How to pump up your biceps effectively?

Compared to many muscle groups, the biceps brachii flexor is a rather small muscle and does not provide a significant increase in total body weight.

How to pump up your biceps effectively?

Why do bodybuilders attach such great importance to this zone? The answer is quite simple: it is very difficult to build excellent biceps, and therefore its size speaks about the status of the athlete, his talent and performance.

Quite a lot of work has been published on how to effectively pump up your biceps. The method proposed below guarantees results regardless of the athlete’s level of preparedness. To begin with, a few words instead of a preface.

The essence of the proposed system is high intensity and relatively small weights. The most effective training should be extremely compressed; rest between approaches only to restore breathing. Use weights at 70% of your maximum, so before starting training according to the scheme below, determine your limit in each movement and calculate the working weights. To comply with the principle of variability, it is necessary to change the order of performing the exercises every training session.

A set of exercises for effectively working out the biceps flexor.

Blonde beauty pumps her biceps.

When performing a movement, you need to fully concentrate on contracting the muscle; light weights are used precisely for this. At the top point, use your willpower to additionally tense your arms, this will give your muscles a peak shape. We perform 12 repetitions in 6 sets. A sign of high-quality execution of the exercise is the appearance of a “burning sensation” at the end of the approach.

You need complete control over muscle contraction. In the lower position, do not straighten your elbows, otherwise you will injure your joints. We do 4 series of lifts 10-12 times.

Perform the exercise in different workouts in different styles. Occasionally train the target group with a hammer position, where the dumbbells are parallel to each other throughout the movement. Next time, do a regular curl with the wrist supinated at the end for an extra contraction—called a “reverse biceps curl.” Again the same 4 series of 10-12 repetitions.

Concentrated dumbbell curl for biceps.

This exercise is optional and does not need to be done every workout. During the movement, do not straighten your arms in the final phase; a bent elbow will keep constant tension in the muscles.

The proposed complex is very intense and, due to the huge number of repetitions, works the biceps 100%. Therefore, pump it once per training cycle, not more often.

Good luck to you!