
Acidity (aciditas, Greek) is one of the most important concepts in medicine and biochemistry. Let's look at it in more detail.

Acids are chemical compounds that contain hydroxyl groups (-OH) and are capable of donating these groups as protons (H+) in one or more ways. The proton itself is quite light, and its molecules in solution are monovalent hydrogen ions. However, acids, when dissolved in water, dissociate into a positive hydrogen ion (also called a proton or hydrogen ion) and a negative hydroxide ion (-OH).

There is a certain level of acidity in the body and blood plasma - ph. This parameter is characterized by the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution (hypotonic solution), which indicates the stability of cell membranes. pH imbalance (acidosis) is associated with an increase in the level of hydrogen ions (usually caused by a lack of b-amino acids (succinates)). An excess of positive charges on pH molecules can cause various pathological conditions (for example, hypoglycemia) by increasing the permeability of membrane-forming substances. Alkalosis occurs with increased levels of b-amino acids (proline), due to an increase in the concentration of bicarbonates in the blood plasma. Alkaloses negatively affect the metabolism of substances involved