Massage after facelift

Facelift or circular facelift is a rather complex, but in demand operation. It allows you to look literally 10 years younger in just one procedure, and the effect lasts for several years. However, many patients, when they come to the clinic, think that the results of plastic surgery will be visible immediately. Alas, this is not true. Rehabilitation after a facelift can take more than one month. Tissue will recover differently from surgery for each person.

What affects the rehabilitation period?

It is impossible to predict exactly how long the recovery period after a facelift will take. First of all, this indicator depends on the age of the patient. The younger the tissue, the faster they regenerate, and vice versa. It is also important what condition the skin and SMAS were in before the operation - the layer that consists of muscles and is responsible for turgor.

The professionalism of the surgeon is another important factor on which the rehabilitation period depends. The more accurately the operation was performed, the less likely there are complications after it.

Do not forget that care during recovery also plays an important role. The patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations in order to prevent unpleasant consequences and evaluate the final result of the facelift as quickly as possible.

Condition after surgery

The first thing patients see after surgery is a swollen face with bruises. Agree, this is not the result patients expect when going under a plastic surgeon’s knife. However, it should be remembered that the procedure is traumatic, and it is impossible to carry it out without negative consequences.

Here are the difficulties you may encounter in the first days after a facelift:

  1. On the first day, the pain syndrome is pronounced. It appears after the anesthesia wears off. For suppression, painkillers are used, but in no case Aspirin or similar blood thinning medications.
  2. The swelling does not go away within 3-5 days, which can lead to the effect of a “foreign” face. In order to reduce it, diuretics may be prescribed.
  3. For several days after surgery, the patient wears a compression bandage to securely fix the tissues. This causes a lot of inconvenience, but it guarantees that the results of plastic surgery will be permanent.
  4. Disturbances in facial expression may occur after a facelift. Normally they go away within a few weeks. If the side effect does not go away, you should tell your doctor.

All these nuances can cause discomfort, but if you follow the doctor’s recommendations correctly, they disappear after a month or two. During this time, physiological therapy can be carried out aimed at improving tissue regeneration, the use of absorbable ointments and other procedures that shorten the rehabilitation period.

Doctors' advice

On the first day after circumferential surgery, patients are advised to remain in the hospital for observation, since the operation is performed under general anesthesia and there is a risk of serious complications within 24 hours.

It is important to strictly adhere to the recommendations after a facelift so that the results are as high as possible:

  1. For two weeks after plastic surgery, you need to sleep only on your back. This is necessary to consolidate the results and prevent facial asymmetry.
  2. The doctor prescribes antibiotics for 5-7 days. They must be taken to prevent infection.
  3. You will have to give up sunbathing and visiting the solarium for about six months. The effect of ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin, so you need to protect yourself from it.
  4. In the first weeks, physical activity is prohibited. The gym will have to be postponed until complete recovery.
  5. You can't wash your hair for three days. After this period, the procedure is carried out as carefully as possible; stitches, staples or adhesive should not be touched.
  6. It is best to sit or stand, or walk. While lying down, facial tissues “blur”, which negatively affects the final result of the facelift.
  7. After surgery, you should wisely alternate between activity and rest. Doctors also recommend getting a good night's sleep and protecting yourself from negative emotions, since the psychological state affects tissue restoration.
  8. For two weeks after a facelift, you should not take medications that thin your blood. They slow down tissue regeneration, and in the first days can provoke bleeding.

If you follow these simple rules, rehabilitation is easy and without complications. However, it should be borne in mind that even with a responsible approach to recovery, complications can arise. At the first signs of deterioration in health, you should consult a doctor.

Nutritional Features

Often during a lift, incisions are made in the mouth and jaw area. This causes problems with eating. During the first weeks you should eat only liquids: broths, yoghurts, jelly, pureed soups, etc. You can gradually introduce soft foods into your diet, and when the discomfort disappears, return to your usual menu.

Until complete recovery, doctors recommend avoiding eating marinades, too spicy, salty, fatty and spicy foods. Alcohol is also prohibited, as it significantly slows down the process of tissue repair and causes swelling.

Possible complications

Judging by the reviews of specialists and patients, complications after surgery occur extremely rarely. They may be associated with the characteristics of the patient’s body, for example, poor blood clotting or the presence of chronic diseases. Also, the unforeseen outcome depends on the structure of the skin itself and, of course, the skill level of the surgeon. A facelift can cause the following negative consequences:

  1. Inflammatory process in the area of ​​tissue dissection. Occurs due to insufficient disinfection.
  2. Facial nerve damage. An extremely dangerous case associated with insufficient competence of the doctor. It can even cause partial or complete paralysis.
  3. Asymmetry. Occurs when tissue is distributed incorrectly.
  4. Keloid scars. They may appear despite the use of absorbable ointments and physiotherapy. They are an individual reaction of the body to cuts.
  5. Strong skin tension, “mask” effect. Occurs when there is excessive tissue tension.

