Vitamin E for external use on the face

The skin of the face reacts to weather and age-related changes, nutrition, alcohol, tobacco smoke, allergens, lack of sleep, and other negative influences. The negative influences of the environment are especially noticeable on women's skin. An excellent remedy that promotes restoration and a healthy, radiant appearance of the skin on the face is the well-known vitamin E. It promotes tissue regeneration and rapid cell renewal.

The medical name for vitamin E is tocopherol, which means “promoting birth.” It can be taken internally and used externally in creams, lotions, gels, and masks with tocopherol.

The properties of vitamin E for the skin are lost when exposed to air. Therefore, tocopherol dissolved in fat or oil is used for cosmetics. This way it retains its qualities longer. Thanks to nanotechnology in cosmetology, the beneficial properties of the vitamin are preserved throughout the shelf life of the cosmetic product.

When used internally, vitamin E acts through the female reproductive system to promote greater production of the hormone estrogen. This hormone is formed in the ovaries and brings beauty and youth to a woman. External use also has a positive effect on the skin, promoting wound healing, treating acne and rashes, eliminating dryness and sagging skin.

Effect of vitamin E for the face

  1. refreshing and whitening of the skin, cell regeneration;
  2. getting rid of wrinkles, preventing the appearance of new “rays”, slowing down the aging process of facial skin;
  3. getting rid of acne, healing wounds;
  4. elimination of scars after operations, gradual erasing of traces of acne;
  5. getting rid of freckles, dark spots;
  6. removal of toxins, combating the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  7. facelift;
  8. reducing the problems of loose and dry skin;
  9. normalization of sebum formation processes;
  10. increasing blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels.

Release form containing vitamin E

If tocopherol is so beneficial, then where can you get vitamin E? It is best obtained from food. Products such as liver, fatty fish, milk, legumes, and cereals contain tocopherol in large quantities. It is also present in carrots, avocados, walnuts, pistachio nuts, olives, sunflower seeds, corn oil, and egg yolk.

If products with vitamin E enter the body in small doses, this figure can be increased by using tocopherol in capsules, oil solutions, and injections. The medical form of vitamin E consists of:

Vitamin E capsules can be taken like a tablet. To improve the quality of the face cream, a vitamin from a capsule is poured into it, after piercing it with a needle.

Oil solutions consist half of vitamin and vegetable oil. This composition is additionally added to various cosmetics to improve the condition of the skin on the face, neck, and hands.

Vitamin E in ampoules is added to masks or other cosmetics. Cosmetics with tocopherol give magical results. Vitamin E in liquid form is also used by cosmetologists to prevent the appearance of wrinkles by injection.

Instructions for use of vitamin E

Vitamin E is available freely in pharmacies in the form of an oil solution, capsules or ampoules. It must enter the body in the required doses. The lack of this component causes dryness and sagging skin, its aging, hemoglobin synthesis decreases, and malfunctions in the reproductive system and other organs are observed. Malfunctions in the operation of various systems affect the face with circles under the eyes, dullness and even grayness of the skin.

Excessive amounts of tocopherol accumulate in the liver, muscles, and adipose tissue, which is also not very beneficial. The lack of vitamin E depends on the individual characteristics of the body, diseases, allergies, exhausting physical activity, and poor nutrition. Plant-based products undergo heat treatment, which also affects the amount of incoming vitamin.

If there is a lack of vitamin E in the body, a person feels tired. He does not want to do anything, he is apathetic towards any endeavors. Along with such manifestations, a change in complexion is noted. It becomes pale and unassuming, without blush and natural shine.

The condition of the facial skin is affected by the amount of tocopherol supplied both internally and externally. To normalize the skin on your face, you should learn how to use vitamin E for your face at home. The girls learned that it is necessary to use healthy foods in food. They will love fatty fish and cereal products, milk and cottage cheese. But not all beautiful women are yet comfortable with masks. It's a pity!

A face mask with vitamin E rejuvenates, refreshes, and smoothes wrinkles. She is capable of doing real miracles in a short time. It is applied to a clean face for about 20 minutes. At this time, it is best to lie down quietly and relax. The rejuvenating effect of vitamin E is evident after the first procedure. With each application, the effect of the applications intensifies.

