Why does my face swell every morning?


Facial edema is a violation of water metabolism when excess fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of soft tissues. Swelling can be subtle and pronounced. It can be distributed evenly or in one zone. This is not a disease, but a symptom of a pathological process or disease. Swelling can develop temporarily in healthy people.

Causes of facial swelling in the morning

The reasons may be different, you need to figure out the source of the problem. A dangerous situation is the accumulation of fluid as a symptom of the disease; the clinical picture in each individual case will have its own characteristics. The defect can form from the following disorders:

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    An allergy can cause fluid retention, it will be accompanied by a rash, itching, the skin will become red and may become blotchy. During this period, breathing difficulties are possible - Quincke's edema.
  2. During pregnancy, edema occurs naturally - due to increased progesterone, the mucous membranes of the nose and labia swell. In pathological conditions, edema is a symptom of gestosis - late toxicosis.
  3. Inflammatory process in the nasal cavity (sinusitis), tonsils - the outflow of fluid accumulates in the lymph nodes of the jaw area and leads to the development of edema.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. If the functioning of the heart muscle is disrupted, the face becomes swollen and flabby, the skin thickens and does not move when touched. The problem develops in the evening, along with shortness of breath and heaviness. Vascular diseases can be identified by a swollen, bluish face.
  5. Tumors in the neck and face.
  6. In case of kidney diseases, swelling forms to a greater extent under the eyes. The problem becomes obvious in the morning, the face begins to enlarge, then the eyelids become very swollen. The shade of the skin becomes yellowish, the formed edema becomes watery and mobile. In the stage of a chronic disease, a person experiences an increase in body weight due to internal edema.

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    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes swelling of the eyelids and cheeks. Visual and hearing acuity is impaired, and there is an unpleasant sensation as if the head is filled with fluid.
  8. From a sunburn, swelling will be located in the forehead, nose and eyes.
  9. A specific reaction to blood transfusion may occur.
  10. Any injury after a blow to the face has swelling; this is a normal reaction of the body when blood vessels and tissues are damaged.
  11. Thrombosis of the superior vena cava causes problems with blood flow in the upper part of the body, causing the face to appear bluish.
  12. Endocrine diseases have a symptom of severe skin swelling of the face.

Another reason for facial swelling in the morning may be caused by water retention in the body. When excess fluid is poorly removed from the body, it accumulates, which leads to swelling in the morning. This often occurs due to protein loss or the inability of physiological solutions to penetrate into the cell.

Fluid retention


It could be dehydration. When individual cells accumulate fluid and, after saturation, the lipid defense becomes clogged, moisture cannot penetrate the cell and tissue edema occurs.

Water in the body is retained from the accumulation of toxic substances. The body tries to retain waterto further dissolve accumulated poisons. Such swelling is observed during alcohol and drug intoxication.

The reasons why the face swells in the morning may be hidden in the use of diet, unbalanced nutrition or prolonged fasting. Get rid of excess water a special preventative diet will help the body, consisting of eating fresh foods containing vitamins and minerals.

Swelling of the face and eyes may appear due to constant weight gain, and even fasting will not be able to remove extra pounds.

The most common reasons


Drinking a large amount of liquid at night is also a reason; here the body simply cannot cope with its elimination. Most often, such problems arise among lovers of spicy, salty foods and those on diets. They try to wash down their hunger with water.

Swelling of the face in the morning can be caused by long hours of work at the computer and eye strain.

A pregnant woman has reserves excess solutions accumulate in the body - this is a protective reaction of the body to prevent toxic poisoning from occurring. To avoid swelling, you must adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Sleepless nights with wild fun and drinking alcohol will definitely cause swelling. But such manifestations will disappear on their own after two hours after waking up.

If problems with fluid accumulation become chronic, you should see a doctor for evaluation. Get rid of the problem in this situation is possible only after identifying the disease and treatment. What to do if your face is swollen in the morning? There are methods to relieve swelling:

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  2. antihistamines;
  3. decoction of bay leaf or dandelion root;
  4. gels that relieve swelling;
  5. refusal to consume salt, canned food, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol and other harmful products for this period;
  6. regularly drinking two liters of water per day;
  7. exclusion of food and liquid intake before bedtime;
  8. inclusion of fiber-rich foods;
  9. kidney cleansing at home;
  10. rubbing the skin with pieces of ice or cold compresses;
  11. decongestant masks;
  12. washing with decoctions of medicinal plants;
  13. using a high pillow for sleeping, which ensures the outflow of fluid from the face.

