Good posture = healthy back

Posture plays an important role not only in creating an aesthetic image, but also in the overall health and well-being of our body. Good posture implies the correct position of the spine, shoulders and neck, which contributes to the proper functioning of all body systems. Although many people believe that good posture is solely the preserve of professional dancers or models, in reality, each of us can achieve this goal.

One of the recognized experts in the field of posture is English physiotherapist Jackie Pelly. She provides consultations and training at the Royal Academy of Dance in London, helping not only professional dancers, but also ordinary people to improve their posture. Jackie Pelley has developed an exercise program that is accessible to everyone, regardless of age, size and physical fitness.

Jackie Pelley's exercise program consists of several stages that help strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen, as well as improve posture. The first day of the program is aimed at strengthening the lower abdominal muscles. The exercise is performed on the floor with bent legs. The chin should be slightly tucked in and the back should be slightly arched to form a slight “arch” between the lower back and the floor. When performing the exercise, you need to focus on the muscles of the lower abs, tensing them as you exhale and holding them tense for several seconds.

On the second day of the program, the focus shifts to the neck muscles. The exercise is performed in a lying position on the floor with bent legs. With your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth, gently lift your head, nodding, and hold this position for a few seconds. The exercise is repeated no more than five times.

The third day of the program is devoted to stretching the back. Lie on the floor and place a rolled towel under your head and back. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, pull your shoulders down, relaxing them. Stay in this position for a few minutes. Back stretching helps reduce tension in the back muscles, maintains correct posture and helps relax the shoulders.

It is important to note that these exercises should be performed regularly and the intensity can be increased over time. Starting with one to four repetitions on the first day, you need to gradually increase them to ten. The first exercise helps strengthen the lower abdominal muscles, which in turn maintains the correct position of the pelvis and back. The second exercise is aimed at strengthening the neck muscles, which helps improve posture and prevent tension in the neck muscles. The third exercise, the back stretch, helps relieve tension and improve the flexibility of the spine.

In addition to exercises, the following practical tips can help achieve good posture:

  1. Monitor your body posture in daily activities. Try to maintain a straight back and taut shoulders when walking, standing and sitting. Avoid a rounded back and slouching.
  2. Take regular breaks and stretch during long periods of sitting or standing. This will help relieve tension from the back muscles and prevent them from overstraining.
  3. Strengthen your back and core muscles by doing exercises that target these muscle groups. Examples of such exercises include planks, pull-ups, bridges, and yoga.
  4. Avoid carrying heavy objects on one shoulder or in one hand. If you must carry a bag or backpack, use a backpack with two straps or distribute the load evenly.
  5. If you work on a computer, make sure your workspace is ergonomic. Keep your back straight, use a footrest, and adjust the height of your chair and monitor to suit your body.
  6. Visit a physical therapist or posture specialist who can evaluate your posture and provide personalized recommendations and exercises.

By following these guidelines and exercising regularly, you can improve your posture and achieve a beautiful, healthy body position. However, remember that each person is unique and it is best to consult with a medical professional before starting any new exercise program or lifestyle changes.