creams, you can make a carrot mask every morning, but this method is only suitable for dark-skinned girls.

Photo - Tanning creams

The most important thing for blondes and redheads to remember is how to maintain their tan longer. In girls of this type, the sun “sticks” the fastest and lasts the least on the epidermis. Even an instant burn can be turned into a gorgeous tan if you apply shea butter to it. It is not only a natural antioxidant, but also an excellent natural pigmentation enhancer. You can also use cosmetics with coconut or shea butter additives.

The Crimean southern tan always catches the eye, it even differs in shade from that obtained in central Russia. It also lasts the longest, but it can be extended, if you are burned, literally until the next season:

  1. Apply vitamin E, A, or beta-carotene to yourself both before and after sunbathing. These substances will not only help improve the quality of pigmentation, but also help protect the resulting pigment;
  2. Do not take a steam bath in the bath or sauna - otherwise your body will peel off very quickly;
  3. Bathe in herbal infusions; for example, nettle, string or chamomile have proven themselves to be excellent activators.

Photo – Vitamin E

The next rule is to draw up the main menu. According to research from leading beauty companies, girls who regularly eat peaches, watermelons and carrots stay tan longer. This is due to the presence of a certain substance in these fruits that affects the amount of pigment produced by the body. Olives and black olives have proven themselves to be excellent enhancers.

And the most basic rule for prolonging a tan is quality sunbathing. The fact is that if you initially tanned incorrectly, then the dark skin color will not last long. Therefore, prepare in advance for going to the beach.

Video: useful tips for maintaining a tan

How to tan properly

You can maintain a southern tan longer after your vacation if you scrub thoroughly before going to the beach. Otherwise, dead cells will dry out and begin to take moisture from healthy ones, this will lead to peeling and varying degrees of pigmentation (colored spots on the body). For home scrubbing you can use:

  1. Salt or sugar;
  2. Coffee;
  3. Professional scrubs or shower gels with special additives.

If you don’t have anything like that at hand or you’re already on the beach, then just wipe yourself with sand. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite and ingrown hairs after depilation. Only contraindicated for wounds and cuts.

Photo – Coffee scrub

Next, you need to choose the right creams for sunbathing. You should use cosmetics with UV filters even in winter; this will help maintain your summer tan and prepare your epidermis for the new season. An excellent activator is olive oil. It can be used on both the body and face. Olive ether will also help protect you from burns in the first months of solar activity. If you regularly apply a couple of drops of this product to yourself after a shower, the pigmentation will remain for at least a couple of months longer than usual.

Tips for proper tanning and to avoid skin peeling for a long time:

  1. Wash in running water without adding chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical element that whitens skin;
  2. Always after sunbathing and swimming in salt water, hurry to wash off in a fresh source, otherwise the epidermis will begin to dehydrate and peel off;
  3. Proper care will help you get a beautiful tan and maintain it. Always use protective creams in the sun (the factor is selected according to your skin type), do not sunbathe between 11 am and 2 pm, and use moisturizing lotions after showering.

A sea tan is wonderful in itself, and as an extra reminder of the time spent at sea, and as a reason to tell your friends about your vacation in hot countries. Tanned skin attracts attention, minor defects are not visible on it, it does not require an abundance of concealing cosmetics, and in general, tanning is associated with health, a healthy lifestyle and attractiveness.

It is quite natural that both men and women, returning from the sea, are looking for ways to maintain a southern tan for as long as possible. Let's look at the simplest ways to maintain a dark skin color, and at the same time take care of it after a period of intense sun exposure.

Getting ready for vacation

Even before traveling to Egypt or another hot country, you need to choose the right cosmetics for your skin:

  1. UV protection cream;
  2. a special tanning prolonger or a regular moisturizer.

Special cosmetics will protect the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation and prevent the development of burns. Accordingly, the less the skin is damaged, the less it will peel, and the longer its deep and rich color will remain.

The purpose of the prolongator is deep hydration, which a regular body care cream can rarely provide. The prolongator is applied immediately after a shower and left overnight.

Video: Summer cosmetic bag for vacation

Let's tan properly

To prevent your skin from peeling off during your vacation, you need to approach the issue of time and duration of sunbathing wisely. The optimal time for tanning, especially in the first days, is the morning hours, until about 10 am, and the evening hours from 17-18. In the first days, it is better to be in the shade: there is also ultraviolet light there, but not so much compared to places where direct sunlight hits the skin.

