Motivation Social

Social motivation is a type of motivational process, the development of which is determined by the influence of specific social events or conditions of activity.

The social nature of motivation includes external social conditions, the psychological states of the subjects of labor relations and their value orientations, which force them to act in a certain direction.

Such influence from society can occur in different ways, through mechanisms of social control and the internalization of values ​​and norms. In some cases, an individual may stop paying attention to social requirements, perceiving them only as rules in a game.

Social motivation is the highest M., arising within the social environment under the influence of social factors and directing the individual’s behavior towards achieving certain general, group, final goals and solving group problems.

Social motivation is the motivation of a person to act in the prevailing social conditions, aimed not at satisfying his personal needs, but at promoting a common cause (common goals that are useful and necessary for society, the clan) under the control of other people.

The purpose of social motivation is to create conditions under which a person will be best suited to achieve a common goal. The essence of social modeling is that it encourages the performer to work harder, more conscientiously, more purposefully, in the name of achieving a common social goal.

Let's consider the types of social motivation. It can be external and internal. In the first case, we are talking about when a person performs a certain role for a group, collective, in order to satisfy their needs and requirements. In the second, motivation goes inside the individual and becomes personal.

Main varieties:

The motivation for altruism is a selfless desire to help. For example, a person was helped in a difficult situation without a hint of reward. Corporate – the desire to work for the benefit of the organization/company. Example: an employee who is very happy when he is noticed at work; value efforts for the desire to develop and improve; encourage opportunities for career growth; The team is good, without intrigue and gossip. Socio-political - activities for the benefit of society: fighting evil, helping people, strengthening social ties, maintaining a civic position; social activity, work in public organizations. An example is a candidate nominated for election. Information (cognitive) - acquiring knowledge about society, profession; obtaining skills to solve specific problems in a specific area. An example is obtaining a diploma, a book written by research assistants on some topic. Material - the desire for constant growth and improvement, money as a means to achieve other goals. Including the desire to become rich in order to have more opportunities for self-realization in creativity and activity. The conditions in which the individual operates and his perception of these conditions can also act as a motivator. Let us highlight the following groups of motives:

objective - they are influenced by all those circumstances that occur outside the individual, but depend on his behavior and choice: the risk of making mistakes or new achievements, methods of social influence, relationships with other members of society, etc.; praxeological is the relationship between the requirements of the subject and the presence of certain capabilities necessary to fulfill them in accordance with the intended goals, experience, knowledge, awareness of objective necessity; motives of duty and responsibility - the fulfillment of public duties and assignments, this is the essence of a person’s entire life, therefore the subjective aspect is especially significant here; value - determine the significance, superiority of some motives and goals over others; it depends on the direction of the individual’s life position, beliefs, value system and self-esteem of the individual. As a consequence, social orientation and motives are formed from the interaction of internal factors and the external world.