Diet with laughter makes you slim and young

German experts from the Max Planck Institute in Berlin note that laughter will help restore youth.

A group of scientists came to this conclusion after conducting an experiment with 150 men and women. They were shown more than a thousand photographs depicting the faces of people of different ages. Respondents were asked to indicate the approximate age of the person in the photo, and it turned out that the smiling and laughing characters looked several years younger!

Experts assure that the fear of getting new wrinkles from laughing is pointless. After all, paradoxically, thanks to them, you seem younger, and no one will give you the number of years that is listed in your passport.

But British scientists, in turn, advise using laughter to get rid of extra pounds. According to their calculations, by laughing 15-20 times during the day, your blood circulation and digestion improve, calories are burned more actively and muscles are strengthened.