Nail care

Nail care

Nails are not only an aesthetic component, but also protect the nerve endings on the fingertips. Therefore, nail care should be not only regular, but also of high quality. Below we'll go over the basic steps for caring for your nails, as well as how to avoid common problems.

Step 1: Cleaning your nails

The first and most important step in nail care is cleaning. Nails should be carefully cleaned of dirt and dead particles. Regular massage with a soft brush will make the use of special tools unnecessary. For deeper contamination, the dirt is carefully removed using a cleaning agent. The use of sharp objects (files, scissors) is not recommended, as they destroy the inside of the nails, and as a result, dirt accumulates under the nails, which is then difficult to remove. And then the tops of the nails look gray and unclean.

Step 2: Skin Care

The skin at the base of the nail can be easily removed with a special spatula. It is recommended to use a warm spatula made of horn material or wood to avoid skin damage. Trimming the skin around the nail bed is not recommended as it is a natural defense against infection and inflammation. If you cannot do without this, then you need to do it carefully and carefully so as not to injure the skin.

Step 3: Shaping Nails

The length of nails is an aesthetic problem and depends on personal taste, fashion and, of course, on the profession. Nails protect very sensitive fingertips. Therefore, they should not be filed or cut too short. Most often, nails are completely covered with varnish. Imperfections in the shape of the nail are especially striking today, when bright and shiny varnishes are in fashion. Old varnish or its residues must be completely removed using nail polish remover. It contains medicinal substances that protect the surface of the nails from irritation. You should not use acetone, as this will make your nails rough and brittle. Also, do not lubricate your hands with cream before applying polish. It is best to wash your hands before doing this, dry them and only then apply varnish. Sometimes, as a result of long-term use of bright varnishes, nails become yellowish. In this case, you need to give your nails a break from polish and use special products to restore and whiten your nails.

Step 4: Moisturize

Nails and the skin around them need to be moisturized. For this you can use special creams and oils. Creams and oils should be applied after cleaning the nails and the skin around them. Regular moisturizing will prevent dry and brittle nails.

Step 5: Nutrition and healthy lifestyle

The health of your nails directly depends on the overall health of the body. To strengthen your nails and prevent them from becoming brittle, you need proper nutrition, including adequate amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals. It is also important to give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

Avoiding Common Problems

Common nail problems include brittleness, dryness, yellow discoloration, ingrown toenails and fungus. To avoid these problems, you need to take proper care of your nails, eat right, give up bad habits, regularly moisturize the skin around your nails and not use sharp objects to clean your nails.

If you have problems with your nails, you should consult a dermatologist who will help determine the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.