To avoid any complications after a facelift, you should very carefully choose the clinic and the doctor who will perform the procedure. It is important to conduct a thorough examination of the patient to identify contraindications. Only after a specialist is convinced of their absence can a circular lift be planned.

Drawing conclusions

Rehabilitation after any surgical intervention takes a long time, especially after a circular facelift. To simplify this period as much as possible, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and protect yourself from any stress. But, first of all, you need to choose a qualified specialist who can do his job efficiently.

Take a responsible approach to transformations, and a facelift will certainly give excellent results.

Full rehabilitation after a circular facelift as a rejuvenating procedure is considered an invariable condition. The circumferential lift has several alternative names - rhytidectomy or facelift. And although this procedure is considered relatively new, it already has many fans around the world. And indeed, why go under the knife of a plastic surgeon if there is the safest and most effective tightening technique?

Of course, like most cosmetic procedures, a circular lift has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. But the high-quality work of a competent craftsman will negate all possible risks. And some of the difficulties of the rehabilitation period are forgotten at the sight of young and beautiful facial skin.

How long does rehabilitation take?

The rehabilitation period after a circular facelift can take some time. Moreover, the time period required for complete recovery is individual for each patient. The speed of rehabilitation directly depends on the patient’s age, the characteristics of her skin and general health.

As a rule, if the operation was successful and did not cause any side effects, rehabilitation after a facelift goes quite quickly. 3 weeks after the operation, the patient can begin to perform her work duties.

The average duration of the rehabilitation period after a circular lift takes 1-2 months.

Recovery period

The recovery period after the facelift procedure has a number of features:

  1. A circular facelift leaves multiple swelling on the patient’s face. They are the result of disruption of small vessels during surgery. To solve this problem, a special compression bandage is applied to the woman’s face. In the case of normal functioning of the body, with the help of this bandage, swelling disappears already 4 days after the intervention. Hematomas appear much less frequently than edema. As a rule, all external manifestations of the postoperative period disappear on the 10th day after surgery.
  2. A circumferential face and neck lift is not considered a complex operation. For this reason, to relieve possible pain, it will be enough to take regular painkillers.
  3. As a rule, sutures are removed on the 3rd day after surgery. They are replaced with special strip strips.

Due to the tightening of the dermis and the removal of excess fat from the subcutaneous space, the patient may feel discomfort in the form of tightness of the skin at the incision sites. The affected areas may also experience tingling and numbness. Usually these symptoms go away on their own after the skin has completely healed.

You will learn more about restoration from the video:

Recommendations from cosmetologists

To ensure that facelift tightening does not cause unforeseen complications, you should follow simple cosmetic recommendations in the postoperative period:

  1. The patient is recommended to sleep exclusively on her back for at least 2 weeks for faster tissue restoration and consolidation of the positive effect obtained.
  2. For six months after the intervention, you should avoid visiting the solarium and exposing your face to direct sunlight.
  3. Follow a daily routine and diet.
  4. Optimal alternation of physical work and rest.
  5. Also, a woman should minimize sports activities at least for the first time after a facelift.
  6. It is not recommended to use aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs 2 weeks before and after surgery.
  7. Cold compresses for the eyes using gauze or soft cloth will have a good effect.
  8. The first time after the procedure, it is recommended to sit, stand and walk more to consolidate the resulting tightening effect.
  9. It is worth taking antibiotics for 5 days to avoid possible inflammatory processes.

Compliance with all the basic rules of the recovery period will help the skin remain beautiful and tight for a long time after the rhytidectomy procedure.


During the first time after surgery, a woman may experience difficulty eating, especially if the oral cavity has been affected. During the entire rehabilitation period, the patient is recommended to adhere to a diet, eating only liquid food. Gradually, a transition is made to softer foods and, finally, a return to the usual diet.

Various juices, broths, jelly and yoghurts are especially useful during the recovery period. The latter is especially relevant during this period, because yogurt restores intestinal microflora, which can be disrupted by taking antibiotics.

What can you do after the operation?

The recovery period after a circular facelift involves some changes in the patient’s lifestyle and habits. In order for the recovery to be as quick and successful as possible, a woman should take into account some subtleties. So, in the postoperative period, the patient is allowed to:

  1. On day 2-3 you can wash your hair; a visit to the hairdresser after a total facelift is possible on day 7-8.
  2. On the 10th day, it is permissible to apply light makeup to the face.
  3. After a month, you can perform a lymphatic drainage massage procedure.
  4. At the end of the rehabilitation period, it is permissible to consolidate the tightening effect with the help of mesotherapy or Botox injections.

