Statistical Population

A statistical population is a relatively homogeneous group of objects, phenomena or processes that are studied through the collection, processing and analysis of quantitative data. Statistical populations are used to study various properties and characteristics of these objects, such as mean, standard deviation, distribution, etc.

A statistical population can be presented in various forms, for example, it can be groups of people, animals, plants, goods, services, events, etc. Each group can have its own characteristics and characteristics that determine its composition. For example, a population of people may include different age groups, gender, nationality, education, etc., and a population of goods may include a variety of product categories, manufacturers and suppliers.

Collection of data for a statistical population can be done in a variety of ways, such as survey, observation, experiment, or using existing databases. Once data is collected, it can be processed using statistical methods such as analysis of means, variances, correlations, etc. These methods make it possible to identify patterns and connections between various characteristics of objects and phenomena.

The use of statistical aggregates in various fields, such as economics, sociology, medicine, biology and others, allows us to obtain more accurate and reliable results, which is of great importance for decision-making and action planning.

A statistical population is a relatively uniform and homogeneous group of objects and/or phenomena to be studied, which are considered as a population and have common properties necessary for statistics. In a general sense, that is, not in the case of real statistics, any random events, objects and / or phenomena can be elements of the population. But all of the listed values ​​have a statistical meaning only in real observation conditions..

Typically the sample population is a random sample. The output is a set that includes randomness. The term “statistical population” is used specifically in scientific and psychological literature.

The tasks performed by statistics are varied - inquiries about the phenomenon being studied, to assess the current situation, or the phenomenon as a whole, and the reasons for its occurrence. And also, testing hypotheses using statistical methods

Let us give one typical example of the task of testing a hypothesis when analyzing experimental data. The following assumptions need to be examined: there is no difference between M for two average subjects x1 and x2. Otherwise, this statement must be recognized as a hypothesis about the equality of M, and after collecting information, the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis Ho must be formulated. The sample value of a criterion or set of criteria is calculated. Next, the resulting estimate is compared with the table value of Tcr at a given alpha level (probability of error), concluding either acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis.

A static set is also called a set of facts, since a fact is understood as reliable true knowledge, which is a reflection of the relationship of things and phenomena of the real world. The units of analysis are statistical laws that serve as the basis for constructing statistical patterns. That is, the unit of observation in a static population is a fact. A static collection owns the data with which it is described,