I don't like the complexion

Women, what helps your skin be beautiful, elastic, smooth, and pleasant to the touch? Maybe some special food or care? Please tell us your secrets. Thanks everyone in advance!

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

good care, good nutrition, rest, sports. what else? twice a week I make alginite masks and La Mer skincare products. I do facial and body massage courses, go to the bathhouse once a week, there I make a mask with salt and mud from the Dead Sea. I eat healthy, farm products, sleep at least 8 hours, gym three times a week.

I eliminated sugar from my diet. Not completely, of course, but now I drink tea without sugar and eat less sweets. I also don’t eat a lot of salty or spicy foods. More vegetables, fruits, less meat.

peelings and masks with acids, good professional cosmetics, OK (acne disappeared and oil content decreased)

Combination skin, sensitive, porous in the T-zone. For acne there is always a gel with antibiotics, for oiliness a cream with acids, I remove pores with superficial peeling, I removed small vessels from the wings of the nose with a laser, Botox in the forehead. I often receive compliments about my ideal skin from older ladies and men, they refer to my youth, but in fact this is a professional care and cosmetologist.

I wash my face with “Korea” in combination with a special brush, and add essential oils to regular moisturizing creams. And a little home mesotherapy (roller). Previously, the only things that bothered me were closed and open comedones.

I am often asked how I achieved perfect, even skin on my face.
My secret is simple - I didn’t achieve it.

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Everyone writes about oily, porous skin. Well, this is not a problem - with such skin there is really a minimum of breakdown - even the most basic cosmetic procedures have been done and already beauty, and if you do them on an ongoing basis (well, let's say once a week), then even more so. I know this from my mother and grandmother. But what to do with thin dry parchment. That's where the problem is(((

Smooth complexion and without blackheads - only acids: peeling (can be used at home), toner, serum. For wrinkles, creases, skin tone - massage in the salon. For the general appearance and against dark circles under the eyes - walks in the fresh air, sleep, exercise.

Food comes first. Remove sugar, reduce carbohydrates, and add fat. Helped me

To have a good complexion you need to sleep, walking in the fresh air is enough. If there are problems with the metabolim, then follow your diet. But as for skin without pimples, etc., as the owner of the capricious version, I have to constantly monitor this issue. But here everyone has his own, everything is individual. Retinoic ointment helps me, but some people don’t need such special products; just cleanse and moisturize well.

Personally, I eat right, exercise, drink a lot of water, always have facial peels, moisturize and nourish my skin. Only now I do all this at home, I don’t waste time and money on salons. Retinoic peeling is easy to do at home. and moisturizing is Vistim - a good product with a high content of vitamin A!

Well, I can’t say that mine is ideal, but it’s good enough, I use the Salcura line, it helps put my skin in order.

Of course alginate masks. They simply have no equal! - have a moisturizing effect, restore water balance,
- have a lifting effect - correction of facial contours, smooth out wrinkles, reduce pores
- increase skin tone and elasticity
- have a detoxifying effect - “remove” signs of fatigue, improve complexion
- saturate the skin with microelements
I recommend you the Libriderm series, they are very good.

And I like this brightening and cleansing treatment. Pour a soap solution of regular baby soap, without fragrances or dyes, into a small cup. Add to it half a teaspoon of fine salt and soda. Soak a cotton pad in this mixture, squeeze lightly and walk over the skin using soft circular movements, without pressing. After 3 minutes, rinse your face with cool water. At the end of the procedure, I wipe my face with Seracin lotion from Libriderm, it contains fruit acids and cleanses the pores very well.

Good for an even skin tone, care with fruit acids, only then must there be a cream with SPF.

