Pimples on chin from sweets

Like any rash, pimples (or acne) signal that the body is not functioning properly. Why do acne appear on the face from sweets, and how to get rid of them?


Every person dreams of beautiful and smooth skin. An advantage to an ideal skin tone is the absence of acne and other pathological rashes that bother both women and men. To maintain healthy facial skin, it is necessary to understand what causes and mechanisms are predisposing to such problems.

Why do acne appear from sweets?

There are several common causes of acne:

  1. skin damage followed by inflammation;
  2. improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. stress;
  4. allergic reactions to decorative cosmetics and household chemicals;
  5. puberty;
  6. presence of bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking;
  7. improper use of medications;
  8. bad habits;
  9. hormonal imbalances;
  10. unfavorable environment;
  11. poor nutrition and excessive consumption of sweets.

The appearance of acne associated with eating sugary foods is due to the following mechanisms of action:

With excessive consumption of sweets, the body responds in the form of excessive production of the male sex hormone - androgen.

In women they are found in small quantities, but with nutritional disorders their level increases. Hormones stimulate excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, and, as a result, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. As a result, the skin becomes oily, pores become clogged, and inflammation occurs.

Reasons for appearance

Before starting treatment, you need to understand why acne can form from sweets in people of different ages and genders.

The occurrence of acne due to sweets is always associated with hormonal imbalances. This is facilitated by the presence of simple sugar glucose in sweets.

About ointments for acne on the face. More details here.

Hormonal changes

Excessive consumption of sweets leads to the production of two hormones that affect the appearance of acne:

  1. Male hormones androgens can be produced in both female and male bodies. They increase sebum production. This leads to blockage of the sebaceous ducts and the formation of acne.
  2. Insulin is produced to reduce high levels of sugar in the blood. High levels of insulin also lead to rashes and promote the release of sex hormones into the blood.

Sugary environments are a great place for the bacteria that cause acne to grow. An excess of simple sugars leads to impaired carbohydrate metabolism. This manifests itself in the appearance of many small pustules on the lower extremities.

Influence of the glycemic index

Foods with a high glycemic index are one of the causes of acne. The glycemic index shows how quickly a particular product is absorbed by the body and converted into glucose.

Which food has a high glycemic index:

  1. potato;
  2. Wheat flour;
  3. beer;
  4. dates;
  5. pineapples;
  6. glucose;
  7. chocolate;
  8. sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices;
  9. starch.

Where acne appears due to sweets

Rashes caused by consuming large amounts of sugar can appear on any part of the body.

On the face

They are red and inflamed and sometimes contain pus. Mainly found on the chin, cheeks, and forehead. Sometimes it is a scattering of small pimples.

In adults, it is mainly the face that suffers from acne from sweets. You cannot crush inflamed acne; first you need to draw the purulent contents to the surface.

On the body

These are small inflamed rashes that have common channels and therefore connect with each other. Most cases appear on the back, but they can occur on other parts of the body.

Multiple small pustular rashes form on the legs due to impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

In children, sweets rash is more often located on the body than on the face. The limbs, back, stomach, chest suffer.


Not a single cosmetic product or procedure from a cosmetologist will help if you continue to eat sweet foods in large quantities.


How to eat to get rid of acne due to sweets:

  1. Include foods high in fiber in your daily diet: crispy vegetables and fruits, bran, mushrooms, green peas, whole grain bread, oatmeal (not rolled oats).
  2. It is useful to steam meat and fish, limit the use of oil and spices, especially hot ones. Sea fish is healthy because it contains omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Add foods with zinc to your daily diet: seafood, liver, stewed beef, green beans. Zinc will help relieve inflammation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Choose foods with a low glycemic index.
  5. Arrange a fasting day 1-2 times a month to cleanse the body of toxins.
  6. Avoid frequent consumption of tea and coffee and do not add sugar to them. Drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Useful tips

Pimples caused by sweets are usually red and inflamed; you should not try to squeeze them out. Do not use lotions containing alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, which causes it to secrete even more oil. Sugar and alcohol working together is not a good idea.

For skin care you need to use gentle products:

  1. sulfate-free cleansing foam;
  2. light moisturizer;
  3. acid peeling instead of abrasive scrubs;
  4. soothing, moisturizing toner.