There are many different means of getting rid of edema. It all depends on the cause of fluid retention in the body. In case of regular and prolonged swelling of the face, which is difficult to remove, it is necessary to consult a specialist and check the internal organs and systems. If any disease is detected, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, after which the body’s functions will be restored and the problem will disappear.

It’s so unpleasant to see the reflection of a swollen face in the mirror in the morning after sleep. You want this swelling to subside as quickly as possible, especially if you have to go to work. After all, you can’t hide it under clothes or cover it with foundation. Why does the face swell in the morning and how to remove swelling from the face quickly?

Why does my face swell in the morning?

Facial edema is a violation of the mechanism of fluid outflow and retention in facial tissues. This condition is not a disease. Due to a number of circumstances, swelling of the face can appear in an absolutely healthy person. In other cases, it is a symptom of some illness.


Possible reasons why the face swells in the morning:

  1. You eat a lot of salt. If you eat more than 5 g of salt per day, this can cause fluid stagnation in the body. It is recommended to consume no more than 2-3 g per day.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking too much fluid during the day and before bed can lead to a swollen face in the morning. To speed up the metabolic process, saturate the skin, and feel good, it is recommended to drink 30-35 ml per 1 kg of weight, but no more.
  3. Alcohol. Drinking alcohol before bed is probably the most common cause of facial swelling in the morning. This also applies to beer with salty snacks. Especially when a lot of alcohol was drunk and there was little time left for sleep.
  4. A hearty dinner at night. Often the face swells in those who like to eat before bed or in the middle of the night. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins. The face may swell due to poor diet: eat a lot of fatty, canned, smoked, spicy and salty foods. The cause may also be a lack of vitamins, especially B vitamins.
  6. Overwork, lack of sleep. If you do not pay due attention to rest and sleep, this can lead to chronic fatigue. It will be accompanied by dark circles and bags under the eyes, as well as constant swelling of the face in the morning. For this reason, so-called “night owls” who are accustomed to going to bed late are often susceptible to edema.
  7. Incorrect pillow height, uncomfortable sleeping positions. Due to the incorrectly selected pillow height, lymphatic and blood vessels may be pinched during sleep. This can lead to facial swelling in the morning.
  8. Incorrectly selected cosmetics. Cheap, low-quality powder, mascara, and eye shadow sometimes cause puffiness in the face. It can clog pores, disrupting the natural breathing of the skin. As a result, the face may become red and swollen, and the eyes may become numb and watery.

If the cause of swelling is one of the above, then you can quickly remove swelling from the face on your own: monitor your sleep patterns and comfort, and follow a proper diet. But if the reasons why the face swells in the morning are the following, then you cannot do without the help of doctors or medications:

  1. diseases of the urinary system;
  2. kidney problems;
  3. liver pathologies;
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. endocrine disorders;
  6. formation of blood clots, narrowing of the superior vena cava;
  7. chronic hypertension;
  8. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  9. allergic reactions.


Facial swelling caused by some disease manifests itself not only in the morning, but also throughout the day; it is regular and long-lasting. Usually in these cases it is difficult to quickly remove swelling from the face.

How to get rid of facial puffiness

First you need to find out the reason why your face swells in the morning. If you think that it lies in some disease, then first of all consult a therapist. He will prescribe tests and examinations for you, and if a problem is identified, a course of treatment.


But regardless of the reason, it is recommended:

  1. limit salt intake to 3 g per day. It’s better, at least temporarily, to switch to a salt-free diet;
  2. refrain from “heavy food”;
  3. organize a diet (4 hours before bedtime);
  4. include in the diet fruits that remove fluid (citrus fruits, apples, carrots, watermelon);
  5. drink diuretic herbal infusions, such as “bear's ear”;
  6. use face masks against swelling, which you can make yourself or buy at a pharmacy;
  7. make contrast compresses;
  8. wipe your face with ice cubes along the massage lines.

How to get rid of facial puffiness in the morning

There is a quick emergency way to get rid of facial puffiness in the morning, and it is popular with many - this is an ice massage. The face is wiped with an ice cube, which can be prepared from mineral water, cucumber juice, or chamomile decoction.


But the ice method is strictly prohibited for people suffering from rosacea.

