Why are women's elbows dry and rough?

Alas, body care is carried out very unevenly. Some of its zones receive maximum attention, while others are not remembered at all.


• they do not fall into the constant field of view of their owner;

• most of the time they are hidden under clothing;

• some consider such care unnecessary and unjustified.

Most often they are remembered with the arrival of the spring-summer period, when it is time to put on T-shirts and short-sleeved blouses, dresses and sundresses. This is where they begin to wonder: why is there dry skin on the elbows, and most importantly, how to quickly get rid of this problem, returning them to a presentable appearance?


Dry elbows: cause and treatment

This problem can cause inconvenience, as dry skin cracks, itches, and clings to clothes. If this problem happens periodically, then you can get by with moisturizing creams and lotions, but if dry elbows are chronic, then you should take it more seriously, consult a doctor, and undergo the necessary examinations. Experts will be more precise about why there are dry elbows, because the cause can be either simple mechanical damage and improper daily routine, or problems associated with hormonal imbalances.

Main reasons

1. Vitamin deficiency. If the body does not receive enough vitamins A, E and D, then this primarily affects the condition of the skin: both the elbows and the whole body.

2. Mechanical impact. This reason is more common among office workers, people in sedentary professions, whose working day is spent at the desk. Not everyone knows, but one of the rules of good manners - not to put your elbows on the table - was originally invented for young nobles. Girls were forbidden to rub their tender elbows on the wooden tabletop, so that the skin would not ruin or darken.

3. Hot foam bath. Almost every person loves to lie in a warm bath and relax after a hard day at work. It has been proven that this method really helps relieve stress, especially if you add sea salt, various aromatic additives and special foam to the water. Frequent relaxation in such a bath can lead to dry skin, as the water contains chlorine. And soap foam balls contain cocamines, which also adversely affect the neutral pH of the skin.

4. Health problems are another reason why there is dry skin on the elbows. Dark and dry elbow bends are a reason to immediately consult a doctor, primarily an endocrinologist. Because there are hormonal imbalances in the body caused by improper functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands. Also, nervous shocks and regular stress can cause hormonal imbalances.


6. Seasonal problem. Dry skin on the elbows is more often observed in the autumn-winter period, since this time is characterized by sudden changes in temperature, as well as dry air in living and working areas caused by the operation of air conditioners and heating radiators.

Methods to combat dry elbows

As soon as the reason for dry elbows is established, you need to immediately begin to eliminate it, so as not to start and worsen the situation. There are many ways, but your doctor will help you choose the right one.

Changing food

The problem of “dry elbows”, the cause and treatment of which lies in the lack of vitamins and their replenishment, can be eliminated not only with the help of medications, but also by adjusting your own menu. For example, you should increase your consumption of sunflower seeds, almonds, and chicken eggs, as they contain a high content of vitamin E.

To compensate for the lack of vitamin D, you need to eat fermented milk products, cheese, and fish liver.

If you eat more spinach, carrots, sorrel and beef liver, then the problem of insufficient vitamin A will be unfamiliar to you.

If a change in diet does not help improve the condition of the skin, then you should avoid using more concentrated multivitamin complexes.

Dry elbows in men and children

Not only women, but also men face this problem; sometimes even children have dry elbows. In babies, this is usually due to the fact that delicate skin rubs against diapers, also due to hard water and unsuitable bathing products, so it is recommended to rub children with oil after each bath to properly moisturize and nourish sensitive skin.


If men have dry elbows, the main reason for the problem is the lack of proper care for this area of ​​the body. Strong friction may even cause calluses to appear on them. A rich cream that needs to be rubbed into the skin of the elbows twice a day for at least 10 days will help cope with this cause.

Traditional medicine recipes

The main assistant in the fight against dry elbows, according to traditional healers, is lemon.


Saving elbows with a mask

There is one old, time-tested way to improve the condition of your elbow joints. To prepare a miraculous mask, you need to take fine salt, heavy cream or sour cream, hydrogen peroxide and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply this mixture to softened, exfoliated elbows. All this is wrapped in cling film and left in place for half an hour.


If you are faced with such a common problem as dry elbows, the cause and treatment should be determined as soon as possible, and the course of healing should be continued for at least 10 days, and for better results it should be extended by a month. The next stage is prevention, which consists of lubricating your elbows with cream every two days, and taking moisturizing and nourishing baths 2-3 times a week.

If you regularly take care of the skin on your elbows in the same way as on your hands, then there will be no serious problems with them, and they will always look healthy and soft to the touch.

The habit of sitting, leaning on your elbows, is not that good. Firstly, the skin on the chin suffers (hello, acne). Secondly, the skin on the elbows becomes dry and rough over time. In this article we will touch on the second part of the problem - the actual condition of the elbows.