It is recommended to use vitamin E in its pure form for the face 1-2 times a week. After a month of use, you need to take a time-out for a month. Don't forget about the procedures after the break! There are many recommendations on the Internet and books on cosmetology on how to use vitamin E for the face at home. Let's look at some of them.

Recipes for effective masks

There are a lot of reviews from women of different age categories that face masks with vitamin E have an amazing effect. You can buy such masks or prepare them yourself. A homemade vitamin E face mask is beneficial because it uses natural products.

Attention! Below you can find an acceptable mask for your skin type!

A mask made from cottage cheese can normalize dry skin. Its composition:

  1. 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese;
  2. 3 teaspoons olive oil;
  3. 5 drops of vitamin E.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes. The composition is washed off with warm water.

Greetings, my dear friends. If there were a competition to identify the most beneficial antioxidant for the skin, tocopherol would be the winner. Believe me, this is a real miracle remedy. That’s why I decided to devote today’s article to how useful vitamin E is for the face and how to use it correctly.

What are the benefits of vitamin E?

This element is rightfully considered a “miracle medicine”. Tocopherol acts as a natural moisturizer, slows down skin aging, treats sunburn and brightens the skin. Let's take a closer look at all its advantages.

  1. Acts as a humectant. Vitamin E restores and rejuvenates dehydrated skin. It is better suited for dry and damaged skin. Since it most of all needs to restore lost moisture (1). If you have normal or oily skin, you should consult a dermatologist. This moisturizer is heavy and can cause inflammation.
  2. Slows down skin aging. Vitamin E helps the skin produce collagen, which effectively slows down the aging process. It stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells. Regular use will help prevent new wrinkles from appearing (2).
  3. Treats sunburn. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals caused by ultraviolet radiation. It soothes sunburn (3).
  4. Lightens dark spots. Free radicals cause hyperpigmentation of the skin. Vitamin E is a fortified source of antioxidants that help reduce skin damage (4).
  5. Treatment of stretch marks. Vitamin E is beneficial during the postpartum period as it helps reduce stretch marks. Regular use of this oil for stretch marks in combination with gentle rubbing movements has shown good results. The oil will restore skin elasticity and lighten stretch marks (5).
  6. Makes lips soft. The oil is extremely effective in relieving dryness after a cold or during the cold season (6).

Vitamin E can be applied as a mask or spot-on. Tocopherol can also be added to nourishing cream. And if you feel very tight skin and don’t have any cream on hand, use oil. That is, if you have a choice of “nothing or oil,” then choose oil. Well, without fish, even cancer is a fish.

However, with long-term use, naturally, a properly selected cream has the best effect on the skin. In addition to water and oil, it contains many useful active ingredients. These substances are selected based on age. If it’s 30+, then there are some components, if it’s 40+, then there are different ones. Butter contains only saturated fats. Therefore, I do not recommend replacing creams with oils for daily facial care.

But let's talk about everything in order 🙂

Reviews from users

Below I present for your consideration reviews from those who use tocopherol in skin care. Study and draw conclusions.

Anna: Serum is great! I use it at night. After application, the skin shines for some time and the stickiness remains, by the morning everything goes away.

Nona: I use this product once a day. I add it to masks and creams. I also add oil vitamin E to the base oil and apply it to the skin around the eyes. The composition is easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

Lika: I have problem skin. That's why I often use tea tree oil. I mix it with tocopherol and add this mixture to the masks. The effect is pleasing - there are fewer rashes.

Zoya: I applied liquid vitamin E to my face. Nightmare! Don't repeat my mistake. I clogged all my pores, now I’m struggling with it

Zarina: I've heard a lot about how this vitamin helps against wrinkles. I applied it neat to the skin of my eyelids. In the morning my eyes were swollen, as if they had been bitten by bees.

Svetlanka: I used this product in winter. Well, you know, in the cold season you can’t do without additional food. So I decided to use an oil solution. After it, such a terrible shine appeared. I didn't notice any more effect.