Otherwise, the most effective way to get rid of puffiness is homemade anti-edema face masks. They will help improve blood circulation and expel excess fluid. There are a large number of recipes for making homemade masks. Let's look at the most popular of them, which you can quickly prepare in the morning and go to work fresh and not swollen:

  1. A mixture of dill and sour cream. 2 teaspoons of sour cream are mixed with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped fresh dill. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.


  1. Cucumber mask. Grate fresh, preferably cold, cucumber on a coarse grater. The resulting paste is applied for 20 minutes. This mask is popular for facial swelling after drinking alcohol. Alternatively, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.


  1. A mixture of essential oils. Take essential oils of rosemary, geranium and juniper and mix 2 drops of each of them in a tablespoon of any oil (vegetable, olive, soy, etc.). The mixture is applied to the face with light massaging movements. Excess oil is removed with a cotton swab.


  1. Tea tea mask. Brew a very strong infusion of black or green tea. The infusion is cooled, and then a napkin or gauze is moistened in it and applied to the face. Used tea bags can be placed on your eyelids.


  1. Gelatin mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of gelatin and half a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream and apply to the face for 15 minutes.


How often in the morning have you seen, instead of the usual reflection in the mirror, a puffy face with thin slits behind which it is difficult to see the eyes? Of course, if you do not abuse alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, most likely, such a situation will take you by surprise.

What to do if facial swelling unexpectedly occurs in the morning? Why does my face look swollen and “bruised” after sleep? Today we will talk about exactly this. We will try to tell you how and for what reasons swelling appears on the face and what can be done to avoid this in the future.

The main causes of facial swelling in the morning

In order to understand where swelling comes from on a beautiful woman’s face, it is first worth explaining what it is. Edema is a swelling of the skin that is localized in a certain area, for example, on the eyelids or under the eyes, or spreads to the entire area of ​​the face. Sometimes this swelling can be faintly expressed and have the appearance of “dropping” eyelids, but sometimes the swelling is threatening, not only in appearance, but also in health.

So, under what circumstances can you try to get rid of facial swelling at home:

• When the night before you ate salty, fatty and smoked food. As you know, salt can retain fluid in the body and tissues. Since this fluid simply has nowhere to go, it accumulates in different places and most often in the face area.

• If you have drunk a lot of liquid during the evening and night. This often happens just after you have eaten something salty. You are constantly thirsty, and you run to the kitchen all night. By morning your face will probably be swollen.

• If you had a great time at a noisy party, but, unfortunately, you overdid it with alcoholic drinks.

• When you regularly sit at the computer or take work home and sit at it until late at night. Puffiness often occurs in night owls who go to bed late and have a very difficult time waking up in the morning.

If you suddenly find similar symptoms on this list, don’t worry. In most cases, swelling is completely removable, and you do not need a lot of time for this. We will tell you below how to remove facial swelling in the morning, but for now let’s discuss the causes of swelling that should alert you. So:

• Sometimes one of the first symptoms of kidney and liver diseases is swelling in the morning. The inability of the kidneys to remove excess fluid and a decrease in the formation of protein in the blood provokes the appearance of facial puffiness in the first half of the day, often immediately after waking up. Usually, nothing can be done about swelling in this situation, no matter what compresses and masks you try. By the middle of the day, the face looks a little less swollen, and by evening the swelling disappears completely. If you press your finger on the swollen area, the imprint will remain for quite a long time.

• Diseases of the heart and blood vessels can also contribute to the appearance of edema. If the heart muscle is not able to pump blood as well as before, this will invariably lead to stagnation of fluid, most often in the lower extremities, but often in the face.

• Hormonal imbalances in women cause swelling of the face in the morning. The swelling is quite dense; when pressed with a finger, there is no trace left.

• Allergic reaction. Sometimes swelling can be accompanied by a rash and change your face almost beyond recognition. One eyebrow is higher and “thicker” than the other, the mouth becomes distorted, the lips (or one lip) become swollen, and the eyelids seem to fall over the eyes. This manifestation is called allergic Quincke's edema and is health threatening because it can spread to the respiratory tract, larynx, bronchi and even lungs. The outcome is probably clear to you.

What to do in different situations if swelling on the face appears in the morning?

After the above, you most likely want to ask the question: “How to eliminate swelling and when should you go to the doctor?” As you understand, diseases of internal organs do not bode well and require the intervention of at least a general practitioner and visits to specialized specialists to make a diagnosis and prescribe medications.

