Porgesa Symptom

Porges Symptom is a set of signs that allow you to determine the severity of fear and stress. Symptoms are expressed as changes in physiological indicators such as respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure.

The first symptom is a change in breathing rate. During times of stress, a person’s breathing quickens, which is an adaptive reaction of the body to increased levels of stress. At the same time, the pauses between breaths decrease and their duration increases, due to which the total amount of air that a person exhales in 1 minute increases. In response to this, the heart rate increases, which is also an adaptive reaction. The level of adrenaline in the blood increases, which allows the body to strengthen its work in emergency situations.

The second symptom appears due to an increase in the amount of cortisol in the blood. This is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands to help the body cope with stress. It affects metabolism, including blood glucose levels and