How to use it pure

Tocopherol capsules at home should be used as follows:

  1. It is necessary to first cleanse your face of any remaining makeup. For this purpose, special products designed for washing are suitable - foam or gel.
  2. The face is moistened with water. Remember that it should not be dry. Filtered water, thermal water or mineral water without gas will do.
  3. Apply the oil to the face and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product thoroughly and apply moisturizer to your face.

But the use of capsules worries me a little. It's the composition itself that's confusing. The pharmacy sells liquid vitamin E in capsules.

The instructions for use clearly state that the active substance alpha-tocopherol acetate is contained in the oil. Those. to obtain 1 capsule weighing 300 mg, add 100 mg of sunflower oil

For this reason, I do not recommend replacing eyelid care products with vitamin E. This solution is too heavy for thin skin. And if you leave it on overnight, in the morning you will have huge bags under your eyes, just as they say in the reviews.

It is better to make masks with natural oils that contain vitamin E in its natural form. Because they contain all 8 components of this vitamin.

Below are the proportions of tocopherol in oils:

Quantity mg/100 g Oils containing vitamin E
150 Wheat germ
95 Almond
62,8 Grape seed
55 Kedrovoe
44 Rapeseed
41 Sunflower
38,1 Linen
31 Olive
3,9 Cocoa
3,1 Sesame

By the way, if you are worried that you may have a lot of excess tocopherol left, then read how vitamin E can be effectively used for hair 🙂


Face masks

A skillfully made face mask with your own hands is sometimes in no way inferior to its industrial counterpart. Firstly, it is made from natural ingredients. Secondly, the cost of such a product is significantly lower than that of purchased products.

Before using such a product, be sure to cleanse your face of any remaining cosmetics and impurities and wipe with lotion. Remember that the mask should be applied along the massage lines. And after the time specified in the recipe, you should wash off this cosmetic product. And don’t walk around the apartment like a ghost with a mask. The mask is a heavy product and there is no need to once again stretch the skin down, creating wrinkles.

And one more thing, you need to prepare homemade masks immediately before using them. The fact is that tocopherol is unstable - it breaks down when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, you should not store such cosmetic mixtures. Made, used and done.

Night face mask recipe

This miracle product with a rejuvenating effect contains the following components:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa butter;
  2. 1 tbsp. spoon of tocopherol;
  3. 1 tbsp. spoon of sea buckthorn oil.

First of all, melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Then enrich the cooled mass with vitamin and sea buckthorn oil. Apply the finished mixture in a thick layer to the eyelid area. Cover these areas of the skin with parchment paper - this should be done so that the product does not spread. You need to keep this mask for about a quarter of an hour.

I recommend making the mask at night. It is better if it is 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is enough to do the procedure a couple of times a week.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetic product

This composition is a tandem of glycerin and vitamin E. The first component moisturizes the skin and fills fine wrinkles. As a result, visible signs of skin aging become barely noticeable. The second component is already known to us 🙂

The tandem of glycerin and vitamin E forms a thin film on the skin that prevents moisture evaporation. This duet also helps accelerate the healing of small wounds and eliminates inflammation.

For a miracle remedy you will need 3 ml of glycerin and 1 capsule of tocopherol. The components are mixed and applied to a cleansed face. After half an hour, you need to remove the remaining product. By the way, after such a mask you don’t need to wash your face - just blot off the remaining nutrient mixture.

Mask with a toning effect

To make it, you will need 2 vitamin E capsules and a fresh cucumber. Peel the vegetable and grind the pulp into a pulp (you can use a blender or grater). Then mix the cucumber mass with the contents of the capsules and apply to a cleansed face. After applying this mask, I advise you to lie down, otherwise everything will be in this mixture everywhere. And after 20 minutes, wash your face and cover your face with nourishing cream.

Rejuvenating Blend

Her recipe is:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of kaolin;
  2. 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed cucumber juice;
  3. 5 drops of tocopherol;
  4. cold water.

