How many minutes does it take to go to the solarium?

Regardless of the time of year, you always want to be the owner of a bronze skin color. But some girls get what they want only with the onset of the summer heat, while others, not wanting to put up with aristocratic pallor, purchase a subscription to the solarium.

But how fast will the results from artificial ultraviolet light be? And are there any rules for visiting a solarium?


How long can you sunbathe in a solarium on your first visit?

Of course, you always want an immediate effect. This also applies to tanning. But to avoid problems with the skin and health in general later, you need to limit yourself to a short session on your first visit. And how long it will last depends on the type of each girl:

  1. Celtic. The distinctive features of girls of this type are pale, freckled skin, red or blond hair, light eyes (blue, gray). Since the skin of such girls contains a little melanin (pigment), it is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. It causes rapid redness and leads to burns. Therefore, in order to get an even, beautiful, and most importantly, safe tan, the first session should last 3 minutes, no more.
  2. Girls with dark skin, dark or black hair, and brown eyes can afford a first visit lasting 10 minutes. And to get the desired result, you can limit yourself to just a few sessions.

Follow these simple rules when you first visit the solarium, and you will get the expected result without complications.


What to do on your first visit?

So, if you wanted to become a mulatto in the midst of winter frosts, but had no experience of going to a solarium, then remember the following recommendations, the observance of which will protect you from problems after the first session:

  1. Don't strive for a quick effect. The duration of the first session depends on your skin type.
  2. For the first experience, the best option would be a vertical solarium, which, unlike a horizontal one, distributes the tan evenly.
  3. An interesting fact is that carrot juice drunk before tanning will favorably promote the appearance of a tan.

How often can you visit the solarium?

Many people believe that the solarium is harmless and the regularity of visiting it depends only on the desire of the girl. But this is far from the case, so you should refuse a daily visit to the solarium.

In qualified salons that provide ultraviolet services, there are certain restrictions on the number of sessions. There should be no more than 50 of them per year, and the interval between visits should be at least two days.

It follows from this that 1-2 visits per week will be enough, while the course should be 10 sessions. After each procedure, use special tanning fixers, be sure to moisturize the skin with creams or body milk, since ultraviolet radiation takes moisture from the skin.

The break between sessions should be 6 months.


Follow the visiting rules

We figured out how often you can visit the solarium. But the visit should be beneficial, and in no case harmful, so you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing a subscription to the procedure, first consult with your doctor. It will help identify all contraindications (if any) and warn about the consequences if its prohibition is ignored. A doctor may prohibit the use of UV based on the following reasons: heart disease, asthma, liver disease, thyroid dysfunction, skin diseases, the presence of wounds.
  2. Use only skin products that are intended for use in tanning beds. Cosmetics for sun tanning are not suitable.
  3. Before the procedure, you should not shower, much less use detergents. This hygienic procedure can deprive the skin of its protective fatty film, and this will lead to dry dermis.
  4. Avoid any type of hair removal before tanning.
  5. Before being exposed to ultraviolet radiation, remove all makeup from your face with a special lotion or milk. Makeup in a solarium can lead to a bad tan, which will appear in patches.
  6. If you have lenses on your eyes, they need to be removed. You need to sunbathe in special solarium glasses, which are provided in the salon.
  7. People are not completely naked in the solarium booth. The panties are left on (this is where the health benefits lie), but the bra is removed. You can stick a special protection on your chest (in the area of ​​the nipples) or simply cover it with your palms.
  8. After completing the procedure, you should rest, take a shower after the solarium and moisturize your body with special products.

How long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium?

Ultraviolet light promotes the active production of melanin, which gives color to the skin. This is facilitated by: the power of the lamps in the solarium, the number and duration of the session.

But how long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium? Everything is individual and depends on the girl’s skin type.

  1. For those with dark skin, the result will be visible after the first procedure, since their skin is rich in color pigment.
  2. Pale-skinned girls will have to wait longer. How long does it take for them to tan after tanning? 5-6 sessions must be carried out before the result becomes visible.

For aristocratic girls, the procedure can be lengthy due to the fact that their skin cells contain a small amount of color pigment. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, melanin will gradually be produced and accumulate, and the regularity of visits will affect the speedy achievement of a tanning effect.


What will help improve the effect?

Special products for solarium are simply necessary during the period of using the service. The thing is that ultraviolet radiation takes a large amount of moisture from skin cells, so after the procedure it must be replenished. By the way, these products affect how long the tan lasts after a solarium.

What is suitable for use?