I initially have *** oily skin, and it also peels off at the same time. I won’t say that I have a lot of pimples or blackheads, but I still have this problem. I haven’t tried anything, but with this particular skin texture, cucumber masks have helped me a lot. I’ll tell you right away that you will have to do it for a long time, from 1.5 months to 3 times every day, then less often. At first, it seemed that there were more pimples, but in fact, cucumber whitens the skin, and what was not yet visible became completely obvious. Well, then incomparable patience will help, because I applied the cucumbers for at least 2 hours, and sometimes I even fell asleep like that. I warn you, skin like mine should never be dried out, no pimples or spots on it, just moisturize, a lot and for a long time, because fat is released due to improper moisturizing. It is better to wash your face with cool water, after such a mask you can apply aspirin for about 5 minutes, again, only after the mask, while the skin is very moisturized, for my skin it was like a polishing effect. I didn't do anything else, just these 2 ingredients. Another important point is that you should never press on pimples; you can use a toner. As a result, the skin began to secrete much less oil, stopped flaking completely, the pores narrowed, the acne spots disappeared, the acne disappeared COMPLETELY, there were no black spots, the texture of the skin itself changed - the skin became denser, tighter, fresher, porcelain effect , it was clear that the skin was not only clean on the surface, but also as if from the inside. Those who want to leave a tan - this method is not for you, it whitens strongly. But the skin was really beautiful then, the effect of crystallization. It lasts for about half a year, if after these 1.5-3 months you don’t do it at all, if you continue, I think more. Now my skin has become bad again, I started doing it again, I’m waiting for the result, I wish I had enough patience. And here is the recipe: grate 1 cucumber, without squeezing, without doing anything to it, apply to the skin just like that.

Beautiful skin is the dream of many girls and men; it indicates the health of the body, gives confidence, and emphasizes natural beauty. If you know how to improve your complexion at home, you can save not only on cosmetic procedures, but also on expensive cosmetics.

Nutrition and vitamins

Improving vitamins for facial skin are your little irreplaceable helpers in the fight for youth and beauty. They will not help you get rid of any specific problems (age spots, acne, open pores), but will greatly facilitate the fight against imperfections using other means. Also, taking vitamins immediately affects the condition of not only the skin, but also hair, nails and even mood.

Signs of vitamin deficiency:

  1. The skin has lost its elasticity;
  2. The complexion has become pale or has a grayish tint;
  3. Extensive flaky areas have appeared, most often in the area of ​​the nose or cheeks;
  4. The face took on a sickly appearance, and some imperfections appeared: spider veins, circles or bags under the eyes.


Photo - Healthy complexion

Combating a lack of nutrients is as easy as shelling pears: start taking vitamins for women. Many complexes also include acids and fats, which are necessary to improve tone, hair growth, improve vision and the condition of the nail plates.

In addition to taking supplements, you should definitely reconsider your diet. We do not encourage proper or separate nutrition; with the modern rhythm of life this is not always possible. Just try restrict the following product:

  1. Coffee. Caffeine negatively affects the vascular system of the body, resulting in various problems (bruises under the eyes, redness of the whites);
  2. Alcohol. With regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, the skin becomes grayish-white, swells and loses elasticity.
  3. Nicotine. Under the influence of cigarettes, the face becomes an unpleasant yellowish color, earthy, pores open, wrinkles and other signs of premature aging appear.

Proper care

Naturally, not only limiting some foods and introducing others, but also caring measures will help to quickly improve your complexion. An important role is played by the normalization of blood circulation; this process is responsible for the distribution of beneficial substances throughout the epidermis and giving blush to the cheeks.

To enjoy a beautiful matte shine, just wipe your face with an ice cube every morning. You can freeze both mineral water and herbal infusions, green tea. This morning activity will not only help you wake up faster, but also close your pores and remove oily shine.

Don't forget to cleanse the top layer of skin. In order to give it radiance, you need to regularly do color-improving peels, scrubs and masks. Soft oatmeal peeling is incredibly effective. It exfoliates dead cells evenly without scratching the skin.


Photo – Face mask

To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of flower honey and a drop of coconut essential oil. Apply the mixture to your face and distribute over its entire surface. Afterwards, walk through each problem area with soft circular movements for 3 minutes.