We dilute white clay with water until a creamy mass is obtained. And we enrich this composition with juice and vitamins. Mix all ingredients thoroughly again. Then apply the product to a cleansed face. Leave it on for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off and cover the skin with moisturizer.

Reviews from cosmetologists

The growing obsession with oils is rooted in the belief that a “natural and natural” product is a panacea. But you shouldn’t be gullible about all the information. I believe that it is much wiser to understand everything, and only then draw some conclusions.

To begin with, I suggest you remember what a cream is and what an oil is. As for the latter, it is 100% lipids or fat. But the cream always contains oils, but their content may vary. It ranges from 10 to 40 percent. This indicator depends on the skin type for which the product is designed and age.

When caring for young skin, you should not use a cream with a 40% fat content. Nothing good will come of this. Moreover, you cannot apply the oil in its pure form for a long time.

I will not deny that in the short term the oil works great. Dryness and tightness disappear, the epidermis becomes soft and smooth. But if you constantly use it instead of cream, your skin will become dry. Yes, yes, you heard right. This product will dry out the skin.

With continued use, this product will dilute your epidermal lipids. In addition, it creates a film on the surface of the skin. It disrupts skin breathing and prevents moisture evaporation. As a result, metabolic processes are inhibited - the skin becomes dehydrated. And the oily type of epidermis will suffer even greater damage - the oil will clog the pores.

Yes, today oils are presented in a wide range - for any skin type, including problematic ones. But in my opinion, this is just marketing. Here's a review from a cosmetologist

At home, I massage myself with coconut oil - I smear my body and ends of my hair. But I won’t do it on my face anymore, I spoiled myself when I was young. My oily skin is dry. Because I didn’t apply it to moisturized skin and almost every day.

Cosmetics with vitamin E

That’s why I now use competent cosmetic products. And among them there are products containing alpha tocopherol acetate. I will introduce you to some of them today.


This is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy. It contains 10% ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thermal acid and hyaluronic acid. Together, these substances have a magical effect on the skin. They increase the elasticity of the epidermis and smooth out wrinkles. This product also improves complexion and reduces redness. Immediately after application, the skin becomes tender and soft. Be sure to read reviews about it.

Nourishing cream Nutritic Intense Riche

This cosmetic product is designed to restore dry and very dry skin. This product has a very rich composition. The following components are present here: MP lipids, glycerin, shea butter, tocopherol, thermal oil and niacinamide. Each of them has a specific effect on the epidermis. For example, niacinamide has anti-inflammatory effects. And shea butter moisturizes the skin, softens it and relieves irritation.

Tube volume – 50 ml. The product has a delicate aroma - citrus notes intertwined with the scent of white flowers. And the final chord is a sandalwood trail. There are also a lot of reviews about him and also very interesting “questions and answers”

Idealia eye cream

This cosmetic product works great for bags and dark circles under the eyes. It also significantly reduces wrinkles and saturates the skin with valuable moisture. This effect is possible thanks to its amazing composition. It contains caffeine, thermal water, DRM-Bright with vitamin Cg, tocopherol and other components.

The cream has a delicate but at the same time dense texture. The smell is neutral, so it will be suitable for those who do not like strong fragrances. Reviews about the product are varied. However, until you try it yourself, you won’t be able to draw an objective conclusion.

Slow age

This is an innovative product from the Vichy brand, created to combat wrinkles. Effectively fights signs of aging at different stages of their formation. The product contains the antioxidant BAICALIN. There are also vitamins C and E, a thermal bath and an SPF 25 filter.

The product has a delicate consistency. It spreads easily over the skin and does not leave a sticky film. This product has a light aroma. Reviews about it convincingly indicate the effectiveness of the product. Judging by them, it really works. For details, see the article about the Vichy Slow age series.

Librederm Antioxidant Cream

The product is created for dry, sagging skin. It is wonderfully moisturizing. It can even be used to care for sensitive epidermis. It contains tocopherol, lecithin, beeswax and a complex of vitamins. Cream volume 50 ml.

The cosmetic product has a light texture. It is easy to apply to the skin and absorbs fairly quickly. By the way, those who use this product are generally satisfied with their purchase.

