Separate Power

Title: Separate Power

Separate nutrition is an approach to nutrition in which different types of foods are consumed separately from each other. The purpose of separate nutrition is to optimize the process of digestion and absorption of food, avoiding food combinations that slow down or disrupt digestion.

The idea of ​​separate meals originates from ancient times. For example, the doctor Ibn Sina, in his work “The Canon of Medical Science,” described in detail which foods can be eaten together and which are better to eat separately.

The founder of the modern concept of separate nutrition is considered to be the American naturopath Herbert Shelton. He identified 10 product groups and gave recommendations for their optimal combination:

  1. Sweet fruits. It is better to eat separately from other foods, especially after meals.

  2. Semi-acidic fruits. Not compatible with meat, legumes, starches.

  3. Sour fruits. Incompatible with animal proteins and starches.

  4. Compatible vegetables. Pairs well with most foods.

  5. Less compatible vegetables. Avoid combination with fruits and meat.

  6. Starchy foods. Do not combine with proteins, milk, fruits.

  7. Protein food. Incompatible with starches, sugars, fruits.

  8. Greenery. Pairs with almost everything except milk.

  9. Fats. Inhibits the secretion of gastric juice.

  10. Sahara. Causes fermentation in combination with proteins and starches.

Thus, when eating separately, it is important to take into account the biochemical compatibility of different products - this allows you to optimize the digestion process, improve the digestibility of food and avoid the formation of toxic compounds during its processing in the body. Although people may tolerate certain food combinations somewhat differently, the basic principles of separate nutrition remain universal.