A stiffer sugar scrub works well. It not only improves blood circulation to the face, but also deeply cleanses the pores. For a spoonful of sweet product, you will need 5 drops of any essential oil for the skin. It could be castor oil, almonds, coconut, olive. Use in the same way as oatmeal peeling.

Be sure to try other types of peelings, to find the one that suits you, you need to try several types of this procedure. Once a month you can also go for professional cleaning: diamond, laser or ultrasonic.

Video: How to improve your complexion: tips

Mask recipes

One of the keys to improving complexion is nourishing the skin, this can be a homemade mask, cream or simple oil applied at night. Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Argan oil in its pure form can be used as a night cream. This is simply a great product that will save you from a number of shortcomings: dryness, a feeling of tightness, lack of nutrients, in addition, it is considered hypoallergenic;
  2. Traditional medicine recommends using goat fat to improve your complexion. This is simply a storehouse of microelements and vitamins necessary for the epidermis. It can be applied to the skin as a cream without rinsing off (for dry and sensitive) or as a mask, removing after 20 minutes (for normal and combination);
  3. A citrus mask will help whiten your face in a short time and at the same time improve its color. You need to peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of it, add a couple of drops of essential oil and apply it to the skin with a sponge. Wash off after 10 minutes. This mask is strictly prohibited if you are allergic to vitamin C;
  4. Carrot remedy nourishes perfectly. It should be noted that raw carrots are often used as a self-tanner, so Snow Whites need to be very careful with this mask. Grate the root vegetable, add a spoonful of honey to the vegetable, mix thoroughly and apply to the face. Remove after 15 minutes;


    Photo – Carrot mask
  5. In winter, a simple potato mask will help improve the condition of your face. Starch will help normalize blood circulation, while it helps eliminate facial wrinkles and primary signs of pigmentation. You need to grate the vegetable, add a spoonful of oatmeal and a spoonful of warm honey to it, apply it to a previously cleansed face, and rinse off after 15 minutes. You can also make a mask from boiled root vegetables, but it will be less effective.

Don't forget about cleansing. Every morning and evening you need to wipe your face with tonic or lotion without alcohol (depending on your skin type). For sensitive dry skin, a cucumber lotion is suitable, while for oily or problematic skin, a product based on strawberry or salicylic acid will be suitable.

Professional cosmetics

Often girls do not have enough time to prepare homemade masks or folk remedies are simply not suitable. This is where professional products come to the rescue to help improve your complexion.

Very good reviews about cosmetics from Black Pearl - this company specializes in producing cosmetics for young women over 25 years old and mature women with normal skin. Basically, the lines are aimed at nourishing it and giving it a natural glow.

We can’t help but mention the cream from Shiseido, which helps improve the complexion of any face thanks to natural red caviar in its composition. This is quite an expensive pleasure, but the effect is undeniable.


Photo – Belkosmex mask

For cleansing, it is recommended to use foam from Vitex and Belita, and for everyday care - therapeutic bb cream from L'Oreal.

To cleanse and tone your face, improve its tone, close pores and clean them, you will need micellar water from Vishi. It will saturate the skin with minerals, rare vitamins and acids, while very gently cleansing it. In a short time, this product will help you become the owner of almost perfectly light and even skin.

Don't forget about procedures. For example, paraffin therapy for the face can be done at home, but more effective professional products are often used in salons. Be sure to do facial massages and do face culture - these are great ways to eliminate visible imperfections of the skin with minimal means and give it an even and clean shade.

Homemade face masks

How to make your facial skin smooth and even

Facial cleansing

Dry facial skin - causes and masks

Facial skin types

Skin care in winter

Facial skin care in autumn

Dry skin care

Every woman strives to look perfect throughout her life, sparing no effort or resources. However, often even a youthful appearance is spoiled not by the first signs of aging and wrinkles, but by an unattractive complexion. Excessively pale or earthy-toned skin adds excessive fatigue and fading, which creates an extremely negative impression of a person’s appearance. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex are increasingly wondering how to improve their complexion and maintain its healthy shine and attractiveness for many years.