Now you know everything about how vitamin E acts on the skin of the face. Share this information with your friends or send them a link to the article. And I say goodbye to you: until we meet again.

Vitamin E is also called tocopherol. The product is an organic compound that has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes out wrinkles on the skin, and evens out the complexion. The product is sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, and tocopherol is also found in most food products. At home, vitamin E is used as an independent drug to improve the condition of the epidermis. The component is often added to masks and lotions.

Beneficial properties of vitamin E

  1. As mentioned earlier, tocopherol rejuvenates the dermis, making it elastic. Regular use accelerates the production of elastin fibers and collagen.
  2. Tocopherol promotes natural self-cleaning of tissues and natural cell regeneration (recovery). The product causes a lifting effect (elimination of nasolabial wrinkles, double chin, improvement of facial contours, etc.).
  3. Vitamin E prevents premature aging, which usually occurs due to the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, poor environment, unbalanced nutrition, lack of basic care and other external factors.
  4. Thanks to improved blood circulation, the epidermis becomes smooth and even, freckles/pigment spots disappear. If you rub the pure composition into the area around the eyes, dark circles disappear after two weeks.
  5. In addition to cosmetic purposes, tocopherol has a positive effect on the entire body. A powerful antidepressant relieves fatigue and the effects of stress, fights insomnia, invigorates and raises morale.
  6. With regular use of the composition orally, tocopherol cleanses the walls of the intestines and stomach from free radicals, removes toxins and poisons from the body. As a result of this feature, the skin becomes clear, acne and blackheads are noticeably reduced (release of sebaceous ducts).
  7. If you apply pure ampoule vitamin E to inflamed areas, the source of infection is noticeably reduced. The ulcers are also dried out and acne is partially cured (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin).
  8. Dermatologists recommend using tocopherol in concentrated liquid form for girls with dry dermis. Regular use of the composition has an intense moisturizing effect, relieves skin from peeling, treats microcracks and abrasions.
  9. Since the epidermis is largely composed of water, vitamin E prevents dehydration of the skin. It restores water balance, removes accumulated salts, and regulates acidity. If you apply the product to problematic and oily skin, after a month you will notice a reduction in subcutaneous sebum production.
  10. Tocopherol helps eliminate allergic reactions that occur on the skin for unknown reasons. If you notice itching, burning, cracking, redness on the upper layers of the epidermis, just lubricate the damaged areas with liquid vitamin E.

Vitamin E: where to find it

Pharmacy drugs. Today, pharmaceutical companies produce pharmaceutical vitamin E, which comes in different forms. This includes the composition in ampoules, capsules, or in the form of an oily solution of Alpha-tocopherol (the concentration of the active substance does not exceed 50%).

  1. Vitamin E in ampoules are 10 ml containers. every. The product is easy to use and is sold individually or in whole packages. The pricing policy does not exceed 20 rubles per 1 ampoule.
  2. If we talk about tocopherol in capsules, the oily liquid is enclosed in a dense shell. To use the composition internally, just swallow the capsule and wash it down with water. For cosmetic purposes, the shell is pierced with a sewing needle or opened in two, after which the liquid is extracted from it.
  3. Concentrated 50% vitamin E is medically called alpha-tocopherol acetate. It is convenient to add it to masks or apply it to certain areas of the skin (under the eyes, to areas with inflammation and peeling). The composition is easily removed from the bottle; just uncork the tube.
  4. The above-mentioned forms of products are suitable for the preparation of medicinal compositions. You can use them if there are no contraindications. The latter include individual skin intolerance, serious diseases of the epidermis, and problems with the functioning of the circulatory system.

Food. If for some reason you do not want to use pharmacy vitamin E, study the list of products that contain it. Provide your diet with healthy ingredients and enjoy the results.