Restrictions after surgery

The rehabilitation period after rhytidectomy imposes certain restrictions on the patient. So, at first it is not recommended for her:

  1. Drive a car (the first week after the procedure);
  2. Do a facial massage;
  3. Swim in pools and open water;
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol;
  5. Lighten and dye hair.

Complications after surgery and side effects

In case of insufficient preliminary examination of the patient’s body before the tightening procedure, certain difficulties may arise at the exit. Thus, the most important side effects after a circular facelift surgery are:

  1. Inflammation at the incision sites. Formed as a result of insufficient preliminary disinfection of work areas.
  2. Damage to the facial nerve. It can form due to insufficiently qualified actions of a plastic surgeon.
  3. Facial asymmetry. Occurs due to uneven tissue distribution.
  4. The appearance of keloid scars. It is considered an individual reaction of the body to making incisions.
  5. In some cases, postoperative sutures are clearly visible. Usually this problem is solved by using absorbable ointments.
  6. Excessive stretching of the skin.

In addition to scarring, swelling and possible bruising, the following complications may occur after a circular facelift:

Necrosis. Ignoring problems with sutures can cause a complication in the form of necrosis - tissue death. This problem can occur as a result of too much tissue tension or detachment. As a result, the seam line does not close. The area around the ears is especially susceptible to necrosis. In addition to medical errors, the cause of necrosis can be the presence of diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis in the patient.

Wound suppuration. Hematomas, necrosis, and the entry of various foreign bodies into the wound provoke inflammatory processes and the release of purulent fluid. To avoid such a problem, the wound area is washed several times during the operation, and upon completion, a drainage system is installed to drain excess fluid.

Facial oval deformation. Sometimes patients complain of persistent subcutaneous lumps after surgery. The problem is usually corrected with repeat surgery.

Hair loss. Postoperative sutures are often located on the scalp. For this reason, there is often a significant reduction in the amount of hair in the parotid and temporal zones. The main factor is considered to be damage to the skin and hair follicles. In most cases, the problem resolves on its own 3-4 months after the lift. If this does not happen, it is necessary to excise the scar interfering with growth or transplant skin from other areas.

Photos before and after surgery and recovery

Real photos of the results of a circular facelift will help you evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. It is easy to notice the amazing effect after using this rejuvenating technique.

A circular facelift is a modern, safe and effective way to correct facial contours and problem areas. Of course, the maximum effect will be achieved if all safety rules are observed and the doctor’s qualifications are followed. Therefore, the patient should approach the choice of a lift specialist as carefully as possible.

Over the years, the oval of the face becomes unclear, wrinkles appear, and the skin sags. To solve the problem, a tightening facial massage is used.

This method is one of the best for slowing down the aging process. The technique makes it possible to tone the facial muscles, skin, and also gives beauty and correct shape.

The benefits of tightening massage

A tightening facial massage makes it possible to normalize blood circulation, after which the pores are cleansed of harmful substances, oxygen can normally penetrate deep into the epidermis.

The contours of the oval become tightened, clear lines appear, and the complexion is normalized. Every woman becomes younger, her face is fresher, and soft and elastic.

By restoring elasticity and tone, the following effect appears:

  1. Small wrinkles disappear, and large ones are smoothed out and become invisible.
  2. Swelling on the face, bruises and bags under the eyes disappear.
  3. The muscles relax.
  4. Toxins are removed from the skin, and the keratinized ball of tissue is eliminated.
  5. Metabolic processes at the cellular level are normalized.
  6. The work of the sebaceous glands is stabilized.

A facial tightening massage helps to further relax and calm the nervous system.

During the session, the person becomes less irritable and his mood improves. Cosmetics for moisturizing and nourishing tissues penetrate better due to heating and treatment of the skin.

Despite the obvious benefits of the procedure, it is important to remember the negative facts that will appear if the technique is not followed. In this case, the skin is damaged, a rash appears on the face, the general condition of the tissues worsens, there is a possibility of new wrinkles and sagging tissues appearing.

The effect of a tightening massage

Facial tightening massage is an excellent method for home skin and muscle care.

It is worth noting that regular procedures make it possible to restore muscle function, and when tone appears, the skin begins to acquire firmness and elasticity, due to which folds and wrinkles are smoothed out.

A tightening massage prevents the appearance of defects on the face that occur due to aging.

Even home appliances significantly improve the condition and even out the color. The procedures are as follows:

  1. Based on the depth of the wrinkles, their smoothing begins, either completely or partially.
  2. After a course of tightening massage, the oval of the face is normalized, the lines are emphasized, become pronounced and smooth.
  3. Swelling on the face and under the eyes goes away.
  4. Bags and blueness under the eyes go away.
  5. The skin texture is evened out, scars and minor skin defects disappear.
  6. The color is evened out, pigmentation disappears, and the vascular network disappears.

Knowing some of the features of the technique, it can be used at home, which will give good results in just a few procedures.