Factors that negatively affect complexion

Disease of internal organs affects skin color

In addition to the already mentioned reasons leading to deterioration of complexion, it is also necessary to note the following number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin, namely:

- lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients in the diet, which inexorably leads to the development of anemia and the unnatural pallor of the face caused by it;

— bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.), which greatly accelerate the aging process of facial skin and have a detrimental effect on its color and condition;

- chronic fatigue and stress;

- daily work in a tightly closed, smoky or poorly ventilated area;

— lack of systematic and well-organized facial skin care;

- neglect of walks in the fresh air and sports;

- excessive mental or physical stress;

- lack of proper rest and sleep.

Of course, this is far from an exhaustive list of reasons leading to the loss of a healthy complexion. In some cases, a person may even need a full medical examination, which will allow to exclude (or, conversely, confirm) the presence of certain disorders of the functional systems of the body and diseases of internal organs.

Products for beautiful skin

Fatty acids - fish, flax grains.

Vitamin A - carrots, new potatoes, broccoli, spinach.

Vitamin E (prevents natural aging of the skin) - hazelnuts, walnuts, seeds, almonds.

To quickly improve your complexion, drink one glass of carrot juice a day. Carrot juice should be consumed with a small amount of fat, such as sour cream. Since absorption occurs only with fats. It in itself improves the complexion and, thanks to it, the skin seems to have a light tan, and the tan itself sticks faster. You can achieve the effect in one week.

Pay attention to the right combination of foods; the wrong combination of foods leads to fermentation of foods in the stomach and deterioration of the complexion. Eat enough vegetable salads. And of course, diet is of no small importance.

Daily care

The skin of the face, like the entire body, constantly needs care and cleansing. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face with cool water every morning and evening. Sparkling water has excellent tonic properties, especially if you add ice cubes to the water and immerse your face in such a refreshing cocktail every morning. The result will be especially good if the ice cubes are made from frozen herbal infusions or rose water.

It is best to wash off cosmetics with special cosmetics. Scrubs will help get rid of makeup residues and dead cells, they will restore freshness and radiance to the skin, and cleanse the pores. This allows you to speed up effective processes from other creams and masks.

How to improve your complexion with makeup

Each of us has had a situation in our lives when our skin doesn’t look good, but today we need to be irresistible. To quickly even out your complexion, you need to know some spring makeup tricks. This season, makeup artists offer several solutions:

— Liquid foundations for improving complexion, which contain reflective particles, are used instead of loose powder. They will disguise minor defects, wrinkles and give the skin a soft glow effect.

— A big role is given to the makeup base. It must be selected based on the condition of your skin. For oily facial skin - a light mattifying cream, for irritated and dry skin - a cream with a dense structure for long-lasting fixation of makeup. The right base significantly improves your complexion.

— Use auto-bronzates and bronzes to improve your complexion. They are back in fashion, because a light tan is more relevant than ever. Please note that the shade of such a product should be golden-sparkling, peachy and very light.

- Think about blush to improve your complexion. They are back at the forefront of makeup this spring and can improve your complexion.

Nutrition to improve complexion

And the first thing that needs to change for the better is nutrition. If a woman is not on a diet, she rarely treats her diet with due attention: she has little time, and the products in the supermarket around the corner are so affordable, and after work she is so tired - why complicate her life?

I bought, cooked (okay, if not yet fully prepared products, like sausage or store-bought salads), fed my family and myself, washed the dishes and quickly went to the TV - not to miss my favorite series. Of course, this picture is not always true, but it happens very often.

But we try not to think about the fact that useless and incompatible foods, an excess of fried, sweet, fatty foods, a lack of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables are literally reflected on the face, so as not to get upset, or we promise ourselves that we will deal with it later. Later - when?

Everyone has heard about separate meals, but for some reason most people think that it is very difficult. Meanwhile, it is enough to stop mixing different types of proteins, starches and proteins, proteins and sugars, proteins and carbohydrates into one meal - and the body will immediately feel better.