  1. Tanning oil for solariums. This product is applied before entering the booth. Under the influence of lamp light, it penetrates well into the enlarged pores of the skin and activates the pigment. The oil forms a protective film on the surface. You can find many oils on sale from various manufacturers.
  2. Drops with beta-carotene. This is another effective tanning product that is taken orally. You can use the drops during the entire tanning course, and after it in order to fix the color longer. This product is also suitable for girls with pale skin. You can take the drops in the summer, but the course of treatment should not exceed 90 days. The drops are completely safe and useful. Once in the body they are converted into vitamin A.


Skin care after solarium

After the session of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin is completed, it is necessary to carry out a series of caring procedures.

What to do after solarium?

  1. Do not expose yourself to any energy-consuming activities or work. Rest. First of all, your skin needs this.
  2. Shower. How long before you wash after tanning? As soon as you get home. Take a warm, or maybe cool, shower using gel or gentle soap. Do not rub the skin too much, use light massaging movements with your hands.
  3. After showering, apply moisturizing creams, lotions or milk to your body skin.
  4. Observe the condition of your skin after visiting the solarium. If any changes are observed: redness, burns, rashes, then immediately stop the procedure and consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a consequence of individual intolerance (a rare phenomenon).


To be or not to be "chocolate"

Many girls are confused by the question of how long a tan lasts after a solarium. The effect seems to them to be short-lived. Cast aside your doubts. With the right approach and following all the rules and recommendations, the mulatto effect will last for a long time.

But how long it takes for a tan to appear after a solarium depends on your color type, so take this point into account. And don’t chase quick results, neglecting your health.


A tan in winter will undoubtedly make you stand out from the crowd and arouse envy and admiration.

1. How many minutes can you go to the solarium for the first time??

The recommended duration of the first tanning session in a solarium is 3-5 minutes.

2. What to take with you to the solarium?

When visiting a solarium, you need to take care of your health.

Solarium glasses – a mandatory attribute when visiting a solarium. Ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on the retina of the eye and penetrates even through closed eyelids, so special protection is required - solarium glasses with an ultraviolet radiation filter.

Wear a cap in the solarium - it will protect your hair from moisture loss.

Use stickkini for the most sensitive areas of the skin.

Slippers – an important part of personal hygiene. You can always purchase disposable slippers for visiting the solarium at the tanning studio, immediately before your tanning session.

Tanning cream in a solarium enhances the effect of visiting a solarium. The caring components of the cream nourish and moisturize the skin, preventing skin aging. Enhancers, also called accelerators, speed up the tanning process. Bronzers give your tan a rich tan. As a result of using tanning cosmetics, you can reduce the number of tanning sessions and still achieve the desired result.

3. How many times and for how long should you go to the solarium to tan??

It is recommended to visit the solarium no more than 3 times a week. The development of tanning is not an instant process, so it is necessary to take a break of 1-2 days between tanning sessions. During this time, a tan will appear and the skin will “rest” from ultraviolet radiation.

Of course, there is a temptation to visit the solarium every day. For example, quickly tan for a birthday or wedding ceremony. But the result will not be accelerated; the sunbather will only harm himself. To speed up the development of tanning, you should use special tanning creams in a solarium.

The tanning speed mainly depends on the following factors:

  1. 1. Individual characteristics of the skin of a sunbather.
  2. 2. Characteristics of the solarium and the lamps installed in it.
  3. 3. The quality of the cosmetics used for tanning in the solarium.

The schedule for visiting the solarium is individual for each sunbather. It is necessary to take into account your skin type and monitor your skin's reaction to ultraviolet radiation. If necessary, adjust the time and frequency of visits to achieve the desired result without harm to the body.

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Contraindications to visiting a solarium:

  1. eczema and dermatitis,
  2. a large number of moles,
  3. tumors
  4. skin damage (wounds, cuts, scratches);
  5. gynecological pathologies;
  6. menses;
  7. weakness, various ailments, it is better to abstain during fever and viral diseases;
  8. exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you have these problems, it is better to avoid tanning sessions so as not to provoke an exacerbation and not cause new skin damage.

To obtain a beautiful skin color, you can use special lotions and creams. They moisturize the skin and promote a more even tan. The cream should be rubbed into the skin before the procedure, for fair-skinned people in a dense layer, for dark-skinned people - in a thinner layer.

Rules for visiting the solarium:

  1. During the process, it is necessary to protect the cornea.
  2. It is advisable not to expose intimate areas to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to temporarily forget about artificial tanning.
  4. Before going to the solarium, you should not use soap, scrubs or other strong hygiene products. This will help maintain the natural film on the skin and protect it from peeling.