Kidney diseases should not be neglected, because everyone understands that our body does not need excess fluid. Usually diuretics are prescribed to remove it, but there is no need to self-medicate. Only a doctor will prescribe the drug you need.

Cardiovascular problems should be addressed with a cardiologist. Perhaps they are temporary and reversible, and swelling will not bother you after proper therapy.

It is necessary to correct hormonal levels with the participation of an endocrinologist. And you can treat the manifestations of an allergic reaction at home if you have an antihistamine. However, remember: if your face has really changed so much that you are unrecognizable, you shouldn’t take the risk - contact the therapist on duty, maybe you will be prescribed a course of antiallergic injections in order to avoid the spread of swelling to the larynx and respiratory system.

Emergency measures to remove puffiness from the face

If you are one hundred percent sure that the cause of your swollen face is too much alcoholic cocktails or eating salty foods, then you can use emergency methods to combat them. The most common is tea compress.

Important: In order to effectively relieve swelling, you should not use tea bags; it is better to brew natural black tea, cool it and apply moistened cotton pads to your eyelids. Unscrupulous manufacturers often fill these bags not with tea leaves, but simply with waste generated after tea production: crushed leaves that break during drying, stems and twigs, as well as flavorings and even dyes. Believe me, cheap tea bags will not bring any benefit to your eyes, so it is better to have a pack of real tea in reserve.

Another good way: if you suddenly notice swelling of your face after sleep, and you urgently need to attend an important event, wrap a piece of ice in a handkerchief and wipe away the swelling. The best way to eliminate swelling is not just ice, but frozen mineral water, cucumber juice, parsley or a decoction of medicinal herbs, for example:

These herbs can be frozen, made into compresses for swelling from a freshly prepared decoction, or created with your own hands for face masks. It’s worth talking about them further.

Mask swelling on the face with miraculous masks

When you urgently need to run to work in the morning, perhaps emergency measures will come in very handy. And if you have free time and can spend 20-30 minutes exclusively on yourself, your beloved, we bring to your attention several effective face masks. They will help not only cope with swelling that has already appeared, but also prevent its further appearance, especially if you use these masks regularly. Anti-stress facial products will relieve swelling and inflammation, smooth and make the skin very soft.

Eye mask for swelling with grated potatoes

It is done very simply, and, most importantly, quickly. To do this, take:

• Half a raw potato,

• 1 tbsp. l. sauerkraut,

• 1 capsule of vitamin E and the same amount of vitamin A.

Combine the ingredients, prepare a piece of gauze or thin cloth. Lie on your back, place the potato mixture on your eyelids and cover the top with gauze to prevent it from dripping. So you need to lie down for about 20 minutes and carefully remove the mask with a napkin.

Potatoes will tighten your eyelids very well, remove puffiness and get rid of “bags” and unsightly dark circles under the eyes.

Anti-swelling face mask with peach

You can also try making a face mask with peach and sour cream to remove swelling. It is also suitable for sensitive skin around the eyes, so you can safely apply it to this area. You need to prepare:

• Peach, peeled and ground in a blender,

• Peppermint aromatic oil – 1-2 drops.

According to tradition, all ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin, leaving for 15-20 minutes. The mask will perfectly soften the skin, make it incredibly silky and eliminate puffiness in any area.

Anti-swelling face mask with oatmeal and chamomile

Another caring emulsion with a delicate texture is a mask with oatmeal and chamomile infusion. Doing it yourself is much easier than you might imagine:

• Brew chamomile flowers, cool and strain the broth,

• Steam oatmeal in boiling water,

• Mix the ingredients in the following proportion: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal plus two tablespoons of broth.

If desired, you can add olive, almond or jojoba oil to the mask, or steam the flakes with milk rather than water.

Anti-swelling face mask with cucumber and parsley

In addition, masks with cucumber and parsley, as well as preventive eyelid massage with essential oils, are considered very effective:

• Fruits of the olive tree,

• Juniper and others.

To ensure that your face never swells in the morning, you should pay attention to your diet, drink fluids in moderation, especially in the evening, and also detect symptoms of diseases in time and be examined by a doctor. Do not lose sight of regular swelling in the morning, because they can signal problems in the functioning of the female body, and they do not look very aesthetically pleasing.