For example, if you are cooking meat or fish, do not add cheese or eggs to them, as is often recommended in cookbooks, do not eat them with potatoes, pasta, cereals, but combine them with vegetables, herbs, herbs - this is the simplest thing you can do. It’s not difficult to find a food compatibility table, and you can prepare much more dishes this way than traditional recipes.


Sometimes even a balanced diet cannot fully meet the body's need for vitamins. Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in different ways, including the skin of the face: it can become excessively dry or greasy, pale or yellowish. A course of taking multivitamin preparations in such a situation can simply transform your face.

Special multivitamins for beautiful skin are most effective. As a rule, they contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, PP and others, as well as mineral complexes. Perhaps no cream that improves complexion will be as effective as a course of multivitamins: the skin will become elastic, smooth, and unhealthy pallor will disappear.

Diagnosis of the disease by facial skin color

- Yellowish skin tone - diseases of the digestive system and in particular liver diseases

- Greenish tint of the skin - with exacerbation of cholelithiasis or cholelithiasis and also with liver diseases

- Reddish tint of the skin - with overheating, as well as with cardiovascular diseases. If your lips are bright scarlet, check your blood pressure. It's probably increased.

- Bluish skin tint - with oxygen starvation, suffocation and diseases of the pulmonary system. If the lips have a blue tint, then we can talk about problems with blood circulation and disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

— Redness on the skin with a bluish tint is a sign of heart failure

— If your cheeks are burning, there is a lack of vitamin C in the body, and it can also be a sign of bronchitis and even asthma.

- Pale skin - indicates a sharp decrease in blood pressure - hypotension, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of oxygen and disturbances in the functioning of the lungs

- Sallow skin tone is an indicator of frequent constipation and bowel problems

- A dark complexion often indicates that a person may have a disease associated with bladder infections

— Dark circles under the eyes are a sign of nervous diseases

- An orange tint to the skin and the appearance of dark small spots - there may be a deviation in the functioning of the thyroid gland or this is the result of age-related hormonal problems

Folk remedies and masks to even out complexion

It is advisable to apply masks that even out your complexion before going to bed, since the sun’s rays negatively affect the skin after them. By regularly using masks to even out the complexion, we reliably protect our skin. Such masks are especially necessary in the summer.


The most effective and at the same time simplest remedy for evening out complexion is bodyaga, the powder of which is sold in every pharmacy.

The powder is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. During this procedure, a tingling sensation is felt because all the capillaries begin to work more actively, as a result of increased blood microcirculation.

The skin of the face turns red for a short time, then the stagnant spots resolve.

As a result, the skin is noticeably evened out, the complexion is significantly improved and acne is reduced.

After the mask with bodyaga, you need to apply moisturizer to your face.

Mask that improves complexion

Even our great-grandmothers understood how attractive soft, well-groomed skin with a healthy glow looks. And for facial care they used the most ordinary products. One of the most popular masks that improves complexion is still a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. However, they can be used separately. Simply apply to clean skin and rinse with water after 15 minutes. This mask has a slightly whitening effect, smoothes the skin, and makes it velvety.

Mask recipes

When choosing masks that improve complexion, consider whether the products in their composition are available to you and whether there are any allergens among them for your skin. The product will need to be applied to clean, steamed facial skin twice a week, preferably after a bath or hot shower, before bed. Action time: 20 minutes.


Mix fresh carrots and warm mashed potatoes (one tablespoon at a time), yolk.


Pour a decoction of flaxseeds (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water until completely cooled) over the ground oatmeal to obtain a mushy consistency.


Mix cucumber puree with medium-fat cottage cheese (one tablespoon at a time).

Beer house

Mix warm light beer (50 ml), yolk, potato flour and grated carrots (one tablespoon each).

There are many recipes to restore youth to your skin and improve your complexion. The same number of tips and recommendations. But no matter how much they talk about it, the most important thing is your love for yourself. Love yourself, and your body will very quickly respond to you with beautiful matte skin, a toned shape and a “soaring” mood - tested!

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