Here's what you need to take with you to the solarium:

  1. Sunglasses are required to protect your eyes. Simply closing your eyelids provides too little protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Hair must be protected from harmful influences, otherwise it will become weak and depleted. Therefore, a light cotton scarf or hat is necessary.
  3. The body must be covered with a special lotion or light cream. The product must contain both physical and chemical filters that can provide complete protection against burns and the production of melatonin.
  4. Napkins, a change of underwear, and special stickers for moles will come in handy.

There are several types of tanning devices:

Each of them differs in cabin design and has its own advantages. For complete relaxation, a sedentary or horizontal type is perfect, for a powerful and uniform tan - a turbo solarium.

Before entering the cabin, you need to perform several actions:

  1. apply hygienic lipstick with a UV filter to your lips;
  2. remove decorative makeup;
  3. remove contact lenses, if any;
  4. remove and remove all jewelry, this will protect against refraction of rays and burns;
  5. you must remember to apply a moisturizing lotion or cream;
  6. If you experience any discomfort, you must leave the booth and postpone your visit to the solarium until another day.

Before men go sunbathing for the first time, there are some things to consider:

  1. Tight swimming trunks are perfect to increase your tanning area.
  2. It is better to remove excess hair for more uniform melatonin production.
  3. Men should also take care to protect their corneas by wearing glasses.

The main recommendation for women is to protect hair and sensitive areas. The following must also be taken into account:

  1. Protection of the bikini area and chest. The skin in the intimate areas is very delicate. It is better to refrain from sunbathing without a bra and bikini. This is especially true after 30 years.
  2. Protect sensitive areas. Special covers or cones will help protect nipples from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Facial care. It must be wiped with oil or lotion; nourishing creams and products with hormones cannot be used.

Time to visit the solarium depending on phototype:

  1. Celtic. Light eyes and hair, presence of freckles and pigmentation. The first visit time is up to 5 minutes.
  2. Europiodine. Light brown hair, often blue eyes, whitish skin. The first visit time is up to 5 minutes.
  3. Dark European. Dark blond or brown hair, light or brown eyes. The first visit time is 7-10 minutes.
  4. African. Dark skin, hair and eyes. The first visit time is up to 15 minutes.

There are also mixed phototypes, when dark skin can be combined with light hair or eyes. The first time they are allowed to stay for 5-10 minutes.

Read more in our article about solarium for the first time.

Read in this article

Rules for visiting the solarium

When you go to the solarium for the first time, you must follow the rules and recommendations. If taken lightly, ultraviolet rays can be harmful, so you should think about the possible consequences in advance. This is especially true for those who have various skin diseases, such as:

  1. eczema and dermatitis,
  2. a large number of moles,
  3. tumors
  4. skin damage (wounds, cuts, scratches).


If you have these problems, it is better to avoid tanning sessions so as not to provoke an exacerbation and not cause new skin damage. It is also important to consider the presence of other health problems:

  1. gynecological pathologies - for many, additional radiation is not recommended;
  2. menstruation - it is not recommended to tan on menstrual periods;
  3. weakness, various ailments - it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium during fever and viral diseases;
  4. exacerbation of chronic diseases.

For healthy people, ultraviolet baths are very beneficial. This is the first weapon in the fight against blues, seasonal fatigue and lack of vitamin D.

And to get a beautiful skin color, you can use special lotions and creams - they moisturize the skin, promote a more even and truly luxurious tan. The cream needs to be rubbed into the skin before the procedure, for fair-skinned people - in a dense layer, for dark-skinned people in a thinner layer.

If you plan to go to the solarium for the first time, you need to know a few simple rules:

  1. During the process, it is necessary to protect the cornea.
  2. It is advisable not to expose intimate areas to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to temporarily forget about artificial tanning.
  4. Before going to the solarium for the first time and always in general, you should not use soap, scrubs or other strong hygiene products. This will help maintain the natural film on the skin and protect it from peeling.

Following these simple visiting rules will make the tanning process enjoyable and extremely beneficial.

And here is more information about solariums for men.

What to take with you

Beginners are always interested in what items to take to the solarium for the first time. Without special protective equipment, a visit can cause burns and skin problems. It is recommended to take the following with you:

  1. Sunglasses are required to protect your eyes. Simply closing your eyelids provides too little protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Hair must be protected from harmful influences, otherwise it will become weak and depleted. Therefore, a light cotton scarf or hat is necessary.
  3. The body must be covered with a special lotion or light cream. The best cream should contain both physical and chemical filters that can provide complete protection against burns and the production of melatonin.
  4. Napkins, a change of underwear, and special stickers for moles will come in handy.