  1. Causes of dry skin on elbows
  2. How to get rid of dry elbows
  3. Home care: masks and baths
  4. Useful tips
  5. Precautionary measures

Causes of dry skin on elbows

The skin on the elbows needs to be regularly nourished and moisturized. © Getty Images

Elbows, like the whole body as a whole, need care. It’s a banal phrase, but for some reason it’s this area that we most often ignore. And in vain. It becomes dry for many reasons.

There are practically no sebaceous glands here, so almost everyone has dryness and roughness.

The skin on the elbows is naturally denser, and this fact also causes it to become dry.

The habit of taking too hot a shower or bath leads to dry skin, including on the elbows. The skin also becomes dry and rough from chlorinated pool water.

Using harsh detergents can also cause dry skin.

Some diseases (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, diabetes) lead to increased dryness of the skin on the elbows.

In men

Men rarely pay attention to elbow care. © Getty Images

Rough skin on the elbows is much more common in men than in women. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the stronger sex is more frivolous about daily care and does not waste time moisturizing the skin with cream after water procedures.

Among women

For many women, their daily skin care routine comes down to facial care. Answer honestly the question, do you regularly use body cream after a shower? If so, then most likely the skin on your elbows is soft and moisturized. In other cases there is little hope for this.

How to get rid of dry elbows

To keep the skin on your elbows soft, include foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids in your diet. © Getty Images

If you want the skin on your elbows to be soft and tender to the touch, desire alone is not enough. We need to reconsider some habits.


Try to eat fish at least once a week. Five servings of vegetables and fruits a day are also a must. And don't forget about dairy products.

Skin care

In camping conditions, for example, on a business trip, hand cream or even aftershave cream is suitable.

Well moisturizes dry hand skin thanks to a composition based on hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

Aftershave cream for sensitive skin “Hydra Sensitive”, L’Oréal Paris Men Expert

For elbows, products intended for the care of the body, arms and legs are suitable. Look for vitamins E and F in the composition - they are the most necessary for dry and rough skin on the elbows and feet.

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It makes sense to carry such a cream with you in your purse and apply it throughout the day not only to your hands, but also to your elbows. The result is noticeable the very next day - the skin is softer and more hydrated.

Home care: masks and baths

Daily moisturizing of the skin on your elbows is the key to its ideal condition. © Getty Images

If you have time to prepare a homemade mask, bath or compress, great!

Boil a couple of potatoes and mash them well in a mortar until pureed. Apply the warm mixture to your elbows and cover with a cosmetic napkin.

Mix salt and baking soda in equal parts in a small amount of warm water. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of your elbows. This composition softens rough and dry skin well. Then use a moisturizer or nourishing balm.

Prepare fresh grapefruit. Drink most of the juice and reserve ¼ cup for the mask. Mix the juice with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply the mixture to the skin of your elbows. After a while, rinse off and apply the cream.


Don't forget to exfoliate your elbow skin. A scrub or peeling will provide invaluable help in this regard. The frequency of the procedure depends on the condition of the skin, but at least 1-2 times a week.

Body scrub Soy Milk & Honey Body Polish Creme de Corps, Kiehl’s

Useful tips

Dry skin on the elbows requires careful care. Make it a rule to give this area every day no less attention than your facial skin.

During water procedures, use soft body gels.

If the skin on your elbows is dry without objective reasons, consult a dermatologist.

Conquer the habit of sitting on your elbows.

Precautionary measures

If you have never taken care of the skin on your elbows, and now you have decided to close this gap, act systematically, delicately and without fanaticism - especially when it comes to exfoliation. Even if the skin is rough and seems dense, there is no need to use files with aggressive abrasives or brushes with stiff bristles. You can injure your skin - and this is not at all the effect you want to achieve. Exfoliation with mild products, regular moisturizing and nourishing of the skin will help solve the problem.


Every person should take care not only of his face, but also of his body. The skin of the elbows, which bears heavy loads and often becomes very dry, requires special attention. If treatment is not started in time, the lesion will increase in size, darken, and roughness will appear. Having discovered this, people use different creams, which do not always help. Therefore, they wonder why the elbows are dry and rough, how to understand the cause and how to treat such rough skin.

Appearance of dry skin on elbows

Women carefully take care of their face and hands, but they don’t pay attention to their rough and dark elbows for a long time, especially since they are hidden under clothes for almost 9 months and come into view only in the summer. It is with the arrival of warmer weather that many people discover a problem with their skin, which becomes too dry, begins to crack, and spots appear.

When bending, the elbow joints stretch the skin and often collide with various objects, causing injury. Therefore, it bears a greater load, becoming coarser, less moisturized, because it has practically no sebaceous glands. Besides all this, many people have the habit of leaning on their elbows. Hard tables leave marks and injuries on them, and rough clothes sometimes cause blisters. This is why people often talk about articulated elbows.

Why are elbows black? Women often wonder. And you need to know this and remember that they require special attentive care, so it is better to protect them from various traumatic habits. Dark spots on the elbows may also indicate health problems. Therefore, if you find dry black elbows, you need to consult a doctor, get tested and find out the cause.