The skin on the face requires special protection with sunscreens with a maximum level of ultraviolet protection, since if we can cover the rest of the body with clothes, the face will still be exposed to the sun's rays.

Lip product should also be chosen with maximum SPF. And at night, be sure to deeply moisturize. Gradual preparation of the skin for sunlight will be an excellent prevention of rapid exfoliation of the surface layer containing melanin.

Nutrition as a way to maintain a tan for a long time

A varied diet is important for skin health, regardless of whether you prefer sea or ski resorts. If we talk about ways to improve the condition of the skin and its ability to recover after exposure to active sun, then first of all you should give preference to fatty varieties of fish. Fortunately, seaside resorts are the best place to treat yourself to fresh fish and other seafood.

Fatty fish contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to improve its appearance and elasticity. Vitamins are also important. Especially those that have a pronounced antioxidant effect. These are vitamin C, A and E. Under the influence of sunlight, a large number of free radicals are formed in the skin, which damage cell walls.

Damaged cells do not live long. They die and flake off from the surface of the skin.

To compensate for the lack of these vitamins, you must either take a vitamin-mineral complex, or not limit yourself to ripe fruits, vegetables, juices and other tasty and healthy things.

Find out where to buy a home solarium for the face that emits ultraviolet rays no worse than the sun?

Have you heard of ant cream for solarium? Details here.

Skin care after the sea

The question of how long a tan can last after a vacation should be approached taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. If your skin tans poorly and gets burned quickly, then you shouldn’t expect that after a vacation in July, the tan will last until mid-autumn if properly cared for.

Already in August, owners of Celtic skin type will be as white as before. But those who tan immediately and without problems can go dark for a very long time. The less your skin is exposed to UV damage, the longer you will be able to show off your sea tan.

The easiest way to maintain color saturation without drying out your skin in a solarium. As a product with bronzers, you can choose any tanning cream that contains cane sugar - dihydroxyacetone.

  1. Visit to the solarium.

The most effective way to constantly be “chocolate”. In order to maintain the desired skin tone, you do not need to spend a lot of time in the solarium. For most, a couple of sessions a week for 5-7-10 minutes will be enough.

Find out how to prepare for your instant tanning treatment.

Watch the video: Benefits or Harm of Solarium, in this article.

Read here how to properly sunbathe in a vertical solarium.

What will help “wash off the tan”

Anything that exfoliates your skin will make your tan appear lighter.

  1. Thermal procedures.

A hot bath or hot shower helps the top layer of skin swell and this makes it much easier to peel off. Therefore, it is advisable to limit yourself to a cool shower and avoid taking a bath for a while.

Visiting saunas and steam baths does not contribute to long-term tanning.

  1. Mechanical impact.

You should not use harsh washcloths or body scrubs, as the more exfoliation, the paler the tan.

  1. Chemical exposure.

Any product that has a lightening or whitening effect will reduce the intensity of tanning. Therefore, all your products for daily use will have to be checked for the presence of vitamin C, lemon extract, cucumber, and other components, the purpose of which is to make the skin lighter and remove pigmentation.

Beautiful tan - It’s not a difficult task, but it requires some preparation.. If you want to know how to keep your tan longer after the sea, our recommendations will help you keep your tan for a long time, even more than 3 months. We start preparing before we go to sea.

Recommendations for maintaining a tan after the sea

The basis of a good tan is proper nutrition for the active production of melanin by our body, which forms the dark color of the skin.

Preparing the skin is also important so that the tan applies evenly and lasts as long as possible. Soft peelings, scrubs and moisturizing will help us with this.

One of the main conditions for a long-lasting tan is protection from burns with reliable filters and gradualism.

To maintain a tan at home, you can resort to various proven recipes, which will be discussed below.

Nutrition for active melanin production

Before you find out how to maintain a tan longer after the sea, you need to understand what a tan is. Essentially, this is a protective reaction of the skin to sunburn. Skin cells produce melanin and the skin darkens. Every person has this substance, to a greater or lesser extent.
It and determines the color of our skin, hair, iris. And the tan turns out to be more intense in people whose bodies actively produce melanin. They tan very quickly and almost do not burn out. And their tan after the sea lasts almost until next summer. Lucky, in a word. But all is not lost. Melanin production can be activated. The amino acids tyrosine and the enzyme tyrosinase are involved in the formation of melanin.