To get results as quickly as possible, you should use serums. In the morning, apply moisturizing concentrate under the cream. In the evening, a special serum for acne treatment. In these products the concentration of active substances is much higher than in creams.

Going to the bathhouse will help open the pores and better cleanse them of accumulated fat, dirt, and bacteria.

To eliminate such acne, you should use anti-inflammatory and soothing agents. With excess sugar, the skin becomes irritated and peeling may occur.

Sometimes these pimples can itch. You cannot rip off the skin, but if this happens, the damaged area is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Products for spot application:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment – will help draw pus to the surface;
  2. Levomekol ointment – an antibiotic, will destroy all bacteria that have quickly spread due to the sweet environment;
  3. zinc ointment – dries out acne, reduces inflammation;
  4. aspirin tablet – lightens and reduces pimples;
  5. activated carbon tablet – absorbs harmful substances and helps draw bacteria out;
  6. piece of aloe – moisturizes the skin, pulls the pimple to the surface.


It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum. Replace regular sugar with honey, and you can add pieces of fruit to tea.

To avoid eating unhealthy cakes and cookies, you can eat healthy sweets:

Marshmallows and marmalade made from agar-agar are healthier than regular ones. All these sweets should be consumed only after acne treatment is completed. It is advisable to eat them in the first half of the day.

You should undergo periodic medical examinations to detect the possibility of acne at an early stage. You need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The complexion improves and evens out, the skin is filled with oxygen.

To prevent acne from appearing on the body, you should wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

Photo: Before and after

How to make an anti-acne mask at home? Find out further.

How does boric acid help against acne? The answer is here.

Most people love sweets. It is better to drink tea or coffee as a snack with a delicious dessert; children are ready to fulfill any request in exchange for candy. And it wouldn’t be so scary if sugar weren’t so harmful. In addition to the fact that you are at risk of gaining extra pounds from uncontrolled eating of sweets, there is also a high probability of rashes on your body. The debate about whether sweets affect acne has been going on for years, but statistics are still not in favor of the sweet drug. To find out why acne appears on the face from sweets, carefully read our article. Perhaps it will make you think about your diet.

Pimples on the face from sweets: causes

Sugar really affects our body. The reason is that sugar contains glucose, which affects hormonal levels. A large amount of androgens are produced - male hormones. They stimulate the production of sebum, which clogs the pores. Of course, if you thoroughly cleanse your face and exercise, the process of pore clogging will not be as large-scale. But the likelihood of acne and comedones increases in any case.

Glucose helps produce insulin. This is a necessary substance for the processing of glucose and stimulates the release of sex hormones. Insulin is an important component for life, but when it is in excess, the pancreas works in intensive mode. The work of the sebaceous centers is enhanced. Sebum comes out through the epidermis and provokes inflammatory processes.

Insulin starts the glycation process. This process involves the attachment of enzymes produced by insulin to skin collagen through oxidation. As a result, collagen and elastin are destroyed and the process of early skin aging begins. In addition to skin aging, glycation reveals skin problems such as acne and comedones.
Frequent consumption of sweets can lead to insulin resistance, which leads to male pattern hair growth.

The good news is that not all sweet foods are harmful to humans. Fresh and dried fruits are quite sweet, but their sweetness comes from fructose. This substance gives a lot of activity and energy to a person. But sweets contain sucrose, which is more difficult for the body to break down, and requires insulin.

Localization of acne from sweets on the face

For reasons we found out. Now let's figure out where pimples pop up after eating tasty treats. In children, pimples from sweets appear all over the body. Favorite places: folds of skin, butt, back. In adults, the location of acne is: cheeks, chin, T-zone.

In appearance, the pimples are small, purulent, and red in color. They come in the form of single red bumps. When you touch them, you feel pain and discomfort. On the body they often merge into one large spot.

How to get rid of acne from sweets?