If dryness appears periodically, this indicates poor elbow care. In such cases, regular use of moisturizer will help. But if it is chronic, it is necessary to find out the cause by undergoing a full examination of the body.

Main reasons

Let's look at the main causes of rough elbows:

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  2. seasonal exacerbations;
  3. poor skin care and frequent mechanical stress;
  4. anemia;
  5. disorders of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  6. diabetes mellitus, which disrupts cell nutrition.

Proper balanced nutrition is of great importance. Lack of vitamins A, E and D affects skin condition. Very often, dry, dark elbows are seasonal, so you need to reconsider your diet, eat more fruits and fatty fish. Problem skin needs special care in winter, when it affected by too dry air heated rooms, as well as constant temperature changes.

Dry elbows require constant care, as well protection from injury. When sitting at a table, you should not lean your elbows on it; this will make your skin rough, dry, and prone to cracking.

Endocrine system diseases cause hormonal disorders that cannot be treated on their own. If you feel tired with dry skin, weight loss or gain, or changes in heart rate, you need to get tested to determine the cause of this condition.

By identifying the cause of dry skin, you can prevent such serious illnesses as:

  1. hypothyroidism;
  2. diabetes;
  3. psoriasis and eczema.


With iron deficiency anemia, the elbows almost always turn black. Red spots are caused by fungus, psoriasis, dermatitis, insect bites and an allergic reaction, which can be expressed as eczema. These diseases easily cause rough skin on the elbows, appearing initially on one arm, for example, the left, but if left untreated, the right arm will also suffer.

Women always want to have beautiful, well-groomed hands. But to do this, you need to learn how to care for them, and also avoid problems with the health of the whole body; you need to protect yourself from stress, which can disrupt the hormonal levels of the body.

Dry skin is not just a problem for women; it can affect children and men. The reason is lack of proper care. In this case use fat cream, can be with vitamins or based on anti-inflammatory herbs, it is rubbed into problem areas morning and evening for two weeks. In children, this may be due to abrasions or too frequent bathing, so it is recommended that after this procedure, lubricate the elbows and knees with oil, which will nourish and moisturize the baby’s skin.

Treatment for dry elbows

The elbows have become rough, you won’t be able to determine the cause of this on your own, so you need to contact a dermatologist who will take scraping from the affected area for analysisto find out the reasons for their dryness. The endocrinologist will recommend donating blood for determination of thyroid hormones. Only such a comprehensive examination will help you quickly find out the cause of the spots and begin proper treatment.


If dryness is caused by a deficiency of nutrients, drops are prescribed Vetron E and change their diet. To replenish the body with vitamin E, it is recommended to consume more seeds and nuts, and vitamin D - fermented milk products, cheese and liver. There is a lot of vitamin A in carrots and greens, but to make it better absorbed, fats, such as sour cream, are added to carrot salad. Vitamin C is also useful, which will speed up the healing of wounds; there is a lot of it in lemons and other fruits.

To add to tea, you can prepare a lemon-ginger drink. To do this, cut the lemon into slices, as well as the ginger root into very thin slices, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, and leave.

The daily diet should include various greens, garlic, and cold-pressed vegetable oils.

Folk remedies

Using oils, you can make 10-minute baths or compresses for the whole night. After them, use a massage brush to remove the top layer of keratinized skin and wipe them decoction of chamomile, calendula or plantain then apply a rich moisturizer.


If the elbows are in a neglected state, then, first, it is necessary to use exfoliating preparations, then softening ones. Has proven itself well Salicylic ointment. For the same purpose, you can use coarse salt, which is mixed in equal quantities with water or kefir, the mixture is rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes, washed off, warm olive oil is applied for 10 minutes, or simply lubricated with cream.

Effectively eliminates roughness and whitens skin lemon. To do this, its segment needs to be fixed on the problem area. Remove after 30 minutes, without washing off the juice, apply a nourishing cream. After a few weeks, your elbows will become smooth and light. Makes the skin soft raw potato compress, it must be rubbed, applied to the problem area, covered with polyethylene and bandaged to the arm. Even boiled tubers are suitable for this purpose.

Well softens the skin honey with almond oil. Leave this mask on for 30 minutes and wash off with cool water.

The mask has proven itself to be excellent and is successfully used in traditional medicine to combat dry skin on the elbows. To prepare it you need the following ingredients: salt, sour cream, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Mix all this, apply to dry, rough skin, do this after the exfoliation procedure, cover with cling film on top, leave for 30 minutes, rinse off, apply a rich nourishing cream.

It must be remembered that the skin of the elbows needs constant care. Always apply warm olive oil after bathing, wash it off after 10 minutes and lubricate with cream, which is also used several times a week. In order for your elbows to look good with the onset of summer, you must not forget to take care of them in winter because during this period they especially need care.
