Piss cramp

Writer's cramps are short-term contractions of the muscles of the jaw and face that can lead to temporary difficulty in writing. These cramps can be caused by various reasons, such as stressful situations, overwork, a sedentary lifestyle, as well as certain diseases. Writing cramps are not dangerous to health, but they can cause discomfort and even pain in the jaw and back.

As for the causes of cramps, they can be associated with various factors, such as improper dental care, incorrect posture while working at a computer or desk, frequent allergies, stress, eye and head muscle tension. In addition, this problem can occur in people suffering from diabetes, thyroid disease, chronic infectious diseases, various neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease and depression.

Symptoms of cramps may appear as sudden, intermittent contractions of the facial muscles, accompanied by pain in the forehead, jaw, and neck. With cramps, painful muscle contractions can cause the person to stop working or stutter, and in some cases the person may not be able to continue writing at all.

Although writer's cramps can be uncomfortable, there are several ways to combat the problem. One of them is regular stretching of the muscles in the lower and upper jaw, which can be done in the morning after sleep. In addition, it is important to control your emotions and learn to relax while writing texts and other tasks. You can also take part in Pilates or yoga classes to improve your posture and reduce the risk of bone misalignment.

In addition, it is recommended to eat right and give up alcohol and cigarettes, since smoking and poor nutrition can cause various problems, including creasing cramps. If this does not help, you can consult a psychotherapist or neurologist