Each subtype of tightening massage has contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting work.

In general, to tighten the oval shape, you need to spend 10 minutes a day on a massage to remove wrinkles and improve the condition of the skin.

Types of massage

In cosmetology, there are several types of massage for tightening. They all differ from each other in the type of action on tissues; they have different indications, contraindications and basic requirements.

Each type is used for a specific problem, so before starting, you need to consult a doctor for advice. Some techniques may cause pain.

Modern cosmetologists advise using the following effective types for tightening:

  1. Classic massage - restores skin tone and elasticity, strengthens muscles, freshness appears on the face, the shade is normalized, which causes the effect of tightening the oval.
  2. Relaxing – allows tissues to relax after a difficult day, relieves tension, and normalizes blood flow. After this technique, cosmetics and beneficial substances penetrate deep into the epidermis and work better.
  3. Lymphatic drainage – eliminates swelling on the face, helps remove excess moisture from the skin, along with toxins. After the procedure, bags and bruises under the eyes are eliminated, complexion is stabilized, and the lymphatic system is activated.
  4. Plastic – massage allows you to tighten the contours of the face, improves skin color, and it gains elasticity. The technique is recommended for creating the correct oval and eliminating wrinkles.
  5. Chiroplastic - when using the technique, a strong lifting effect appears, the functioning of the sebaceous glands improves, wrinkles and inflammation on the skin noticeably disappear.
  6. Myofascial – used to correct the oval of the face and smooth out the relief. Using the method, you can remove large wrinkles and reduce the severity of the nasolabial fold.
  7. Medicinal – used for neuralgia, acne, seborrhea, severe oily skin. The therapeutic type of massage includes many subtypes, so you need to select a technique only with a specialist.

Not all of the techniques described can be used at home. For example, the plastic or chiroplastic type is recommended to obtain a lifting effect, and the myofascial technique is a therapeutic and preventive massage.

For a home facelift, simpler methods are used, which involve the use of classical techniques.

Massage for a facelift at home is carried out using special lines. Correct movements make it possible to restore contours and tighten tissue. At home, you can additionally use a mesoscooter and massagers.

Exercises for tightening

Facial massage for a facelift at home may not be performed using a specific technique. There are a number of simple exercises that help straighten out the oval and normalize the condition of the skin.

You need to spend a little more time on the procedure than with classical techniques, but the tightening results will be no worse. The main exercises are:

  1. Close your mouth tightly, compress your lips and teeth, fill your cheeks with air and roll it from one side to the other. While alternately puffing out the cheeks, the air must be rolled over the lips so that tension is felt. Repeat the workout 10 times.
  2. Smile widely with your jaw closed. Take your face with your hands, stretch your cheeks to the sides and apply tension to the muscles so that pressure is felt. Count to 5, release the tissue, do 5 repetitions.
  3. Smile as much as possible, then form your lips into a tube as when kissing and perform the exercise one at a time; you need to change them quickly so that the muscles are in constant tension. Repeat 20 times.
  4. Smile, but your lips should not close, make a loud “A” sound until the lower part of your cheek is in maximum tension, then relax and do it 5 more times.
  5. Close your mouth and draw air into your cheeks, then press them down with your hands, feeling the pressure and effort. Hold the air for a minute, then inhale and perform the exercise 5 more times.
  6. Make your lips as if you were kissing, quickly inhale and exhale air with rhythmic movements and count to 10. After a short pause, repeat the exercise 5 times.

To improve the results of tightening exercises, it is recommended to combine training with massage, devoting 10-15 minutes to the procedures.

Massage for home

A facelift massage at home can be carried out only after studying the massage lines. The movement of the fingers and hands should be from the wings of the nose to the central part of the chin, towards the ears.

You also need to move from the tip of the nose to the middle of the forehead, from between the eyebrows to the temples, where hair begins to grow.

You need to work carefully around the eyes, movements in this area are smooth and gentle so as not to stretch or damage the skin.

A tightening massage at home is carried out as follows:

  1. Smooth the skin using your fingers along the massage lines. At this time, there is no need to apply force and do not stretch the tissue. After warming up, you need to stop at your temples and stretch them.
  2. Pinch the tissue, movements are soft and careful. It is necessary to carefully treat the skin that is already sagging, and finally smooth out the tissue.
  3. Now, performing circular movements, walk across your face with the back of your fist, smoothing out the epidermis.
  4. Tap the face with your fingertips, especially near the mouth and around the eyes, tilt your head back and treat the chin, and smooth the skin at the end of the procedure.
  5. Tap along the contour of the face with the edge of your palm, and finally stroke.

After the described technique, you need to wash your face, apply cream to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. During the procedure, you need to monitor the intensity and not get carried away.

You don’t need a lot of force for massage; it is enough to carry out sessions 1-2 times a day for 5-15 minutes.

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