If your skin generally looks good, but occasional pimples pop up after eating a piece of pie, then this is not critical. All you need to do is just have a fasting day, drink plenty of clean water and burn the pimples with tincture of calendula or salicylic acid. But most often, a person who already has inflamed skin aggravates the situation with sweets. In this case, fighting acne becomes part of life. To get rid of inflammation, people with a sweet tooth should:

  1. Go on a diet. Minimize the consumption of fatty foods, fast food, carbonated drinks, and, of course, sweets.
  2. Notice the sweets with fruits and healthy goodies: dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  3. Try to keep stress out of your life. It causes hormonal surges.
  4. Learn to drink tea and coffee without sugar. You can first sweeten it with a spoon of honey.
  5. Replace regular chocolate and candies with a piece of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.
  6. Introduce more fermented milk products into your diet: kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts.

Treatment of rashes on the face from sweets

Balancing your diet takes some time, but you want to get rid of acne as quickly as possible. In such cases, in addition to diet, you need to take care of external acne therapy.

  1. To cleanse your face, it is recommended to wash your face with tar soap for a while. It will dry out inflammation and, thanks to its bactericidal effect, will prevent new germs from settling on the face.
  2. Make a mask with blue or green clay several times a week. Mix the clay with water according to the instructions and apply to the face for 20 minutes. During this time, the skin will tighten and blood flow will increase. Clay will help balance sebum production, which is increased by uncontrolled eating of sweets.
  3. Acne can be spot-treated with tincture of calendula and salicylic acid. Pour a few drops of the solution onto a cotton pad and apply to sweet spots. Hold for a couple of minutes. The pimple may burn, but this is normal, because tinctures contain alcohol.
  4. An aspirin mask will help relieve inflammation and redness from acne. To do this, several tablets of aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid are kneaded and diluted with water, applied to the face for 15 minutes. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.
  5. A lotion with a decoction of nettle or burdock will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  6. A visit to the sauna or steam bath will help cleanse the pores and remove all dirt from them. The skin is steamed and all keratinization is easily removed from it. Bath procedures can be carried out at home. Boil chamomile or calendula flowers for a few minutes and steam your face for 10 minutes over a saucepan. Afterwards, cleanse gently with tonic or mask.

Other causes of acne

If you adhere to a healthy diet, do not overindulge in sweets, and acne continues to appear on your face, perhaps the problem does not lie in desserts. We advise you to consult a cosmetologist to understand the true cause of problem skin. In addition to eating sweets, acne on the face occurs due to:

  1. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory systems. The body shows that it cannot cope with toxins in the body and begins to remove them through the skin and pores.
  2. Weak immunity cannot fight the constant flow of bacteria from the external environment, and inflammation begins to appear.
  3. Hereditary factor;
  4. Stress;
  5. Hormonal imbalances during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.

How to overcome sweet withdrawal?

You can’t give up sweets abruptly. Moreover, there is no need for this, because glucose promotes brain function and takes part in important body processes. But you should give up high-calorie unhealthy sweets: cakes, buns, milk and white chocolate, and pastries.

An excellent alternative to these products would be dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, candied fruits. You should eat them slowly, enjoying the sweetness, which tastes comparable to candy. It's harder to give up chocolate. Fortunately, dark dark chocolate in small quantities will not harm your health. It is better to choose chocolate without additives; at most you can choose chocolate with nuts.

When you want something sweet, eat an apple, pear, or grape. They suppress the appetite well and satisfy the desire to “sweeten the soul.”

It will be difficult to suddenly give up a spoonful of sugar in your tea. At first, try adding honey instead of sugar. Just remember that honey should not be added to hot tea. The tea should be warm or there should be honey as a bite. In hot water, honey releases toxic substances.

If you don't like the taste of honey, try sweeteners like stevia. It tastes the same as sugar, but is made from plants. Stevia has beneficial properties. Its glycemic index is zero, so it is not harmful to health and does not provoke insulin production.

What should you not do if you have acne on your face due to sweets?

  1. Squeeze pimples, scrub and peel the face. This can only make the situation worse.
  2. Intensively use decorative cosmetics to disguise acne.
  3. Wipe your face with alcohol tinctures to prevent new rashes. Alcohol dries the skin and activates the sebaceous glands. Sebum begins to be produced more actively, and inflammation increases.
  4. Wash your face only in the morning and evening. Excessive cleansing is harmful, as is lack of it.

If pimples appear constantly in the same place, even if you have completely eliminated sweets from your life, consult a doctor. With its help, you will quickly find the cause of the rash and ways to eliminate it.