  1. Consume at least 2 chicken yolks, whole milk, and full-fat cottage cheese every day. Include sunflower and pumpkin seeds, fresh or roasted nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts) in your diet.
  2. Eat a salad of fresh vegetables. Particular attention is paid to spinach, lettuce, radishes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, onions and green onions, potatoes, and cucumbers. Use the listed components alone or in combination.
  3. If we talk about berries, tocopherol is found in cherries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, and rowan. Add berries to oatmeal or flaxseed porridge, which also contain vitamin E.
  4. Give preference to natural oils (unrefined). Most suitable are vegetable, corn, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, olive. You can use 1 teaspoon of oil per day after waking up in the morning or season your salads with it.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin

  1. Test for individual intolerance. Prepare pharmacy vitamin E, extract the liquid in a convenient way, lubricate a small area of ​​skin in the wrist area with tocopherol. Wait a quarter of an hour, this is how a test for an allergic reaction is carried out. If you do not experience any redness, irritation or itching, feel free to proceed with the procedure.
  2. Preliminary steaming of the epidermis. First you need to steam the skin through baths. To do this, brew in 4 liters. boiling water 60 gr. sage, 30 gr. birch bark, 20 gr. yarrow. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, then heat the broth on the stove. Place the pan on a stool and sit next to it. Cover the head and container with a wide towel to create a steam effect. Keep your face 35-45 cm away from the pan. The duration of steaming is 7-10 minutes.
  3. Cleansing the sebaceous ducts. Following the opening of the pores comes their cleansing. For these purposes, prepare a scrub from coffee grounds and cream mixed in a 2:1 ratio. Apply the product to your face, wait until the scrub is partially dry. After this, rub the dermis in a circular motion. Carefully work on the wings of the nose, chin, eyebrow area, temples. Do not touch the area around the eyes so as not to cause damage to the upper layer of the dermis. Rinse off the product first with warm, then cold (preferably ice) water.
  4. Application of vitamin E. Shake the ampoule or bottle of tocopherol, squeeze a small amount of the composition onto your fingertips. Walk along the massage lines, distributing the mixture with driving movements. Pay attention to the skin under the eyes, do not allow the drug to come into contact with the mucous membrane. After applying the mixture all over your face, do a light massage for 10-15 minutes. Leave the mask on for a third of an hour, relax your face.
  5. Washing. After the allotted time has passed, remove the product with warm water and prepare a chamomile infusion. Rinse your face with it, do not rinse. Apply a hydrogel or serum that retains moisture in the skin. Do not use greasy cream, it does not allow the epidermis to “breathe”. Carry out the procedure for applying tocopherol twice a week, the course is 2 months.

Face masks with vitamin E

  1. Aloe vera and glycerin. The composition is designed for dry skin; it perfectly moisturizes the dermis and fights flaking. Squeeze the juice from two aloe stalks, mix it with 20 ml. tocopherol, add 15 ml. glycerin. Pour the ingredients into the bottle and shake. Distribute over the skin after preliminary steaming and cleansing. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the tocopherol with filtered water. Store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator.
  2. Green tea and clay. Prepare a strong brew of loose leaf green tea and strain the mixture. Pour 45 g of prepared infusion. blue or black clay, leave for a third of an hour. Pour in 5 ml. vitamin E, spread the product over the skin of the face, wait until completely dry (about 20 minutes). Rinse the clay off with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  3. Vitamin A and almond oil. Mix 10 ml. vitamin A with 30 ml. almond oil, pour in 15 ml. tocopherol. Transfer the composition into a dark bottle and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, apply the product to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with cool water or a decoction based on medicinal plants.
  4. Honey and yogurt. Use natural full-fat yogurt without artificial additives. Mix 30 gr. dairy product with 20 gr. honey, add 15 g. gelatin. Stir the mixture and leave for half an hour to obtain the required thickness. Next, pour in 10 ml. tocopherol, spread the mask over your face. Cover the top with a bandage or film, rinse after 15-20 minutes. If desired, you can replace natural yogurt with full-fat sour cream (from 20%).

Apply vitamin E in its pure form or add the component to homemade masks. Consider recipes based on cottage cheese, olive or almond oil, ripe banana, chicken egg, clay, yogurt, honey.

Video: vitamin E for the face in capsules from the pharmacy