In order for the tan to be rich and last as long as possible after the sea, it is necessary eat foods containing the above elements.

  1. Butter, milk, kefir.
  2. Seafood, fatty fish with omega acids.
  3. Nuts, legumes, soy products.
  1. Dates, bananas.
  2. Fruits and vegetables.
  3. Olive oil.
  4. Beef liver.
  5. Eggs.

Skin preparation. Scrubbing. Hydration

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is essentially aggression, so the body begins the process of skin restoration. If the skin is poorly prepared, the tan will come off quickly along with dead skin particles. For this to happen as late as possible, the skin must be smooth, without peeling. To do this, even before the start of the season, you need to prepare it well, do peeling, gentle scrubbing, and then moisturize it well. We need to avoid white spots after tanning.

Protecting skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation

  1. Protective creams, sprays, emulsions.

Cosmetologists advise starting tanning with protection of 60 SPF, gradually reducing the level of protection to 15 SPF. By the way, sunscreens contain a so-called tan prolongator.

  1. Gradually increase time in the sun.

And even despite the protection on the first day, exposure to the sun should not exceed 1 hour, and it is better to start with 20 minutes.

The duration of the first tan depends on the brightness and activity of the sun. The safest and most effective time for tanning - early morning or evening. Then your tan after the sea will last for a very long time.

A common mistake people make when they reach the sea is to come in the heat of the day to get a quick result. Even if you use protection, it is not enough. There is a danger of getting burned, and then goodbye to a beautiful, even tan. Your skin will begin to itch or peel after sunbathing, and then you will begin to think about what to do about this problem. Therefore, gradualness and smoothness are important here.

  1. Tanning activator oil.

You can also use tanning activator oil. It has a fairly low level of protection, so it is best to use it when you are already a little tanned. With the activator, the skin acquires a beautiful, even tan.

How to maintain a tan after the sea in a solarium

Tanning in a solarium different from solar. And tanning creams are completely different. They do not protect against ultraviolet radiation, but help produce melanin, moisturize and nourish the skin.

In addition to supporting your skin, they significantly increase the duration of your tan and contain ordernon to reduce skin odor when tanning.

An alternative to a solarium is instant tanning.

You can read more about instant tanning and reviews of it here.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin after sunbathing

Many people have been using protective sunscreens for a long time. But no less important after the beacheven if you don't get a sunburn, use:

  1. special creams and after-sun balms.

They contain the prolongators necessary to maintain a tan. Also, such products contain panthenol, it soothes the skin, glycerin in its composition perfectly moisturizes and nourishes.

  1. fixative milk tanning

As a bonus, such products contain components that preserve youthful skin. This product also moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin, but most importantly, it activates and preserves your beautiful tan for a long time.

How to maintain a tan for a long time at home

Skin after tanning becomes drier and rougher. Her needs to be nourished from within, Take vitamins A, E, B and C daily.

First, the tan fades from the face and décolleté, where the skin is more delicate and recovers faster. That's why Harsh cleansing lotions should be avoided. In the summer, it is better to stock up on mild oil-based makeup removers.

They will also help you find out how to maintain a tan for a long time after the sea recommendations and reviews from housewives:

  1. On the beach rub your skin with olive oil. This will give a beautiful tan.
  2. Refuse masks based on whitening ingredients – cucumber, milk, parsley, lemon.
  3. Rubbing the skin with strong tea and coffee.
  4. Rubbing the skin with infusion daisies and strings:
    8 tbsp. Add a tablespoon of dry herb to a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Wipe the body with the decoction every morning.
  5. Tomato mask:
    Mix 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil and a little fat cottage cheese. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water, then warm.

Reviews on ways to maintain a tan at home

Tatyana, 22 years old

I tried to smear myself with olive oil after swimming in the sea. It turned out to be inconvenient. You need to take several napkins with you, your hands are all covered in oil. But the pleasure for the body is, of course, colossal! The skin becomes velvety. Maybe it was my imagination, but the tan becomes more intense and beautiful. Before applying oil, wipe dry with a towel.

Valeria, 27 years old

Every day I wipe my skin with the leftover tea. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is not to forget. It tones the skin perfectly, I really like the effect. The tan really looks juicier.