Disposable solarium kit

Using these attributes will make your first trip to the solarium comfortable and will allow you to get a tan without harm to your health.

How to behave in a solarium

The first trip to find the “sun” is always exciting and unusual. Many people are just guessing how to behave in a solarium for the first time. It is worth clarifying that tanning devices come in several types:

  1. horizontal;
  2. vertical;
  3. sessile;
  4. turbo solariums.

Each of them differs in cabin design and has its own advantages. For complete relaxation, a sedentary or horizontal type is perfect, for a powerful and uniform tan - a turbo solarium.

It has improved functionality - the rays evenly “embrace” the body from all sides, increasing the beneficial effect and tanning area.

Before entering the cabin, you need to perform several actions:

  1. apply hygienic lipstick with a UV filter to your lips;
  2. remove decorative makeup;
  3. remove contact lenses, if any;
  4. remove and remove all jewelry. This will protect against refraction of rays and burns.
  5. you must remember to apply a moisturizing lotion or cream;
  6. If you experience any discomfort, you must leave the booth and postpone your visit to the solarium until another day.

How to tan correctly for the first time

The rules for getting a quality tan are different for men and women. This is due to different skin densities, aging mechanisms and anatomical features.

For men

Before men go sunbathing for the first time, there are some things to consider:

  1. Choice of clothes. Tight swimming trunks are perfect because they allow you to increase your tanning area.
  2. Vegetation. It is better to remove excess hair for more uniform melatonin production and a beautiful tan.
  3. Availability of glasses. Men should also take care of protecting their corneas.


The main recommendation for women is to protect hair and sensitive areas. The following must also be taken into account:

  1. Protection of the bikini area and chest. The skin in the intimate areas is very delicate. It is better to refrain from sunbathing without a bra and bikini. This is especially important for women who have crossed the threshold of 30 years.
  2. Protect sensitive areas. Special covers or cones will help protect nipples from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Facial care. The facial area always attracts close attention from ladies. It must be wiped with oil or lotion; nourishing creams and products with hormones cannot be used.

How many minutes to stay in the solarium for the first time

The main question for every lady is how long can you sunbathe for the first time. This is an individual parameter that is calculated based on skin type, age, health status and other characteristics. There are several main phototypes:

  1. Celtic. Light eyes and hair, presence of freckles and pigmentation. The first visit time is up to 5 minutes.
  2. Europiodine. Light brown hair, often blue eyes, whitish skin. The first visit time is up to 5 minutes.
  3. Dark European. Dark brown or brown hair, light or brown eyes. The first visit time is 7-10 minutes.
  4. African. Dark skin, dark hair and eyes. The first visit time is up to 15 minutes.

There are also mixed phototypes, when dark skin can be combined with light hair or eyes. It is the type of skin that determines how many minutes you can sunbathe for the first time; usually this time does not exceed 5-10 minutes. In the future, you need to develop your own insolation plan and strictly follow it.

It is worth remembering - even if you want to get the maximum tan very quickly, the time spent in the solarium should be strictly dosed. Too frequent sessions can lead to burns.

And here is more information about the vertical solarium.

A solarium makes it possible to easily get beautiful skin and will be an excellent option for relaxation and recovery during the cold season. UV radiation accelerates metabolism and mobilizes the body's internal resources. But you shouldn’t overuse the sessions - it’s best to sunbathe in a solarium every other day, and for the first time you need to pack your things correctly and remember to follow simple rules. This is the key to health and beauty, which is so necessary for everyone.

Useful video

Watch the video about the rules of tanning in a solarium:

It is believed that a vertical solarium has more advantages than a horizontal one. It comes with a turbo, that is, with a fan inside. For an excellent result, you need to know how to sunbathe in it correctly, as well as how long you are allowed to stay there.

Solariums for men are very popular, because they allow you to get a gorgeous tan in a short time. However, it is worth remembering that there are both general benefits and harm to the reproductive system and thyroid gland. It is recommended to follow the visiting rules and use cream. Why is a solarium dangerous?

The question of whether it is possible to go and get an artificial tan before traveling should be decided in each case separately, depending on the goals and skin phototype. In general, a solarium in front of the sea will be more beneficial if you know how many times to visit it.

Home solariums are popular because the device can be used for the face and décolleté separately or the whole body at once. Therefore, they choose either mini devices or professional ones for use at home.

If you really want to go to a solarium while breastfeeding, then you should weigh the pros and cons. After all, not everyone can visit it. Against the backdrop of a rampant hormone during feeding, pigmentation, rashes, allergies and other undesirable consequences may appear.